Comment from The Powder House


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 25, 2008

I wanted to reach out to you guys with a problem that Im having, and address any problems you may have with the powder house. I'll try to keep it as short as possible, but it's kind of a long story.

First, I'd like to address me being hard to get a hold of. I know I am hard to get a hold of and I apologize.

Back story: I was a plumber for 11 years before I started doing this type of work. It started in a small garage, with a homemade oven because I couldn't get my car show stands coated in the unique colors that my customers need. I was doing this on the side while still doing plumbing services.

Powder coating work started to pick up in '08 when the new construction plumbing work was starting to die off, and Sara and I decided that I should make the switch to coating full time.

Shortly after I began to powder coat, I kept reading about this hydro graphics. What an amazing coating! I knew it was something that my customer would love so I designed and made my own stainless steel hydro graphics tank after many late nights researching what exactly a hydro graphics tank needs.

My first tank was only 6ft long, I quickly sold that and made myself a 10ft tank which I also shortly out grew. Besides making my own hydro graphics tank, I started to make them for other people getting into hydro graphics.

I wire up a pretty mean electrical boxes for custom projects and I made my own panel for my hydro tank as well that controls all of the outputs. My boxes are known in the hydro graphics market and I sell many of them every year. Made one for a member on here.

Work was pouring in and we quickly outgrew our 600sq/ft shop, so we moved into an old timber mill that was turned into an industrial park. New space was 7,000sq/ft with a hefty rent that came with it.

To pay for the new shop, we needed larger oven, so I built a 10'wide x 8'tall x 20' long oven with a 1.5Million BTU burner and off we went.

20' oven brings 20' parts. My old 7.5 HP air compressor couldn't keep up, so we invested HEAVILY into a 30HP monster with refrigerated cooled air and a massive media blasting set up to accommodate the large parts.

10' hydro graphics tank got sold and I built a 12' tank. I'm working around the clock to do all of this by myself. Plumbed the entire 2" airline 12' off the floor in my shop by myself. Wired everything myself. All the while doing enough coating work to pay the bills.

I became a paid vendor here on SVTP a little over a year ago (I think) and I'm just busy all the time. Between the PM's I get here, and the emails about coating, and about hydro tanks, and about electrical control boxes, and the Facebook messages, and my car show stand orders, it's just crazy around here.

I've turned my wife into a baby making machine, #3 on the way currently, as well as my secretary. We both do the best we can to answer all of our messages as quickly as we can, but it gets difficult with all of the other work we have, along with raising our family.

Oh yeah, I broke my arm in the middle of all of this too. That was fun.

We live in a unique area. Humboldt county CA. Pot country for those that don't know. It's very rural too. The town of Redcrest that my shop is in has a population of 138 people. Point being that it's hard to find people that want to work for $15 an hour. Plenty of people that that have cash for coating work, but none of them want to work with me doing real work, for normal people pay.

If you're still reading, you're a champ, but that was just a little back history for those that don't know.

Dealing with all of the customers that I do, every now and then I get asked if I'll do sponsorship. (free stuff) I've done it in the past and it's been…..meh.. Lots of free work on my end and expensive products, with only as much return business as I get from any one of my loyal customer.

I've got a few good customers that send me tons of work (Zporta) and many others.

Awhile ago I got on a mystichrome kick and have been doing lots of parts for guys. The paint is expensive, and I try to check prices of my competitors and be fair, but expensive paint is expensive paint.

I was contacted a while ago by a customer that inquired about sponsorship for his MC car and it's been a weird story ever since.

I originally quoted a VERY low price for a bunch of parts in Mystichrome/snakeskin. Very low. Probably too low. But then it went from doing a hole bunch of parts, down to just a select few, but he still wanted the extremely discounted price.

I explained that the discount I was willing to give was based on doing a number of parts, and that if we were only going to do a few that the prices would have to be adjusted. Many, MANY pm's were sent between this member and myself. Him wanting parts for practically nothing, and me wanting to get paid.

