Whites Allowed!!!


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
I'm actually okay with people self segregating when it comes to people doing there own thing. I don't want to force people to associate with a group or demographic they either don't like or think doesn't like them. But, it has to be done the right way.

IMO all of the "end to segregation" and "inclusion" to all" has been a failed experiment.

The government can't force people to get along. They have to get along based on their own doing.


Resident Trouble Maker
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Nov 29, 2016
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True... The point was equal protection under the law, as all men are equal and inherently deserve to be treated as such.

I don't care what color you are, was sex you are, or who you have sex with. We all feel pain the same. We all feel love the same. We all look through our own eyes and our brains help us see that world the same.

The truth is, the only thing that makes any one human different from any other is our free will and collective experiances, also known as an opinion That's it.


Muffin is my spirit animal
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
That wasn't the point of integration.

I guess my fear as far as wanting to go back to segregation is that more people will believe that it is ok for unequal treatment. Society is all about what it perceives "norms" to be. Wanting separate facilities can create a false sense that it is a norm or the way. I see that creating racism.

I know that many will say that after integration racism did not go away. I agree! Racism will always exist as here will always be evil people. I just don't see wanting separate facilities as helpful in killing as much racism as we can. If this is allowed to stand what stops another place from saying they do not want black people? Hispanics? Asians? As long as a place can say it does not want whites and is allowed to exist it gives others legal grounds for the same against others.

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GT Premi

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Mar 15, 2011
I don't think many are looking for Jim Crow levels of segregation. That was fueled purely by hate. If we could somehow figure out how that hate began, the country could probably heal. What exactly did the Negroes do to White people to make them so hateful/racist/bigoty toward African Americans? I mean, what right do White people feel they have to even have any animosity toward African Americans? Where does that hatred come from?


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
I don't think many are looking for Jim Crow levels of segregation. That was fueled purely by hate. If we could somehow figure out how that hate began, the country could probably heal. What exactly did the Negroes do to White people to make them so hateful/racist/bigoty toward African Americans? I mean, what right do White people feel they have to even have any animosity toward African Americans? Where does that hatred come from?

Statistics. It sucks, but you have a minority group committing a much larger proportion of crimes than they should be. Then its in the news, you see black people being convicted of crimes or in police chases, or mug shots more often. Its probably mostly sub-consciously noticing it one way more than the other.


Well-Known Member
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May 6, 2014
College Station, Texas
I don't think many are looking for Jim Crow levels of segregation. That was fueled purely by hate. If we could somehow figure out how that hate began, the country could probably heal. What exactly did the Negroes do to White people to make them so hateful/racist/bigoty toward African Americans? I mean, what right do White people feel they have to even have any animosity toward African Americans? Where does that hatred come from?

From fear, stereotypes, even statistics, that's where.

If I were to be in a situation where I could help guide young folks in to getting on the right path, one of the first things I would help make them understand is that, regardless of race or gender, first impressions are everything. If you were approached by a black man with his pants hanging off his butt, wearing an over sized shirt, a sideways hat, walking with the "ghetto swagger", would you have the same impression as that same man walking towards you wearing clothing that fit properly and walking without the swagger?

How much you spend on clothing has no impact. It's all about right fit, shirt tucked it if is a shirt that should be tucked in etc. Anyone can make cheap clothing look decent if it fits right.

Here is a test though. Let's change the color of that black man to white and the same exact scenario. How does your attitude change? It shouldn't. I see the white man and black man the same way in this manner. They both look and carry themselves like riff raff, so people will treat them as such upon the first impressions.

We can argue all day long about why this should or SHOULDN'T matter, but the fact is, it does and we cannot change it.

So what do these kids need?

1. Wear clothing that fits.
2. Learn soft skills, like tucking in your shirt, using good manners and respectful tone, along with yes sir/ma'am type responses.
3. Basic social skills. Learn to look at the person you're speaking too, speak clearly etc.
4. Smile! Smiling can change the ENTIRE mood. (Just don't smile so big that the police officer you're speaking to doesn't think you're taking the interaction as a joke.)


