Guy in backyard


Extra Sprinkles
Established Member
Sep 25, 2013
Louisville, KY area
I doubt they were casing your area because of the time of night and it being a Friday night. 1a on a Tuesday night - yes, 9p on a Friday night, probably just some lost dumb asses, but you never know.


Seriously? No, never.
Established Member
Premium Member
May 28, 2012
The only time I ever interrogated someone in my back yard with my gun drawn, it was the police. Luckily everyone was cool, no mistakes happened.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 5, 2010
Knock on the door is one thing. Snooping around is gun greeting time.

You and you're place will be a target now. Especially if things played out word by word as you described. Some people just think you're being nice. Criminals think you're a future victim.


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
I had a guy crouching down on the side of the house looking in the side door a few years ago when I pulled into the driveway. I grabbed my .45 and chased him until he went over a fence. I went back to my truck and went looking for him but he was gone. My wife was home but oblivious. Never called the cops, my guess is he had to change his underwear when he stopped.


Who's Pick'n The Banjo Here?
Established Member
Feb 3, 2010
As for calling the police, I see you are from Ohio. Idk about Ohio, but in Arizona the police only come out if they are actively trying to break in.

Update: I called TPD and reported it.

I see you are from Arizona. Idk about Arizona, but in Ohio we call the Police as soon as possible when we see suspicious men lurking in our neighborhood so the Police can have a chance to handle the situation.

We do not waste time posting comments on a forum in-between running out and conducting civilian field interviews and getting finger prints from strangers in a back alley, and then later deciding that maybe it would be a good idea to call the Police.:nonono:

Btw, you may want to change your forum username (Vigilante) if you are going to continue to confront people with a gun.
If you end up having to shoot them it will not look good for you during the wrongful death lawsuit. Just saying.;-)


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 16, 2007
Outside the house is "call the police time." Going outside with gun drawn is a mistake unless you live in Texas.

Inside the house is "I'm angry because your gunshot wounds are getting blood everywhere and now I'm going to have to clean it up."


Mar 27, 2003
Myrtle Beach, SC
At the very least this situation demands that a police report be made. If anything does happen to go missing they will have a starting point for their investigation.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 27, 2002
Central Florida
I wouldn't be shocked if he was actually trying to steal gas. Years ago I was sitting on the sofa watching tv and saw a reflection in the sliding glass door. I jumped up to see this clown easing out of my yard with my gas can. I ran him down before he got to the road. His excuse was he didn't think anyone was home. He told me he ran out of gas and was going to fill it up and bring it right back. Then he spilled the beans and told me who he was. His sister lived right down the road. He got a boot in the ass and a warning.

I've lost more gas and cans than I can count in the past 20 years. Gas and cans used to be cheap. Now you are looking at $40-50 gone when they walk off with one. I decided to leave them some special gas now. I usually have a couple old cans that have seen better days. When I am working on something, I dump the old stale fuel out in one of these. I add a little sugar and more water for good measure. Then leave it where it would be easily spotted by someone snooping around to steal some gas. Someone took one about four years ago. Haven't had it happen since.


Active Member
Established Member
May 17, 2007
Alright, so last night we stayed up watched a couple movies and before we went to pick up our daughter, I tested all the locks in my backyard. Turns out the one on the gate was worn enough where you jiggle and pull hard and it came loose. Never really gave it much thought, but these have a service shelf life like everything else. So off to Walmart for pack of them and replaced them all.

This morning I went out and doubled checked everything to make sure nothing was out of place and nothing was missing front or back. They may wait a few days, maybe, but looks like they were sincere dumbasses who got lost in an alley. I was confronted by the neighbors wife who asked if I knew the guys, naturally I told her no and told the who spiel about what I saw, what happened and that I reported it. She informed me that her husband(guy I talked to yesterday) was at the store buying new locks as well.

Turns out there was something going down because the police were out in full force that night. After this incident I became much more aware of police cars and the fact that we didn't go anywhere with out seeing them every 500ft. Therefore my conclusion is, there were trying to find a way to Kolb from Harrison using back streets, which if they looks at Maps, is ****ing impossible.


Active Member
Established Member
May 17, 2007
@Booky, Yea, I reported it just to have something on record. But no nothing happened, It's not like I'm gonna go crazy now and shoot any little person that comes by. I like to think some of us that live here are civilized lol.

I wouldn't be shocked if he was actually trying to steal gas. Years ago I was sitting on the sofa watching tv and saw a reflection in the sliding glass door. I jumped up to see this clown easing out of my yard with my gas can. I ran him down before he got to the road. His excuse was he didn't think anyone was home. He told me he ran out of gas and was going to fill it up and bring it right back. Then he spilled the beans and told me who he was. His sister lived right down the road. He got a boot in the ass and a warning.

I've lost more gas and cans than I can count in the past 20 years. Gas and cans used to be cheap. Now you are looking at $40-50 gone when they walk off with one. I decided to leave them some special gas now. I usually have a couple old cans that have seen better days. When I am working on something, I dump the old stale fuel out in one of these. I add a little sugar and more water for good measure. Then leave it where it would be easily spotted by someone snooping around to steal some gas. Someone took one about four years ago. Haven't had it happen since.

I like this^^^

Again thank you for your replies, I'll post back if anything else comes about it, but at this point I'm calling it over with. I am moving the quad off the porch into storage, after I post this.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
I went to confront them a fourth time with glasses of water(and to collect fingerprints) and they were gone.

As for calling the police, I see you are from Ohio. Idk about Ohio, but in Arizona the police only come out if they are actively trying to break in.

EDIT: Hell the last time time I got into an accident they asked if any was injured. Both parties said no and I quote, "Ok good, because we have more important things coming in over the radio." No report was issued.

You said you found the guy (after dark) on your back porch snooping around. That sure as heck would warrant a call to have a cop check him out. He was trespassing and for all you knew he was about to break into your home. You actually put yourself at risk confronting the guy the first time. It would seem that making that phone call would have been your best option.


Just a newb
Established Member
Mar 17, 2008
Glad nothing happened. I would still be on alert though.

To you guys that want to just call the cops and sit and wait, that is not the always the best way to handle it. Several years ago my girlfriend (now my wife) and I were in bed. I was asleep, but she woke me up saying she heard a noise. There was someone outside our bedroom window knocking on the glass. We had all the lights out in the house and our two roommates were out of town so there was 2 cars gone that would normally be in the driveway. My guess is someone was checking to see if anyone was home. We didn't live in a very good neighborhood and multiple houses in our neighborhood had been broken into recently. She called the police while I got out of bed and grabbed my shotgun and spotlight. I left all the lights off and sat by the front door waiting on the police. I was up two hours looking out of the window and no cops even drove by. I was so pissed off that they didn't even acknowledge my concern.

I'm not saying that you should kick down the door guns blazing, but don't just call the cops and make a cup of tea either. I don't know why they didn't show up that night, but I know next time I will tell them someone is coming into my house right now and I will shoot if they enter. I'm not risking my life and especially not my family's life waiting on the cops to show up.

I live in a much better neighborhood now, and I have had to call the police. They handled it much better that the previous PD, but my first experience is still in my mind.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
U strike me as a cop caller kind of guy... Not a meet the perp with a gun type of guy

LoL couldn't be more wrong.


Shouldn't make assumptions, my friend.


Good Guy
Super Moderator
Nov 12, 2003
You knew exactly what you were doing with that post, and I ask you to PM one of the other Mods and get their opinions regarding your post if you want and see how that works out for you. We run this place, you don't.

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