There were many text back and forth, we got on a buddy basis, sarcastic comments and PM titles, with no sign of paying work down the road, and relations were cut. People were mad, feelings were hurt.

I felt bad, had a some parts laying around, PM'd this person asking if I sent them a peace offering of some FREE MC dipped parts, if he would send me back his stock parts. Explained that the gift was the coating, but that I needed the core part back. Even this gesture back fired, and turned into comments I didn't understand.

4-6 weeks will go by and I'll get another PM from the member. Member likes coating and wants to get more stuff done. I list prices. Bargaining starts. I resist giving away my time and supplies and feelings get hurt again.

For the 3rd or 4th time ( I can't remember anymore) I was contacted a few weeks ago again. Wife and I debated not replying, but I wanted to work out a solution.

Talked about prices, again, was offered some car items as a barter, I declined, and silliness ensues again.

I get told that I have several members waiting on the outcome of this arrangement with said member, and if it doesn't get resolved the way he wants, that I'll be losing lots of business.

He asked me to call him and Im just too busy and didn't want to get into an argument, so Sara called him and he did not like that one bit. People don't like talking to a chick for some reason. They see it as a sign of disrespect, but this is the woman who answers my phone and most of my messages. If you want to get answers from me, it's best to talk to her. I rarely answer my phone. It's hard to get to when I'm in the middle of painting, PCing, dipping, wiring, blasting, or ordering stuff. Would you prefer me to answer the phone and Sara coat the parts?

Like most of America, we're usually fairly broke. We make good money buy have good bills that take it right back away. We do the best we can to get to everyone as quickly and as orderly as possible, but I'm not going to get harassed by anyone.

Here is the last PM that I got from him:

Edit: I need to talk to a mod I guess before I can post PM's I guess, I was informed by a friend.

I edited out some names. I don't know what to do,SVTP. If I had a business degree, I'd probably know to just leave it alone. I hate that I have to defend myself, but when I feel that my business is being threatened, I have to reach out for advice.

I know our communication is lacking, but we're doing the best we can. Most of our customers understands. Are there some guys who have had to wait a long time for parts for one reason or another, yes. Does it suck, yes. BUT 99% of the time I don't take any money until the parts are ready to ship. Sometimes I'll take deposits on certain items, but it's not often. If a part isn't perfect, I strip it and do it over. Sometimes probably more than necessary, but if I don't like it, I re-do it.

I've purchased 1,000's of dollars worth of parts that I can offer as core to help turn around times but this has issues of it's own.

We are moving into a new facility as we speak and already have some help hired. We always try to make things better and I appreciate those of you that bear with me. I've got some awesome ****ing customers!!!

I wrote this whole thing in anger right after the situation, which probably wasn't a good idea either.

I appreciate your time SVTP.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
people dont want to work for $15/hr?

Good god, is the town inhabited by Bill Gates Family?

You and I have straightened our situation out bud, and I'm actively involved with what's going on between you and said member. I'm trying to work toward both of your interests. I feel it would be best if you two just started over, forget all the nonsense that's gone on previous.

Also, You've just confirmed what I explained - that the business is booming. That's the only real 'complaint' a consumer could have - that you're sometimes hard to get in contact with. However, as I told said member right when we started talking, as well as you on the phone, your work may take a minute, but by god is it beautiful and worth the wait.

Good luck with the situation and the shop bud. Let me know if you need anything. :beer:



Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 25, 2008
Thanks Josh! It was good talking to you today.

Josh has a shift knob that I coated that's having issues that it shouldn't be having. I'm paying to ship the part back to myself and I'll recoat it and ship it back to him for free.

This is only one of a few parts that have ever come back with coating failures out of the thousands of parts that I've done. If you've got a PH coated part that is failing and you think it shouldn't be, let me know. I'm here to work with you guys, you pay my bills.

We usually can always work out our issues with customers when problems arise, but sometimes you can't and it's frustrating.


Established Member
Sep 10, 2008
San Antonio, TX
I've had some stuff PC and it was amazing! I hate that some of it is hidden! If you lived near me, I would be broke! Sometimes he was hard to get a hold of, but he and Sarah was professional and got back with me. You only pay when the work is ready to ship! I love that you have parts ready to go. I hope with your new move and hiring a few folks will help you get even bigger! Customer for life!


