You ****ed up, Holmes!


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Jan 18, 2018
i know criminal law and civil law (common law / statutory law) are different things… i had just pointed that out…

i was curious about the details of your lawsuit and how you lost it (were found negligent/liable)….?

If you dont feel like sharing, thats fine, bro… lol

My insurance company settled. There was no lawsuit. They determined it was more cost effective to settle than to go to court. This is often the case for civil cases.

I think the damage calculation was based on dude's hospital bill plus pain and suffering.

I was not involved with any of this and only heard about it after the fact.


Let's roll..
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Feb 22, 2006
My insurance company settled. There was no lawsuit. They determined it was more cost effective to settle than to go to court.

I think the damage calculation was based on dude's hospital bill plus pain and suffering.

I was not involved with any of this and only heard about it after the fact.

Gotcha. Yep, unfortunately that happens quite a bit.


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
That wasnt a trespasser that was a grown man jumping a wall trying to get into the garage to commit a Burglary which is a Felony!

It wasnt some kid wondering into a yard smh. What video were you watching bro? Criminally liable? That made me lol literally! With stupidity!

There is no civil liability either when a Burglary takes place on ones property and the dog protects the home. Ur liberal dumbness is really comical.

Again there is both civil liability and criminal liability.

You do not to be criminally liable to have civil liability.

I was not criminally liable. The dog was quarantined and then released.

My insurance company settled with the trespasser. I think for maybe $10k although I do not recall the specifics.


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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
There is no civil liability either when a Burglary takes place on ones property and the dog protects the home. Ur liberal dumbness is really comical.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Countless stories of trespassers and burglars sueing for injury.

This falls under duty of care, OSHA, etc.

Typically "if it's presumable a person with lawful access would be injured and have a claim, then so would a trespasser".

Example, your fire escape is rotted out and falling apparet. Some dude is trying to break in via the fire escape but it collapses and he's hurt. Doesn't matter what he was doing, you (owner) had a duty to maintain the fire escape.
Last edited:


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
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Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
having been a million homes in nice areas and not so nice areas i can safely say i would much rather jump the wall into the backyard of a nice home. low income neighborhoods are just full of dogs waiting to rip you a new one. half the time theyre barely contained to their own property. in the hood, unless you know the victim, you never know wtf you are jumping into. not only dangerous dogs and homeowners themselves but dangerous conditions on the property itself lol. ive fallen into random holes on a property, had shit fall apart and land on me, ragged rusty metal protruding in spaces you normally walk through, half ass hacked into electrical situations, you name it.


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Jan 18, 2018
That wasnt a trespasser that was a grown man jumping a wall trying to get into the garage to commit a Burglary which is a Felony!

It wasnt some kid wondering into a yard smh. What video were you watching bro? Criminally liable? That made me lol literally! With stupidity!

There is no civil liability either when a Burglary takes place on ones property and the dog protects the home. Ur liberal dumbness is really comical.

I will be sure to tell my insurance company so they can demand their payout back.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
That wasnt a trespasser that was a grown man jumping a wall trying to get into the garage to commit a Burglary which is a Felony!

It wasnt some kid wondering into a yard smh. What video were you watching bro? Criminally liable? That made me lol literally! With stupidity!

There is no civil liability either when a Burglary takes place on ones property and the dog protects the home. Ur liberal dumbness is really comical.

that's the greatest thing I've read on this website in 6 months.

What's next, Helen Keller giving Football lessons?


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Jul 15, 2011
I imagine he just had a hard time following two separate conversations. Of course a full grown ass man isnta child.

I brought up the hypothetical situation of a child or someone else not engaged in felonious behavior getting chewed up the same way.

I still believe even in the posted video, there’s a chance those dogs getting punished. Dude deserved it, but I cant help but think that dogs that continue to attack would be deemed dangers.


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
This isnt a trespasser its a Felon committing a burglary WTF does your insurance company have to do with that?

So just out of curiousity Klaus what statute would the Police Charge him with when they apply for a warrant thru the states attorneys office?

What would the warrant indicate since ur claiming he would be criminally liable?

I will be sure to tell my insurance company so they can demand their payout back.


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Anyone can sue anyone for anything....... File papers in court and now you have a suit? BFD dude!! Doesnt mean dick!

So let me get this stright...... Im a home owner and I have video of a felon breaking onto my property to burglarize my home and my dog protects my property and now OHSA is gonna come out and fine me? That made me lol as well.

Riiiiiiight..... Let me spell this out for you cause you seem to be a little slow....... This IS NOT A TRESSPASSER THIS IS A BURGLAR COMMITTING A FELONY!

Then we go to trial for the civil suit and I play this video for a jury and the jury will find me at fault for a felon trying to break into my garage on my property to steal my shit...... Yea, go with that bro sounds legit!

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Countless stories of trespassers and burglars sueing for injury.

This falls under duty of care, OSHA, etc.

Typically "if it's presumable a person with an lawful access would be injured and have a claim, then so would a trespasser".

Example, your fire escape is rotted out and falling apparet. Some dude is trying to break in via the fire escape but it collapses and he's hurt. Doesn't matter what he was doing, you (owner) had a duty to maintain the fire escape.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 18, 2018
This isnt a trespasser its a Felon committing a burglary WTF does your insurance company have to do with that?

So just out of curiousity Klaus what statute would the Police Charge him with when they apply for a warrant thru the states attorneys office?

What would the warrant indicate since ur claiming he would be criminally liable?

Apparently you are illiterate. Which makes sense because you are a moron. Have someone go back and read out loud to you what I typed, numbnuts.

If you have the processing power to grasp what I typed you will note that I specifically note that criminal liability is irrelevant to civil liability.


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Beer Money Bros.
Oct 14, 2010
Middle Earth
Nice liberal back pedal......

Apparently you are illiterate. Which makes sense because you are a moron. Have someone go back and read out loud to you what I typed, numbnuts.

If you have the processing power to grasp what I typed you will note that I specifically note that criminal liability is irrelevant to civil liability.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 18, 2018
I imagine he just had a hard time following two separate conversations. Of course a full grown ass man isnta child.

I brought up the hypothetical situation of a child or someone else not engaged in felonious behavior getting chewed up the same way.

I still believe even in the posted video, there’s a chance those dogs getting punished. Dude deserved it, but I cant help but think that dogs that continue to attack would be deemed dangers.

For sure. For instance if the homeowner just sat back and watched while his dogs ripped dude to shreds. Regardless if he was trespassing or was a burglar. This would likely bring criminal charges. At the very least the homeowner would get sued.

But @GNBRETT you are the legal expert here. What do you think?

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