The Minneapolis Police Choke an Unarmed Handcuffed Black Man to Death

slow poke

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May 23, 2014
lansdale, PA
How many times can a taser be deployed before being reloaded? He took the taser from the officer that originally tased him, the second officer then pulled his taser and tried to tase the guy before he took off running. Wasn't the taser the guy had useless since the prongs were already in him?

How those two weren't able to subdue a drunk guy is pathetic.

That's the major issue, those officers were as strong as your average lesbian.

Give all officers steroids, and make the hit the gym as a prerequisite to having the job.


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
That video tells the whole story, beginning to end. How stupid it was for him to decide to resist arrest for DWI. Everything was fine on both side up to that point. And then for him to wrestle for the stun gun, grab it, run, and point it back at the officers, was totally stupid. But it's a common reaction, unfortunately. Being a cop is not an easy job. This video will be interesting evidence if the officer ends up being charged and tried in court.


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
To those who are criticizing how/why they couldn't subdue him before he broke free, you've probably never been in a situation like that where the person you're fighting is 100% intent on getting free. I've seen beefy cops even have trouble subduing an average size woman when the adrenaline is pumping or they're on drugs. I was talking to a friend of mine who was a cop for maybe 20 years. He retired early about 5 years ago due to an injury trying to subdue a male suspect. And my friend is not a small guy. He told me how he was in many a scuffle to subdue a suspect, and even with assistance from another officer it was often a very tiring thing to go through. He recalled one instance where he was subduing a guy and for long minutes repeatedly punched his body trying to get control. He was near exhaustion before the guy was finally in cuffs. The suspect....didn't appear to be tired at all. Someone intent on getting away, especially if they have drugs in their system, can put up one hell of a fight. So I'd be slow to judge an officer (or officers) when they have trouble subduing a suspect. JMO.


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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
How many times can a taser be deployed before being reloaded? He took the taser from the officer that originally tased him, the second officer then pulled his taser and tried to tase the guy before he took off running. Wasn't the taser the guy had useless since the prongs were already in him?

How those two weren't able to subdue a drunk guy is pathetic.
Should they have busted out the batons and beat him into submission?

Maybe put him in a choke hold?

How about pressed in a prone position with a knee on the back or neck?

What's wrong with just complying with an officers lawful arrest? You realize all these incidents would stop if people just stop acting like it's GTA 5 and you can fight off police to avoid arrest.

You do realize you eventually get 3 stars and the FBI/ATF shows up and wastes your ass... Right?


Hell Yes!
Established Member
Nov 23, 2012
Southern Mo.
My brother-in-law was arrested for the same reason at a McDonald's about three years ago. High as a kite and sleeping in his car. Do you all know why he is alive now? He din't fight the damn cops...
BINGO! No matter what color the officer or the perp is, the perp should take the lumps, abide all commands from the officer.
This isn't a racial problem, it's a stupidity problem.


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Jan 18, 2018
Some deserved to die because they put others lives in danger. This drunk didn’t do that.

It does not matter what happened that led up to him resisting arrest and fighting with the cops. After that it is moot. Unfortunately there seems to be the attitude that it is up to the suspect as to whether or not he gets to comply with the cop or not. Unfortunately that is not the case. The time to argue whether or not you have justly been detained is after you have been arrested and you have called your lawyer. If you fight with cops and grab weapons off their belts it is not going to end well regardless of your race.

All of this said, I am hands up and say "**** it, de-fund the police and start from scratch." The fact that we cannot agree on the ATL incident as a justified shooting shows that there is no path forward. There is no scenario from this point forward that a black man will be shot on camera and ruled as justified by the court of public opinion. It is kind of hard to police if this is the case. Add to this the utter lack of honesty on what the data say about the black contribution to crime and the implications for policing. It is the black community that is far and away the most impacted by criminal justice policy so **** it, they and the activists can have the keys. You want to abolish the police and take a "community based" approach? So be it. It does affect me so **** it, why not? Bonus: my tax dollars will not go to the fat pensions of overpaid cops.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 23, 2014
El Paso, TX
My brother-in-law was arrested for the same reason at a McDonald's about three years ago. High as a kite and sleeping in his car. Do you all know why he is alive now? He din't fight the damn cops...

Cause he’s white yo!

“You’re full of $#!+”
Joe Biden mobile app


Well-Known Member
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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
It does not matter what happened that led up to him resisting arrest and fighting with the cops. After that it is moot. Unfortunately there seems to be the attitude that it is up to the suspect as to whether or not he gets to comply with the cop or not. Unfortunately that is not the case. The time to argue whether or not you have justly been detained is after you have been arrested and you have called your lawyer. If you fight with cops and grab weapons off their belts it is not going to end well regardless of your race.

All of this said, I am hands up and say "**** it, de-fund the police and start from scratch." The fact that we cannot agree on the ATL incident as a justified shooting shows that there is no path forward. There is no scenario from this point forward that a black man will be shot on camera and ruled as justified by the court of public opinion. It is kind of hard to police if this is the case. Add to this the utter lack of honesty on what the data say about the black contribution to crime and the implications for policing. It is the black community that is far and away the most impacted by criminal justice policy so **** it, they and the activists can have the keys. You want to abolish the police and take a "community based" approach? So be it. It does affect me so **** it, why not? Bonus: my tax dollars will not go to the fat pensions of overpaid cops.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 29, 2015
Northeast Florida
I would imagine that with the direction our society is going and talks of defunding police, you’d be hard pressed to get a young person in that line of work and it’ll defund itself.