03 DSG Snake

Unknown Cyborg
Established Member
Nov 3, 2002
Good post, and good luck with the continued business expansion.

I would love to get some stuff done in the near future. :beer:

Weather Man

Persistance Is A Bitch
Established Member
May 18, 2012
There is always "X" percentage of customers that are impossible to satisfy. A lot of companies are realizing that it is the smart move to cut bait on them. Let them be a pest to a competitor. My favorite example...wife was a waitress, same couple eat, lick the plates clean, claim the food was bad and demand a discount...every time they came in. Oh, demanded constant service and didn't tip. The manager finally balled up and told them not to come back anymore.

Tell him to have a nice day.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
Long Island, NY
Brian is actually powdercoating some items for me and numerous times I have asked him to request payment for his work. He still has not. This guy is probably one of the few honest people who won't accept your money until he finishes the job. I know some people want everything done in a blink of an eye but patience sometimes is very rewarding. The quality of Brian's work is worth the wait. Good luck with the business, Brian.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 25, 2008
You guys are awesome! Thanks for your support!

It's just frustrating. I probably have over 200 PM's and texts back and forth, so how ever much time that is, and I've never made one dollar off of this customer. He's never paid me for anything. I have given him free coating with mystichrome paint/hydro dip on some small interior parts, and covered shipping, so our relationship has only cost me money and grief, and the guy still doesn't like me. How can you not like someone who has only given you stuff for free??? If you don't like my prices, then let's simply not do business.

I'm slowly learning.

I have enough great customers that always make me feel better when shit like this comes up. I appreciate the support SVTP!

The customer just kept telling me he was going to post everything here like that would make me give him what he wants, and that doesn't ride with me. I'm not going to throw him under the bus and mention his name, I'll let him do that if he wants to.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Thanks Josh! It was good talking to you today.

Josh has a shift knob that I coated that's having issues that it shouldn't be having. I'm paying to ship the part back to myself and I'll recoat it and ship it back to him for free.

This is only one of a few parts that have ever come back with coating failures out of the thousands of parts that I've done. If you've got a PH coated part that is failing and you think it shouldn't be, let me know. I'm here to work with you guys, you pay my bills.

We usually can always work out our issues with customers when problems arise, but sometimes you can't and it's frustrating.

Absolutely bud, was good talking to you too!

As brian stated, my shift knob started to deteriorate, and the minute brian heard about it he got in contact with me immediately to rectify the situation. He is paying to have the item shipped back to him where he's going to fix the PC issue with the knob. Excellent customer service. LMK about those calipers too buddy! :)


Official Snowflake Melting Machine
Established Member
Jul 9, 2010
Man, I have seen some of your work that you put out, and it is definitely amazing.

My only question is how did you get your wife pregnant with child #3 AND get your secretary pregnant too? LOL!

All kidding aside, I really want to give you some business after car show season ends.


Grease Monkey
Established Member
Oct 29, 2008
Jackson, TN
Your honesty in this situation will net you more customers. Very few companies are run by honest, hard-working people; and honest hard-working people like myself definitely take note! I will box up a few things that I need PC'ed and send them your way. Good luck with everything


Established Member
Oct 12, 2009
jesus brian how about some cliffs?

just kidding.

I was lucky enough to meet Brian in person after the fact i was already a loyal customer. He is a stand up guy, and coming from a small family business as well i can relate to being busy and no time to climb out of that deep hole of potential customers and bids. As well as people wanting your time and equipment for pennies on the dollar. Regardless of time his work is that good and i will continue to use him as long as i need parts coated. If i know its something i cant live without for a week i wait till i tuck the car in for winter. But Brian has always been up front and honest with me in times and prices. Its got to the point where i just say bill me when you ship it, i dont even ask him for a price because i know he is fair.

I know how hard it is to get so much work done out of a few people. Especially because there is really only one way to get the job done right, and that is do it your self. I just hope that people dont abandon his work because of an altercation that came up over free/cheap work.