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
That wasn't the point of integration.

Bullshit. Integration had many goals.

The government believes people will live in harmony if it forces such a concept on individuals. You see it today how the p.c. society tries pushing it on everyone whether it is the token "insert color here" person in a show or getting people to live together in a neighborhood, etc.., Cut the Sally in woods bullshit.

GT Premi

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Mar 15, 2011
Both of those are super shortsighted answers that are simply perpetuating the very bigotry and hate I was referring to. In case you two weren't aware, racism didn't just all of a sudden pop up in the last 10 or 20 years. This goes ALL the way back to slavery times. Your responses don't even begin to come close to addressing what I posited.

GT Premi

Well known member
Established Member
Mar 15, 2011
Bullshit. Integration had many goals.

The government believes people will live in harmony if it forces such a concept on individuals. You see it today how the p.c. society tries pushing it on everyone whether it is the token "insert color here" person in a show or getting people to live together in a neighborhood, etc.., Cut the Sally in woods bullshit.

Harmony was not the purpose of integration.


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Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
The government wanted everyone treated fairly and not discriminated against but didn't give two thoughts about these groups existing together?


Hope you enjoy the show
Established Member
Jan 24, 2016
Your mom
I don't think many are looking for Jim Crow levels of segregation. That was fueled purely by hate. If we could somehow figure out how that hate began, the country could probably heal. What exactly did the Negroes do to White people to make them so hateful/racist/bigoty toward African Americans? I mean, what right do White people feel they have to even have any animosity toward African Americans? Where does that hatred come from?
Different cultures for the most part. People fear what they don't understand and most whites don't understand black culture. The rest is left over bigotry that dates back to before the antebellum South. Honestly though? It's mostly learned from one's inner circle of friend's and family. Passed down from father to son. Most uneducated whites don't realize that most other cultures, all over the world, are very similar. Just certain customs are different. But again, people fear and hate what they don't understand.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 6, 2014
College Station, Texas
Both of those are super shortsighted answers that are simply perpetuating the very bigotry and hate I was referring to. In case you two weren't aware, racism didn't just all of a sudden pop up in the last 10 or 20 years. This goes ALL the way back to slavery times. Your responses don't even begin to come close to addressing what I posited.

So would you prefer a 100 page essay on the complexity of racism? This is a forum, you're not going to get that.

You're also not going to get two answers that are the same every time unless those two people have been brainwashed by the same exact source.


Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
So Cal
Racism is learned, either from your parents or from experiences.

Negative experiences have a larger impact on behavior than positive ones. Two things go hand in hand here. 1. Our brains are good at finding patterns, things that are different, and associating those patterns with something meaningful. 2. As animals, we try to avoid anything we deem threatening/scary to increase our odds of survival. Its an evolutionary trait in every animal. Put them together, and we get racism. We see patterns in crimes reported in the media, color of skin, behavior, clothing, etc.

Buckwheat 1

I like Blm junk in my butt
Established Member
Sep 29, 2015
Cape Cod
Bullshit. Integration had many goals.

The government believes people will live in harmony if it forces such a concept on individuals. You see it today how the p.c. society tries pushing it on everyone whether it is the token "insert color here" person in a show or getting people to live together in a neighborhood, etc.., Cut the Sally in woods bullshit.

In 1978 in Boston I was bused from a mostly white school district to a mostly black school district. Every day
as we crossed into that area the bus was rocked by black kids. If you could not fight your lunch money was taken. Metal eating utensils were removed. 1 pass for the bathroom at any given time. This is middle school.


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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Different cultures for the most part. People fear what they don't understand and most whites don't understand black culture. The rest is left over bigotry that dates back to before the antebellum South. Honestly though? It's mostly learned from one's inner circle of friend's and family. Passed down from father to son. Most uneducated whites don't realize that most other cultures, all over the world, are very similar. Just certain customs are different. But again, people fear and hate what they don't understand.
You must not be very traveled if you think most cultures are very similar. The silly part of your argument is that you relate culture to skin color. Those two things are not one in the same.


