Transsexual Female college basketball player.


Nov 9, 2005
Cincinnati, Ohio
Women sports are a joke anyways, the guy obviously sucks at basketball that much to be forced to become a it and play on a women's basketball team. It is still gross.


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
amazing how ignorant and close minded people continue to be in the 21st century.

is she bothering you? no. is she asking you on a date? no. is she trying to have sex with you? no. is she trying to marry you? no. is she even ask you to like her or be her friend??? no.

so why does it bother you so much that a transsexual plays basketball in a town you dont live in. at a school you dont go to. on a team you dont play for???

this transsexual woman only wants to be recognized legally as a woman, be treated with respect and live her life and get the same opportunities as anyone else.

she has no contact with you, yet you obviously feel seriously threatened by this woman.

perhaps it makes you feel uncomfortable and threatened because you are questioning your own sexuality and gender identity? :shrug:

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

You clearly are one misguided soul. There is nothing normal about being born a man yet thinking you are a woman (and acting as such) and there is not an excuse for tolerating such behavior because it is "normal." You ask how it effects or bothers me? We're at a stage in our society where everything has to be accepted. We just can't say no to things like this for fear of being labeled intolerant, bigoted, hateful, etc.., Some things are just wrong. You can continue to defend "it" but I sure as hell won't.

Only in America 2012 would anyone defend such behavior as being normal. How often do you attend counseling?

Edit: Long gone are the days when we could say someone is nuts, weird or screwed up. On the contrary, everything needs some sort of clinical definition these days.
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Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
You're 21. Give it a few years and you'll understand.

At 6'8", 220, with an average reach he needs a 20" vertical to dunk. A 20" vertical is a lot for a 50 year old that weighs 220 pounds. I guarantee you someone that size has serious back problems too.

I'm 6'6" and used to be able to dunk with ease. I get so sick of retarded people saying "If I were your height I could do this and that above the rim." Those people are retards because gaining an extra foot of height doesn't mean you gain a foot on your vertical. Everyone forgets just how much a foot of height adds to your weight. Go strap the 50lbs you'd gain with that extra height to your back and jump. There's a reason so many short guys can jump out of the's because they're light as a feather.

Of all people I'd expect car guys to get the role small amounts of weight plays in performance.

You are making a horrible mistake here. that 50lbs for me is just weight, but our weight difference is also muscle for you. Some of that 50lbs is your body's leg muscles that help you jump.

sorry my estimation of 18" was off, yours is prob more accurate as you are much closer to that height.

I am 6' I wish I was 6'6" a point guard that would have changed my game for sure.

I can dunk but I have great leaping abilities and a freakish wing span. a 20" jump (remember this is a running jump) isnt alot. I can jump straight up and grab the rim but i cant do a standing dunk. at 6'6"+ at almost any age there is no excuse for not being able to play above the rim.

I am guessing you can still dunk, maybe you cant go as hard or do a standing dunk anymore but you have longer arms than me and a larger standing reach.

You are taller than Megatron and he has a standing reach of 6'8" so I think you can get up there pretty easily.

I am half a foot shorter than you and I think I might have a standing reach of about 6 inches shorter than you as well (I have long arms) but I bet that in your athletic prime your jumping reach is about 6 inches more than mine.


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
What does the fact that a 50 year old man can make the team, say about women's college basketball?

hes over half a foot taller than any woman.

Just take a jump shot, he cant be contested, its not fair. Look if Amare takes a jumper and im guarding him there is NOTHING I can do about it. NOTHING. When hes 50 and if I was still 21 I couldnt guard someone that height.

Guy Fawkes

Active Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2008
is every transgendered person going to be on the news? this chick, the girl with nuts in the locker room, planter... lol?

is there really nothing better to talk about on the news?! at all?! really?!

Its not that there isnt anything better to report on, its that they are trying to push their angenda and make it socially acceptable to be wrong in the head.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
Fixed for you, like in the other threads. Not sure why this is so hard to comprehend for such a self-proclaimed genius.

maybe you try reading the ****ing link!

she is post operative. she now has a VAGINA. she meets the legal standards for the state of California to "legally" be a WOMAN. Her birth certificate has been CHANGED to FEMALE STATUS.

no one ever said anything about being 100% genetically a woman. duh, we all know that ain't gonna happen.

why is it that hard to respect the lady and call her a woman? why is it so hard to respect her as one?