Brian is one of the best in the business and very professional, and if you need a reminder of that swing the the TMI booth at the American Muscle Car Show and check out all of his work that is on my car.


Extra Sprinkles
Established Member
Sep 25, 2013
Louisville, KY area
Business 101 - too much business means you aren't charging enough. Businesses don't charge what is fair, they charge what the market will bear. Raise your prices on what is most time consuming. When determining how time consuming it is, take into consideration every second spent reading and replying to PM's involved, the time it takes to package the items, even the time spent printing the shipping labels. I have a suspicion who this customer is. You are under no obligation to do work for him just because you are a vendor here, I'm sure Sid would agree with that. Let him trying to post up and make you look bad, I'll bet anything your satisfied customers will shout him down and the only person with the damaged rep will be him.

I like to think I'm a good judge of character and I've read many of your post, your a hard working family man just trying to make a living doing something you enjoy and being your own boss - don't let this one person, or any single customer try to play head games with you and interfere with your livelihood.
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Weather Man

Persistance Is A Bitch
Established Member
May 18, 2012
You guys are awesome! Thanks for your support!

It's just frustrating. I probably have over 200 PM's and texts back and forth, so how ever much time that is, and I've never made one dollar off of this customer. He's never paid me for anything. I have given him free coating with mystichrome paint/hydro dip on some small interior parts, and covered shipping, so our relationship has only cost me money and grief, and the guy still doesn't like me. How can you not like someone who has only given you stuff for free??? If you don't like my prices, then let's simply not do business.

I'm slowly learning.

I have enough great customers that always make me feel better when shit like this comes up. I appreciate the support SVTP!

The customer just kept telling me he was going to post everything here like that would make me give him what he wants, and that doesn't ride with me. I'm not going to throw him under the bus and mention his name, I'll let him do that if he wants to.

There are guys that get off on seeing how much they can get for nothing, cut the ****ers off. There are also guys who will waste as much of your time as you will let them. Your wife is probably pretty good at weeding those guys out so you never get bugged.


Rock Chalk
Established Member
Oct 2, 2003
Brian is the man. His work speaks for itself...




Shake off the haters Brian and try not to sweat the small stuff. Best learn that you can't keep everyone happy. Just try your best with the other 90%.
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Lightning Guru
Established Member
Nov 9, 2006
Moore, OK
Haven't heard of you before, but after reading your posts I'm trying to think of something to have coated. Keep up the good work and don't worry about the other member


Under Pressure
Established Member
Premium Member
Top Shelf Gentlemen
Sep 14, 2006
Huffman, TX
I'm still loving the front brake calipers you did for me, can't wait to get the rears to match! Thanks again Brian!


ZERO shits given
Established Member
Oct 3, 2002
comment about your OP, you do not have to ask a mod before posting PMs. I have always had the policy that once a PM hits my inbox it belongs to me and I can, will and have posted them when I felt it appropriate. you (editorially) do not want to pm me something you would not want to be made public.

quit dicking with the asshole. you have no obligation to satisfy him, barter with him or anything else. His threat to convince other members to take their business elsewhere is likely a threat and nothing more. people who know you and your reputation will pay no attention to him and the kind of people who do (if there are any) are not the kind of customers you want anyway

You guys are awesome! Thanks for your support!

It's just frustrating. I probably have over 200 PM's and texts back and forth, so how ever much time that is, and I've never made one dollar off of this customer. He's never paid me for anything. I have given him free coating with mystichrome paint/hydro dip on some small interior parts, and covered shipping, so our relationship has only cost me money and grief, and the guy still doesn't like me. How can you not like someone who has only given you stuff for free??? If you don't like my prices, then let's simply not do business.

I'm slowly learning.

I have enough great customers that always make me feel better when shit like this comes up. I appreciate the support SVTP!

The customer just kept telling me he was going to post everything here like that would make me give him what he wants, and that doesn't ride with me. I'm not going to throw him under the bus and mention his name, I'll let him do that if he wants to.

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