When it comes to McCain vs Obama comments


Established Member
Mar 11, 2008
Yup, except they are the minority now. How's it feel morons? :D

Actually I'd like to point out the state that I live in has a high concentration of multiple races and I'd like to further point out that everytime I walk down a Baltimore Street at night and another race sees me walking by, I either get horrible stares, name called, or laughed at....for what? Because I'm walking?

I know in our countries past it might have been the other way around, but how does it make it right, or them any better than our fathers were back in the day to be doing it in 2008? It makes them JUST as racist, hateful, etc as anyone in history.

People say its racist when you say you have "black friends", but really...what else am I supposed to say? I do have very close friends who are black, as do my parents....so I wouldn't categorize people like your trying to do.


Dead Stop
Established Member
Apr 26, 2006
One Car Ahead Of You
Yup, except they are the minority now. How's it feel morons? :D

Quoted before edit.

I wouldn't pat yourself on the back too hard chief. YOU haven't politically accomplished anything. But what would be the fun in talking shit if you couldn't take credit for something you had nothing to do with. :poke:

BTW most board members are morons for being whites? You're a moron for thinking you aren't gonna be banned for that.

Original Poster - there are proper forums for this. I know you're happy, but this is pics and vids.. and I don't think you're dumb enough to think your the first person to have an opinion on the subject. :D

All we can do now is hope. And I hope he has a chance to have his hand at fixing things, and that nobody tries anything stupid.. He earned it.


Putin 2016. Yup.
Established Member
Mar 29, 2007
for the last time - people jumped ship. plain and simple. why are people failing to understand this simple (and historically proven) concept?


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 22, 2007

Heres the break down of obama hes not half black like everybody thinks. Obama's Ethnic Heritage
Obama Watch: "Obama is descended from blacks who maintained an Arab identity

Post below excerpted from Kenneth E. Lamb. See the original for links

Sen. Obama's autobiography is filled with 'composite' characters, rearranged timelines, and fantasy events that never occurred. I read that twice in the Washington Post - read Richard Cohen's columns of Jan. 1, 2008, and March 27, 2007, for yourself.

There are more articles than that, by more authors than just Mr. Cohen, but I wanted to get started by saying that what follows isn't just something I'm pulling out of thin air. What follows is serious, documented, and not at all what those who want to write history about the election of the first so-called 'African-American' president, want in the least to admit is true - and why its truth matters more than their desire to ignore the truth for the sake of their desire to write history.

While his shrill wife objects, the truth is that Sen. Obama's life, as he wrote about himself in his autobiography, is, in fact, nothing but a fairy tale. Again, don't take my word for it - read Mr. Cohen's, and others, articles about it.

Why is the fact that Mr. Obama is only 6.25% African Negro not reported? Because to acknowledge it is to report this devastating truth about him: Mr. Obama is not legally African-American. It is impossible for him to be, in truth, America's first African-American president.

But no matter what he craves, no matter what he has used to propel himself through life, no matter the racist presumption of seeing his skin and without question calling him black, the hard, cold, genetically inarguable reality remains: he is not an African-American.

Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian, that from his mother. What those who want Mr. Obama to write history by becoming "America's first African-American president" ignore is that his father was ethnically Arabic, with only 1 relative ethnically African Negro - a maternal great-grandparent (Sen. Obama's great-great grandparent, thus the 6.25% ethnic contribution to the senator's ethnic composition.). That means that Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side. He is 43.75% Arabic, and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. Put another way, his father could honestly claim African-American ethnic classification. He was the last generation able to do so."
The question no one wants to answer - particularly Mr. Obama and his supporters, is, "Why do you think he has an Arabic name? Why does his father have an Arabic name? Why does every ancestor on his father's side have an Arabic name?" The answer is obvious: They have Arabic names because his father's side of the family tree is Arabic. Need proof? Research the Kenyan records for yourself. You will find that his father was officially classified as "Arab African" by the Kenyan government.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 22, 2007
My two cents , hes our next president like it or not. what color his skin is make no difference to me . How he runs our county is what matters bottom line. What i stated up there was posted awhile back about his ethnic backing.


Not Banned
Established Member
Apr 13, 2004
The guy didn't go to Yale, he went to Harvard and guess what so did 100,000 other people - not that impressive. Although I didn't graduate from an ivy league school that doesn't mean that I couldn't, and the same goes for everyone else on this board.

I could really care how dark or light the guys skin is - he is no different to me than any other democrat - all about taking money from the working man to establish some sort of equilibrium with the government sponges. Until you've seen someone leave the welfare office in an Escalade you won't understand the point of view that so many are trying to make.

I did not vote for him, however the people did - I have to accept it, as does everyone else. If he fails, it will mean a bigger republican turnout in 2012, and if he does everything he promises and makes everyone happy - then us red voters can admit that we were wrong. Only problem is, I didn't have it that bad yesterday - so why fix something that isn't broken?


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 22, 2007
i did not vote for him, however the people did - i have to accept it, as does everyone else. If he fails, it will mean a bigger republican turnout in 2012, and if he does everything he promises and makes everyone happy - then us red voters can admit that we were wrong. Only problem is, i didn't have it that bad yesterday - so why fix something that isn't broken?
well said man


Established Member
Dec 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
Yup, except they are the minority now. How's it feel morons? :D

How ignorant can you be?