I mean what do you care? Your chances of having any real life interaction with a transgender woman are very very low...and it's because of attitudes of people like yours. She's not gonna molest your kids. she's not gonna ask you out. she's not gonna sleep with you.

just treat them as people. if she wants to be viewed/known/recognized as a woman...what the **** does it matter? she's walked the walk, had her operation. leave her the hell alone. mind your own GOD DAMN BUSINESS. :shrug:

bunch of petulent, insecure, phobic, bigoted crybabies, I swear.

omg, a transwoman, run for the hills...:nonono:


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
You clearly are one misguided soul. There is nothing normal about being born a man yet thinking you are a woman (and acting as such) and there is not an excuse for tolerating such behavior because it is "normal." You ask how it effects or bothers me? We're at a stage in our society where everything has to be accepted. We just can't say no to things like this for fear of being labeled intolerant, bigoted, hateful, etc.., Some things are just wrong. You can continue to defend "it" but I sure as hell won't.

Only in America 2012 would anyone defend such behavior as being normal. How often do you attend counseling?

Edit: Long gone are the days when we could say someone is nuts, weird or screwed up. On the contrary, everything needs some sort of clinical definition these days.

define NORMAL. :bored:

things get a clinical definition as scientists and doctors learn more about them.

since when do we not treat people as people, just because they are different?

WHO THE HELL ARE YOU to tell another person what they do to THEIR OWN BODY is WRONG?

When did God die, and annoint you as His replacement? I sure didn't get a ****ing memo about this.


Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
why is it that hard to respect the lady and call her a woman? why is it so hard to respect her as one?

For the love of god, she isn't a woman. Either you are a woman or you are not. You're not somewhat of a woman, partially a woman, half a woman, etc.., A fake vajayjay does not make a man into a woman. I'll be happy to respect these people as loons though.

Here's an example which you might understand. Remember back in the 80's and 90's people would buy a Fiero and then add a body kit to make it look like a Lambo? Regardless what was done, it was still a Pontiac Fiero. You could try and pass it off as something it wasn't but the intelligent people knew the stark reality of the situation.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
For the love of god, she isn't a woman. Either you are a woman or you are not. You're not somewhat of a woman, partially a woman, half a woman, etc.., A fake vajayjay does not make a man into a woman. I'll be happy to respect these people as loons though.

Here's an example which you might understand. Remember back in the 80's and 90's people would buy a Fiero and then add a body kit to make it look like a Lambo? Regardless what was done, it was still a Pontiac Fiero. You could try and pass it off as something it wasn't but the intelligent people knew the stark reality of the situation.

did you just compare a living person to an inanimate object? :dw: wow.

I suggest you go walk a mile in someone's shoes before you start casting judgements, because you don't have a clue about much of anything outside your own little warped world. are you related to dinosaurs by chance? starting to think you are because of the lack of ability to exercise brain function and critical thinking skills.

I have no further comments for you.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 12, 2012
Denver, NC
Why is it so important that this aged-out and mis-guided person play to the detriment of every other player in the conference. It' a girls league, why is this so hard to see.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
it's the same thing as why some members of the black race want to be called African-Americans. some want to be called blacks. some just want to be viewed and respected as PEOPLE.

can we not apply this logic to this woman? If becoming a woman, is what helps her to be productive, happy and pursue her dreams, goals or ambitions...what is it to anyone else? She isnt breaking the law or hurting anyone. LEAVE HER ALONE. MIND YOUR OWN ****ING BUSINESS.

You do your thing. she'll do hers. You worry about you and your family. She will worry about herself.

This is what's wrong with this country, is everyone thinks they somehow have the right to tell everyone what they should or should not be doing, or what they can or can't do, or whaat's right or what's wrong.



Active Member
Established Member
Jul 12, 2012
Denver, NC
She is hurting other people, all of the college age girls who want to play basketball against the same. The person is not entitled to her/his own world.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
You are making a horrible mistake here. that 50lbs for me is just weight, but our weight difference is also muscle for you. Some of that 50lbs is your body's leg muscles that help you jump.
At that point your muscles are longer which takes more time to contract and the force required to work that fulcrum increases. The physics of your jump changes the taller you get. That's why tall guys by and large don't jump as well. Adding height is just like tweaking suspension angles....the physics of everything changes.

I am 6' I wish I was 6'6" a point guard that would have changed my game for sure.
It would change your game dramatically. You'd be slower, not be able to jump as high, the ball would take significantly longer to travel to the floor during a dribble, your hands would be bigger....etc, etc, etc. All of those change the way you move and interact. The physics of, well, everything changes at that point. There's a reason the 7 footers in the NBA can't jump or dribble worth a darn.

