Why event planning blows....


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Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by Robertson Racin
As of right now.. What sponcers do we have???
Zero. Billetflow, JDM, KB, and Anderson are all in it though. Im pretty confident 2 will jump in, maybe three.
Originally posted by Robertson Racin
Anyone talk with Procharger?? They may want to race that new 04 they bought...
Called them and sent them a Fax like the asked. Nothing back from them though.

I talked to Dr. Jamie Meyer, and he is trying to get us some coverage though.Whether thats a blurb in Race Notes or a page of pictures, hes trying.


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Nov 14, 2002
I think everyone has to BACK OFF a little!!!

Hank was trying to do something nice for the local crew in Chicago. He opened the invitation to the St. Louis crowd. Some had expressed interest from afar, so Hank opened it up further. Trying to include anyone that wanted a piece of the action.


Hank was working on getting some sort of mag coverage, but nothing has become concrete yet.

This originally was for the St Louis crowd and Chicago crowd. It was also to get the previous mentioned enthusiast in touch with some of the vendors. To see some of the vendor's cars, and to see how they perform LIVE.

Some people are still old fashioned, they don't like spending there hard earned money on something or some business that can't be seen in person.

I realize that small businesses have it rough, but sacrifices have to be made in order for the business and reputation to grow. The grass roots approach to this day, is still the best marketing tool. It may initially be more costly, but the benefits in the long run will out weight the initial investment. I have allot easier time trusting someone, that I can or have seen in person, then I can over some keyboard.

The internet can build a business and it can kill it in one final swoop. I think EVERYONE has seen that happen to some degree.

I'm not saying the internet is a bad thing, but if you are solely building on it alone. Eventually something will happen. You will either lose to "pajamas slipper sellers", or a mistake and a pissed off customer will run you into the ground with a lawsuit or internet bashing.

Some may look at this as only 50 people, but 50 people that have meet a vendor is worth more like 150++++. They will support and refer that vendor to ALL there friends and family, and to the entire internet community.

What this really comes down to is someone's "word". Too many people today, say "well maybe", when they really can't.

Basic small business class. Only answer in "YES OR NO". If you can't do it, then say it. If you can then follow through with it. You will gain respect and trust. No one should be disappointed in a "NO" answer. The world is not meant to be pleased as a whole, you will kill yourself trying.

There is no room for maybes. Life is too short, if someone can't do something, then I will find someone who can. It’s really not something against that person, now I will just find someone that can do it. It really is that simple.

Maybe Hank did burn some bridges, but if you look at the point of the event. He was only trying to build bridges with the community and the vendors.

He just got a little frustrated with the "maybes"!!!!!!!!!


P.S. - In regards to the drinking - Businesses do have something called entertainment expenses. (I.e. - bars and clubs show as Ed's steakhouse on the statement)

Granted I'm not sure if Hank has made that part of the agreement or the deal with the vendors. But I would tread lightly on that argument. It’s up to the vendors and organizers. Maybe brats and burgers could be added to the list to make others feel more comfortable and feed hungry stomachs.
:beer: :rockon:


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Jun 3, 2002
In all honesty I think that just having grudge matches and having fun will be tons better than having class racing! I hope some sponsors step in and help out!!! Hang in there Hank it'll come around!!


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Apr 11, 2002
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Originally posted by hj16
John, may I ask you something? What in the hell do you know?


Also, I dont give a shit as to what any member on here who doesnt like me says. The ones I look up to (Dana, FearblueR1, the whole Chicago crew, Sambandit, Hammer, Jimmy V) are the ones who back me. I consider all of the Chicago guys that Ive met good friends, and to me their opinions are the ones that matter. Not some asshole in Florida:kaboom:

I know quite a bit. And quite frankly your opinion of me doesn't matter. I'm telling you that your motions are idiotic. I notice you didn't address the fact you'd be unable to drink at this event. Of course you only worry about the people around you, because, you can't see beyond them. You ask people for help, then you bash them online. You crying like a child.

So, call all the names you like, use all the profanity to make your point. There is no logic in your post other then to attempt to embarass people into a position. What if the local guys all abandoned you, and all you had were West Coast vendor support? Your the one who asked for sponsors.... you asked for all this trouble. You originally posted this ultimate smackdown and put up or shut up kind of event.

You posted on a public forum, so you can shut the hell up any time you like. My opinion of you hasn't changed since your first arrogant, pointless, and ranting posts I read. Good thing you have people to back you up. Maybe they can help lick your wounds for you.


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Feb 13, 2003
Originally posted by lethal
I know quite a bit. And quite frankly your opinion of me doesn't matter. I'm telling you that your motions are idiotic. I notice you didn't address the fact you'd be unable to drink at this event. Of course you only worry about the people around you, because, you can't see beyond them. You ask people for help, then you bash them online. You crying like a child.

So, call all the names you like, use all the profanity to make your point. There is no logic in your post other then to attempt to embarass people into a position. What if the local guys all abandoned you, and all you had were West Coast vendor support? Your the one who asked for sponsors.... you asked for all this trouble. You originally posted this ultimate smackdown and put up or shut up kind of event.