Obama is the most inexperienced, unaccomplished president we've ever had! Period, those are FACTS, not opinions! We know barely ANYTHING about him, another fact! He wants to promote spreading the wealth and raise taxes taxes on those of us who have busted our asses to become successful! Another FACT!!!
If even 10% of the people who voted for Obama knew the FACTS, this might have been a different race! That Howard Stern video is so indicative of what is happening all around the country. I don't care what race he is, he lacks on so many levels.
I'll be damned if I'm going to work harder to get promoted to make more to pay more for someone who came here illegally, or stayed home while I was in school, got knocked up 6 times by 6 different guys and sits at home collecting welfare while I pay for her and her kids to go to the doctor!! Or the man who is to lazy to get off his couch and go to work everyday! F that!!
and F everyone who think that's fair!

That's socialism which will ultimately give berth to communism, look at Venezuela, Russia, China....IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!! It's a sad, sad state of affairs for which we are unfortunately heading.
Last edited:


New Member
Established Member
Jun 12, 2004
That's socialism which will ultimately give berth to communism, look at Venezuela, Russia, China....IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!! It's a sad, sad state of affairs for which we are unfortunately heading.

Must work for the U.S. this country can't send our jobs to these countries fast enough.
Don't let the fear mongering get to you.


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
You have every right to feel that way but it works both ways bro. Im black and i voted based on only the issues. I could care less about democrats or republicans / black or white, just rich people versus everybody else. You had just as many people vote against him because he is black as you do for him because he is black. First of all he was born and rased in Hawaii, he is half white & half black. He graduated from Yale then Became a senator and now President of these United States. How can you say he is a moron or anything negative when he has done all that. I havent accomplished a 1/8th of what he has so i guess you can do better. Maybe some of you talkin sh*t should run for President or try to go to law school. We need to come together and stop the hatred. The country is in shambles and change is definately needed. We can not over come adversity if we are divided. You want to say he won based on the black vote, when he won in predominitely in white states. Get some facts guys. I love all people white, black, purple, yellow, green, brown red with pokadot's whatever as long as you want to work hard for your family, provide for them & pay your taxes !!!

Is this a joke? For one you posted in the wrong section you MORON. Secondly- YOUR guy got elected- LET IT GO!! Finally MOST of the people who didn't vote for him disagreed with his policies and his stance on the ISSUES. Are you freaking 12 or something? Hopefully your guy won't tax us into oblivion, let us get even more over-run by illegals, and give the despots of the world free reign to do W/E the hell they want to do. We'll see...


Clothing Hustler
Established Member
Aug 6, 2008
If you think race didnt play a very big part in this election, then you are truly ignorant. And im not talking about white people voting for mccain just because hes white. If race didnt matter all the black and mexicans would have voted in john kerry. but oh yeah, he was white.

Its sad when I dont have as much of a problem with a candidate as I do his supporters. Not all his supporters mind you, but the ones who blindly follow him.


Veni Vidi Vici
Established Member
Aug 10, 2006
Well said. Your last sentence is so so true and so scary. I vote based on moral issues not because I think someone is going to fatten my wallet. BTW, this was def about race. Everything I read said he won because of the black, woman , and hispanic vote.

How ignorant can you be?

Obama is the most inexperienced, unaccomplished president we've ever had! Period, those are FACTS, not opinions! We know barely ANYTHING about him, another fact! He wants to promote spreading the wealth and raise taxes taxes on those of us who have busted our asses to become successful! Another FACT!!!
If even 10% of the people who voted for Obama knew the FACTS, this might have been a different race! That Howard Stern video is so indicative of what is happening all around the country. I don't care what race he is, he lacks on so many levels.
I'll be damned if I'm going to work harder to get promoted to make more to pay more for someone who came here illegally, or stayed home while I was in school, got knocked up 6 times by 6 different guys and sits at home collecting welfare while I pay for her and her kids to go to the doctor!! Or the man who is to lazy to get off his couch and go to work everyday! F that!!
and F everyone who think that's fair!

That's socialism which will ultimately give berth to communism, look at Venezuela, Russia, China....IT DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!! It's a sad, sad state of affairs for which we are unfortunately heading.


New Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2007
Must work for the U.S. this country can't send our jobs to these countries fast enough.
Don't let the fear mongering get to you.

Do you know why that is??

And dont say b/c of less wages....

Come on, you can do it. Think!!
May 9, 2008
You have every right to feel that way but it works both ways bro. Im black and i voted based on only the issues. I could care less about democrats or republicans / black or white, just rich people versus everybody else. You had just as many people vote against him because he is black as you do for him because he is black. First of all he was born and rased in Hawaii, he is half white & half black. He graduated from Yale then Became a senator and now President of these United States. How can you say he is a moron or anything negative when he has done all that. I havent accomplished a 1/8th of what he has so i guess you can do better. Maybe some of you talkin sh*t should run for President or try to go to law school. We need to come together and stop the hatred. The country is in shambles and change is definately needed. We can not over come adversity if we are divided. You want to say he won based on the black vote, when he won in predominitely in white states. Get some facts guys. I love all people white, black, purple, yellow, green, brown red with pokadot's whatever as long as you want to work hard for your family, provide for them & pay your taxes !!!

Are you a girl because you are whining like a b!tch, if you are a a guy grow a set of balls.

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