Hope you enjoy the show
Established Member
Jan 24, 2016
Your mom
You must not be very traveled if you think most cultures are very similar. The silly part of your argument is that you relate culture to skin color. Those two things are not one in the same.
All I do for a living is travel the world.....for the last 20 years. I spend 80% of my time away from home.

Everywhere I travel, crime is not acceptable, although what is determined to be criminal is. Everyone has family and cares for them. People enjoy the company of other people. Everyone wants others to try and experience their culture, food, and see where they live. The young want to play and the old want to relax and enjoy watching the young. I could go on and on, but what would it accomplish? I've seen how people are generally alike all over the world and have nothing to prove.

Cultural differences have always existed between races, especially in this country. The do rag is a great example. Whites generally see this as some sort of gang or thug related piece, but it is simply to make one's hair wavy. You have to wear it a long time to get the waves to show. A hair style that is uniquely black since it doesn't work on the specific hair that whites have.

How about "jive talk" or "ebonics"? Are these not uniquely black culture?

Although these cultural differences aren't a direct result of some genetic tie, they are the result of being black in the given sociological circle that blacks in this country have been in for hundreds of years.
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Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
All I do for a living is travel the world.....for the last 20 years. I spend 80% of my time away from home.

Everywhere I travel, crime is not acceptable, although what is determined to be criminal is. Everyone has family and cares for them. People enjoy the company of other people. Everyone wants others to try and experience their culture, food, and see where they live. The young want to play and the old want to relax and enjoy watching the young. I could go on and on, but what would it accomplish? I've seen how people are generally alike all over the world and have nothing to prove.

Cultural differences have always existed between races, especially in this country. The do rag is a great example. Whites generally see this as some sort of gang or thug related piece, but it is simply to make one's hair wavy. You have to wear it a long time to get the waves to show. A hair style that is uniquely black since it doesn't work on the specific hair that whites have.

How about "jive talk" or "ebonics"? Are these not uniquely black culture?

Although these cultural differences aren't a direct result of some genetic tie, they are the result of being black in then given sociological circle that blacks in this country have been in for hundreds of years.
Most of what you describe is human nature not culture. Being in the military I've come across all sorts of different people. The thing that really ties people together is the area/region they grew up in. There is not some magical white culture or black culture in the US. Yes you can find similarities between a black person from SC to a black person from CA. But their accent will be different, mannerisms are different, values are different, I could go on and on. Same goes for white people as well.

This need to pigeon hole a person based on the color of their skin is infuriating. I'm not saying being "color blind" will eliminate bigotry. But it sure as hell won't, if the terms white people, black community, etc are continued to be used to describe specific people/actions of those people.


Hope you enjoy the show
Established Member
Jan 24, 2016
Your mom
Most of what you describe is human nature not culture.
It is human nature to develop culture. They go hand in hand.

You speak of culture as if it has preset dividing lines, but it doesn't. Because culture is built from human nature, and is defined by the experiences of humans in given situations.

If you think there are not cultural differences in this country, visit a white rural family living in a trailer with a 4X4 truck outside, then go to visit an inner city family living in the projects. You will most definitely observe cultural differences. Music, food, speech, interaction at gatherings, etc., etc.

Now when you speak of much of this country is the same culture, that indicates your experience is mostly with middle class families who have lived integrated over years. There isn't much cultural differences because of their social circles are much closer.


Resident Trouble Maker
Established Member
Nov 29, 2016
Location: Location:
If you think there are not cultural differences in this country, visit a white rural family living in a trailer with a 4X4 truck outside, then go to visit an inner city family living in the projects. You will most definitely observe cultural differences. Music, food, speech, interaction at gatherings, etc., etc.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but something I have noticed is... and this may be what ssj4sadie is trying to point out.... I have seen plenty of black families in trailer parks, with pickup truck and lovin' some Skynyrd; and I have seen plenty of white families living in poor inner city neighborhoods that turn up with fetty wap.

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