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Well-Known Member
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Apr 14, 2015
Desert Oasis
I would imagine that with the direction our society is going and talks of defunding police, you’d be hard pressed to get a young person in that line of work and it’ll defund itself.

Sent from my iPhone using
You are eventually either going to see us go Full Venezuela Failed State or you will get the lefts raging erection...

A new hybrid party combining many social issues into an ultra authoritarian narrative promising to restore order, safety and economic growth.

Hell that might what's going on now, DNC is letting these POS run wild because they are awaiting a national cry for authoritarian socialism. *cough* real fascism *cough*


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Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
you’d be hard pressed to get a young person in that line of work and it’ll defund itself.

Its already a big problem in that and many other lines of work. A friend that's an LEO just shakes his head at a lot of the people that make it through just because they gotta keep staff numbers up.


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Mar 28, 2017
Beaufort, SC
The New....."AMERICAN PARTY".......led by TRUE PATRIOTS!!:):)

Almost everyone in Washington is connected to THE SWAMP in one way or another!!:mad:

We are AWAKENING presently......just HOPE it ain't too late!!:cool:


Muffin is my spirit animal
Established Member
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Feb 10, 2011
Nashville, TN
You are eventually either going to see us go Full Venezuela Failed State or you will get the lefts raging erection...

A new hybrid party combining many social issues into an ultra authoritarian narrative promising to restore order, safety and economic growth.

Hell that might what's going on now, DNC is letting these POS run wild because they are awaiting a national cry for authoritarian socialism. *cough* real fascism *cough*

Bro, don’t you read SVTP posts?

The same people that ignored Kkklintoon’s remarks about black people and gays, the same people that make excuses when their elected officials are caught in blackface, the same people that ignore Biden’s racism, role in speeding blacks into prison, assaults, the same people that are proud of the the number of abortions they have had, the same people that talk about equality while paying to get their kids into colleges they do not deserve to be in are finally going to wake up and vote Trump.

We are all good. You and me, we don’t even have to show up and vote.

“Wakunda Forever!” - Nancy Pelosi


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
None of what you said matters. It's your opinion and feelings.

Police "Serve and Protect" the law of this country.

In this case, the police where serving the community by clearing a drunk from blocking a Wendy's drive thru and protecting the public from this violent drunk driving ass. 10,000 to 16,000 people are killed each year by drunk drivers.

The police where respectful and professional from start to finish. Brooks died because he attacked them without provocation. Period.

the first cop was very nice. TOO nice. i cant believe he let the guy move his car himself. he knows he's probably drunk and he allows the guy to start the car and drive it?? what if the guy took off? or ran into another car? duh. mistake #1

mistake #2 he told the guy to sit in the car and wait and then he proceeds to walk 20' away from him. guy could start the car and take off or pull out a weapon. ive always seen cops have people sit on the curb while detained for possible dui. they never walk away from them though.

im sure there's probably more but those slapped me across the face just watching the video the first time.

as far as them on the ground trying to subdue the guy, i know some people here are mma fighters that can bench 500lbs but regular folks some times struggle. i can imagine it can be difficult to subdue a drunk person intent on getting away. just how it can be difficult to fight a drunk who feels no pain. one cop has one hand occupied with a tazer, so he's not helping much (with one hand on the suspect).

as far as shooting him while he's running away; this is the only thing i clearly remember from watching TJ Hooker as a kid. the batonarang


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
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Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
Competent staff ??? Are we in the same country ?? This racist bigot that also just pulled health care for the LGTBQ community in the middle of pride month is a moron.....he lies everytime he moves his lips. This administration is by far the worst we have had. Lowest ever in history approval rating and most ever in history members of an admin in jail....try again. He doesnt even deserve the final 6 months. He'll be in jail where he belongs once he cant hide his taxes anymore

how are his taxes being revealed going to play a role in him going to jail? do you think theyre going to find income from the russian government listed? do you think that the DOJ is unable to review his taxes for anything suspicious unless he makes them available to the whole world? from what i just read online, congress can order the IRS to submit a taxpayers returns to them for review if they wish. apparently they used their three wishes up already and didnt feel this one would be of any help (getting rid of trump)


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
This got uploaded to a Texas police forum and outlines new guidelines that police are going to have to follow. It's hard to read but essentially no deadly force is authorized unless they have a gun in their hands. So if they have a knife, hammer, bat, etc then the officer cannot use a firearm, and if they shoot they can't shoot until the threat is stopped so they have to account for every round fired. If I was a cop there I would be submitting my resignation immediately.



Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
This got uploaded to a Texas police forum and outlines new guidelines that police are going to have to follow. It's hard to read but essentially no deadly force is authorized unless they have a gun in their hands. So if they have a knife, hammer, bat, etc then the officer cannot use a firearm, and if they shoot they can't shoot until the threat is stopped so they have to account for every round fired. If I was a cop there I would be submitting my resignation immediately.

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in TEXAS?! wow how the mighty have fallen

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