At 6'6"+ at almost any age there is no excuse for not being able to play above the rim.
There's no denying that you're 21 with comments like that. When you are 35 I'll bet money that you can't dunk and at 50, the age this dude is, you will barely be able to get off the ground. Just wait dude, it will happen to you. I've avoided a lot over the years and am in damn good shape but the one thing I can't change in the gym is the aging process. Shit happens and that dude is 50. Being tall puts a lot of stress on your body as it is and that dude has 5 decades mileage plus the physical problems that result from being tall (back problems is a huge one).

If this guy were 30 I'd agree with you...he should be able to clear a piece of lint on the ground but he's 50 dude. I'm shocked he can still play Ju.Co. ball.

I am guessing you can still dunk, maybe you cant go as hard or do a standing dunk anymore but you have longer arms than me and a larger standing reach.
I'm 35 and can't dunk anymore. It happened sooner to me than most due to the damage I did to my body playing professional sports but it was just a matter of time. I had a 36" vertical that slowly disappeared over time. Back injuries, knees, slowed reaction, etc, etc all collectively take their toll. When I was in my early 20's the old guys on these forums said a lot of things would change physically at this age that never did because I still work my ass off but the one thing you can't prevent is age. You will see and you'll say the same things to kids who think they'll defy the laws of physics too ;)
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Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
did you just compare a living person to an inanimate object? :dw: wow.

The comparison was a bit too tough for you, huh?

I suggest you go walk a mile in someone's shoes before you start casting judgements, because you don't have a clue about much of anything outside your own little warped world. are you related to dinosaurs by chance? starting to think you are because of the lack of ability to exercise brain function and critical thinking skills.

Walking a mile in someones shoes has nothing to do with it. These people are altering their body into a non-functional amusement park yet they want to be termed something that aren't. Removing a penis and having it constructed into a faux love tunnel is insane. There are no two ways about it. You are still a man. The abomination in the article is a man regardless of what he/it wants to be called.

Society looked upon Michael Jackson as some sort of freak for bleaching his skin in order to look white. Something as superficial as skin color mind you. Mutilating ones genitals while living out a fictitious dream is normal? Maybe in your world.

Long gone are the days when someone could be nothing more or nothing less than a weirdo. Save your nonsense about learning more about things which is why they get a definition. Society can not offend anyone, period. We must coddle people.

I have no further comments for you.

Somehow I don't believe you. When discussing topics such as this, it is quite easy to push your buttons to the point of generating an emotional response for you. You are quite predictable.


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
At that point your muscles are longer which takes more time to contract and the force required to work that fulcrum increases. The physics of your jump changes the taller you get. That's why tall guys by and large don't jump as well. Adding height is just like tweaking suspension angles....the physics of everything changes.

It would change your game dramatically. You'd be slower, not be able to jump as high, the ball would take significantly longer to travel to the floor during a dribble, your hands would be bigger....etc, etc, etc. All of those change the way you move and interact. The physics of, well, everything changes at that point. There's a reason the 7 footers in the NBA can't jump or dribble worth a darn.

There's no denying that you're 21 with comments like that. When you are 35 I'll bet money that you can't dunk and at 50, the age this dude is, you will barely be able to get off the ground. Just wait dude, it will happen to you. I've avoided a lot over the years and am in damn good shape but the one thing I can't change in the gym is the aging process. Shit happens and that dude is 50. Being tall puts a lot of stress on your body as it is and that dude has 5 decades mileage plus the physical problems that result from being tall (back problems is a huge one).

If this guy were 30 I'd agree with you...he should be able to clear a piece of lint on the ground but he's 50 dude. I'm shocked he can still play Ju.Co. ball.

I'm 35 and can't dunk anymore. It happened sooner to me than most due to the damage I did to my body playing professional sports but it was just a matter of time. I had a 36" vertical that slowly disappeared over time. Back injuries, knees, slowed reaction, etc, etc all collectively take their toll. When I was in my early 20's the old guys on these forums said a lot of things would change physically at this age that never did because I still work my ass off but the one thing you can't prevent is age. You will see and you'll say the same things to kids who think they'll defy the laws of physics too ;)

so depressed now



Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
did you just compare a living person to an inanimate object? :dw: wow.

I suggest you go walk a mile in someone's shoes before you start casting judgements, because you don't have a clue about much of anything outside your own little warped world. are you related to dinosaurs by chance? starting to think you are because of the lack of ability to exercise brain function and critical thinking skills.

I have no further comments for you.

You're an inanimate ****ing object - YouTube

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