So you married guys....


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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
if you don't want to pay alimony .. don't let her quit work. it's pretty simply really. when both couples work alimony is not awarded, if there are kids involved it is child support only.

I have a hard time believing that he had to pay alimony for life. since most of the time it is pay alimony until she has a chance to get a job. if schooling is involved alimony will usually include the time she is in school. alimony stops if she gets remarried. you can most likely get it stopped anytime her income is enough to support herself. it's also possible that is not alimony but payments for something marital that he kept.
She was a house wife. Oregon is for life after 20yrs of marriage. Same in Cali

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Aug 11, 2008
Reading a lot of the sad stories in here of divorces, I'm reminded of something I learned from others, and have learned from people who have those 30-40-50 year long marriages.

Cheating is never right, never excusable, and never the victims fault. But I'm also the type of person to think if she cheats, you're not giving her what she needed. Whether it be the d, conversation, comfort, love, or whatever. It takes a lot of effort in a marriage to fulfill the other person, and eventually we all want to say "not my problem", but it is. You married him/her. You're supposed to be the main source of passion and love for them. If you fail to do that, idle minds wander. Divorces occur. Feelings are hurt.
In a perfect world that would be the answer...but it's not that simple. We had a loving plenty of the D, traveled, had fun and were financially secure. Until one day after 12 years together, she met a guy who she believed was a better option. The hardest part of that is hearing from the woman you love that "you are a great guy and you deserve to be happy, but it's just not going to be with me...I changed". How do you combat that? You don't. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. Life just serves you a shit sandwich. Are there people that cheat and marriages that fail because of shitty partners? You bet...but that isn't always the case.

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Well Seasoned
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Jul 21, 2009
With technology like this why get married?
OMG! The reviews are ****ing awesome!


4.0 out of 5 starsGreat toy, especially for the price.
June 15, 2017
Verified Purchase
Great toy, arrived on time and descretely, for this price point I wasn't expecting much but was presently surprised, would have liked it to be a little longer, deducted one star for not having a hole straight through both ends for easy clean up, which is what looks advertised in the provided images. Other than that loads of fun.


Beers for the boys
Established Member
Aug 30, 2006
South Carolina
In a perfect world that would be the answer...but it's not that simple. We had a loving plenty of the D, traveled, had fun and were financially secure. Until one day after 12 years together, she met a guy who she believed was a better option. The hardest part of that is hearing from the woman you love that "you are a great guy and you deserve to be happy, but it's just not going to be with me...I changed". How do you combat that? You don't. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. Life just serves you a shit sandwich. Are there people that cheat and marriages that fail because of shitty partners? You bet...but that isn't always the case.

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I'm not faulting or denying your story. I know that happens. And I think in that case, she settled. And unfortunately for you, you didn't, you knew exactly what you wanted- her. But her "Dream" man came along, the one she thought didn't exist, and you got the shaft.

People get used way to often these days as launching pads. Marry the best you can, stick around, then when the rich model up the street knocks on your door, everything else doesn't matter. They will burn it all down for the next newest best thing.

That's not a healthy way to live. It's like an unhealthy form of consumerism. Consume relationships, emotion, attention, and more until you find the next high/person to trigger you.

Sorry to hear that man.


Established Member
Dec 9, 2002
not at my post...


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 11, 2008
I'm not faulting or denying your story. I know that happens. And I think in that case, she settled. And unfortunately for you, you didn't, you knew exactly what you wanted- her. But her "Dream" man came along, the one she thought didn't exist, and you got the shaft.

People get used way to often these days as launching pads. Marry the best you can, stick around, then when the rich model up the street knocks on your door, everything else doesn't matter. They will burn it all down for the next newest best thing.

That's not a healthy way to live. It's like an unhealthy form of consumerism. Consume relationships, emotion, attention, and more until you find the next high/person to trigger you.

Sorry to hear that man.
Yeah pretty much. As I general people are selfish. The marriages that last 50 years, last because they are able to keep their selfishness in check.

And thanks...I'm good now. Dating a fantastic woman now, but will never make the mistake of marrying again. Women are pet tigers. Nice to look at and pet occasionally, but you never know when they are going to turn and eat your face off.

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Anyone have a strap on my girl can use on me?
Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
Pros vs cons..

OTHER THAN the financial aspect.. what makes marriage better than being single?

Like I always hear “ I had to give up all this because I’m no longer single “

You rarely hear other than money “ I gave up all this because I became single “

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