You posted on a public forum, so you can shut the hell up any time you like. My opinion of you hasn't changed since your first arrogant, pointless, and ranting posts I read. Good thing you have people to back you up. Maybe they can help lick your wounds for you.
Hey, I love you too man. I hope you can laugh at my posts as hard as I laugh at yours. Yeah, I asked for trouble....but I can bitch about it...its a public forum

Have a great day John:thumbsup:


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Aug 31, 2002
I vote for Johnsonville Brats!! :thumbsup:
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Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
This is a very good thread, and one that should be at the top of the "Do's and Don'ts of Organizing an Event". My take on this is chalk it up to a learning experience. As someone else said I think, there are whole teams than work together to pull off an event. And these are folks with the experience and expertise to pull it together. I surely wouldn't want to even attempt to do it alone. I'm in no way knocking HJ16. He tried his best. But I think if he were to do this very same thing 10 years from now he would do it differently. With age comes experience and with experience comes wisdom.

P.S. Every one of the vendors mentioned above are top notch in my book. As is HJ16. :)


Established Member
Nov 17, 2003
Midwest- IL- Chicago/ Northwest Suburbs
Hank, regardless of what happens buddy, you know that the chicagosvt gang and others can't wait for this event. Although, yes it would be nice to see fast cars that can make our mouths drop and title sponsors that can help us with door prizes and money, we don't need them at this point, as someone else said this would be a inaugural event.

We have seen from a few of our little get togethers that we can get local people together, let's just keep pushing this event. Shoot me a PM with the list of confirmed sponsors and I will make a new handout to pass out. Maybe I can get a few of us to hit the local hang outs over the next few wknds and spread the word. I always have mine in my wallet!

Hank, remember and I think you said it on the post on another post... we will still have a good time, don't let this eat away at you. We can make the coverage known of how it went for next time... heck a few of us have cameras, video and still... and are very good at it. If need be I will dedicate my time to make a great webpage with recap and video to make them wish that they had sponsored it, all of course with Cobra Jacks blessing. I know he is 100% behind this event... and a few of us are more than willing to spread the word.

Business is business let's let it be for now... and still go on to enjoy your MSC event


New Member
Jan 30, 2003
cleveland ohio
I CAN SEE WHERE some venders can say "maybe" if its a week away its a long time in my book... things happen things get planned just as fast as they open up.... its not like they dont wanna be there its more like they might have obligations to fullfill and a buissness to run ..

no offence to hj 16 at all no pen intended but this wont be the first and only time for these vendors to be at something like your trying to hold

flyn high again

You are getting sleepy...
Established Member
May 9, 2003
Chicago suburbs
I think that Hank and Andrew taking the time and making the effort to put together MSC was a good thing, especially for a couple of guys as young as they are. How many of us tried anything like this when we were teenagers? Unfortunately they got a quick education into the way business really works. Nearly everyone says yes or maybe until it's time to open the wallets. Then the exodus begins.

I understand Hank's frustration even though I don't completely agree with his methods. This thread certainly has been an interesting read. Bill Reid, I give you credit for speaking your mind and giving us an honest and frank glimpse into your shop.

I for one, will be at MSC. I'm looking forward to a day [or two] of socializing and running with other SVTs. Seeing that our Chicago group usually gets around 25-30 cars showing up for an event by ourselves, I expect a good turnout. When's the last time any of us attended an event with 50+ SVTs? See you all there...


Cobra:No Substitute
Established Member
Nov 20, 2002
St. Louis, MO
Not sure whether or not all you know this, but i am Hank's partner. We came up with the idea in my dorm room. We actually met each other on this site and turned out we lived 2 minutes away from each other. At first, it was only a day of racing with CHI vs STL. We had a lot of interest from both cities. Little did we know this event would get massive public appeal from people as far as Alaska to Florida, but mainly the midwest. We decided to open it up to everyone and make it two days, thus needing sponsor money. Sponsors would be awesome to have for reasons already stated above by FearBlue. He said it perfectly...we wanted to get a few sponsors out there to meet people. It would be great for their business and let all us fans meet them and have chat with them, most likely buying their products or getting others to.

Now, i agree this was not the best way to go about this, but it is frusterating to be lead on as we were. I won't mention any names, but they cant deny it happened. Im not here to make any enemies, especially with guys as smart as these making our world more fun. I look up to all of you. I'm majoring in mechanical engineering for one reason, i'll let you all guess.

Whether the event is one day or not, i really dont care. As long as I can go to a day of racing with mainly SVT's and bullshittin' with guys like me, i will love it. It would be a lot more fun to get a couple sponsors to come out and meet everyone. We should make this a closer knit community than internet businesses (again, FearBlue covered this PERFECT).

Either way, im not prepared to stop doing this. Giving up is simply not an option. See you all in May.


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Sep 18, 2002
St. Louis
The fish will bring harmony to this thread.

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Never Enough!
Established Member
Dec 2, 2003
Ft. Wayne, IN

If it means anything, I payed my money, and I will be there 1 day or 2, sponsers, or no sponsers. I think you put a lot of effort into putting this together for US, and I for one will raise a glass, and toast to that (followed by alot more glass raising). Even if only ten people show up it will be a hell of a good time. I know it sucks that things aren't working like you planned, but it doesn't seem for lack of trying.
We still have time things may turn around (as 4sdvenom crosses his fingers).
Regardless, people have to remember you tried to keep it small, and was pushed along into making it bigger. You have put together an awsome time for US regardless.

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