Be careful what you post on line....

Guy Fawkes

Active Member
Established Member
Jun 14, 2008
Maybe, but unless one goes to great lengths to be hidden, one can be easliy found. all that is really needed is the IP addy and email on the account and it's fairly easy to track someone down.

Yeah its not really as easy as having a DHCP IP and email address. A DHCP IP from a provider would be extremely hard to trace back to any one person. An email address however would be an excellent source of information.

So what you are saying is wait till something actually happens THEN do something about it after? Great thinking :kaboom:

Im going to have sexual intercourse with your mother. Try and stop me.
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Established Member
Sep 3, 2003
Franklin, NC
Wow, I'm not sure who is a bigger idiot, the guy that posted it, or the one that turned him in :rollseyes



here 4 da laffs & cruelty
Established Member
Jun 12, 2006

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Active Member
Established Member
May 17, 2012
I do not agree with what you have to say,but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

First off this wasn't even a direct threat it was a joke in poor taste. Look this guy was obviously an idiot for saying this but jailing someone for something like this is a slippery slope imo. Quite frankly it scares the shit out of me. This must have been in.... O wait it was. Our society is getting so ****ed. We keep taking peoples liberties for the sake of security and a lot of the time we end up jeopardizing both.
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Established Member
Aug 20, 2011
So what you are saying is wait till something actually happens THEN do something about it after? Great thinking :kaboom:

Wasn't there a movie about that? We could see the future so we locked up criminals before they commit crimes? Seems ****ed up, why not just lock up everyone because we're all capable of committing crimes.


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
And yesterday this is posted:


wow. $5k bail. cops must have taken his "threat" real seriously

I do not agree with what you have to say,but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

First off this wasn't even a direct threat it was a joke in poor taste. Look this guy was obviously an idiot for saying this but jailing someone for something like this is a slippery slope imo. Quite frankly it scares the shit out of me. This must have been in.... O wait it was. Our society is getting so ****ed. We keep taking peoples liberties for the sake of security and a lot of the time we end up jeopardizing both.

agreed. if they went around grabbing people for shit they say every day half the population would be locked up. and beyond that, did he make an overt action towards making this actually happen? did he go out and purchase ammunition or a bp vest or tear gas? have maps of it all drawn out? if not, then its just bs streaming out of his "mouth" and hardly seems valid enough to warrant an arrest. they'll probably end up knocking it down to something stupid like disturbing the peace or something.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
I'm appalled that you can actually be put in jail for a non-specific "threat". This country is so ****ed.

now you know how I felt when I got arrested for the email calling a black councilman a bunch of names. no threats, just a bunch of names. only thing that was questionable was "you been warned". I was arrested and charged with a ****ing felony. it was ridiculous. all because I called black man some racist names.

If he can afford a good attorney, he'll get out of it, with nothing more than a retirement of the charges as I did, or possibly a diversion.

I refused to take diversion in my case, we tried like hell to get a complete dismissal of the charges, but they wouldn't budge so we took retirement, which is NOT the same as a diversion. It's a form of diversion, but with diversion, you're actually pleading guilty to the charge, and getting a light punishment, and then after so long everything is expunged and sealed.

I wanted a trial, but I couldn't afford $10,000 to the attorney. so I was forced to accept the retirement offer.

In my case, mine was, everything is put on hold for 6 months, and if you screw up again in that period, we bring the other charges and the new charges against you, and you won't get out of it. after 6 months of behaving properly (and that means I couldn't even get a speeding ticket or have any negative run ins with the law whatsoever) the case was dismissed, charges dropped and everything was expunged. no fines, no court costs, no conviction, no probation, no probation officer (during the 6 months, or after). It's comparative to the court saying well you don't have any history of trouble before, so we'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but you have to prove it to us, so you have 6 months to prove it.

With retirement, you don't burn a diversion. First time felony offenders are typically allowed to use a diversion, so long as it's not a violent crime, murder or rape/sexual assault...those don't qualify. Although, it is at the prosecutor's discretion to allow you to use it or not, and if you use it, the charges are usually reduced to a lesser crime of a misdemeanor equivalent, the punishment is lighter, and it all goes off your record after you complete your sentence/punishment/probation. Get in trouble again, and you can't use another diversion, and they won't go easy on you.

but I agree, it's bullshit that he got arrested. I think a scary talking to would have been more effective and the proper thing to do, considering the context of his statement, which was obviously filled with sarcasm and pessimism.

There is a movie theater out there, that i may just shoot up because of you people!


out there where? he didn't specify an exact location. he didn't specify a date or time. he didn't even specify he was going to actually shoot it up, he just said he "may".

How is this any different than someone calling someone on the telephone and threatening to kill them, or calling in a bomb threat? So if it isn't face to face or if it doesn't actually happen it should be ignored?

So if something is posted online when it comes to threats you're automatically supposed to just ignore it because it's the internet? You have freedom of speech but you also have the freedom of not being a dumb ass and posting threats of shooting people and places up online...

As said above, it's a double edged sword.

who did he threaten? what location was threatened? all he said was a there's a movie theatre out there. and I "may" shoot it up because of you people. with a ;-) icon.

that's not a threat. it's all totally subjective. it was smartass comment, and a very ill-advised one, and was intended to get a rise out of someone, which it did...just a poor decision really, bad judgement, but from what I've read, there was no intent behind it.

The lesson here is not have your personal information available to people online.

no, the lesson here is don't post stupid shit online or send emails and you don't have to worry about your personal info being found out and reported to the police. don't put yourself in the position to begin with, and you don't have to worry about it.

So what you are saying is wait till something actually happens THEN do something about it after? Great thinking :kaboom:

so you support Minority Report type justice? Where we put people in prison before they even commit a crime based on what we think they "might" do? :nonono:

I do not agree with what you have to say,but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

First off this wasn't even a direct threat it was a joke in poor taste. Look this guy was obviously an idiot for saying this but jailing someone for something like this is a slippery slope imo. Quite frankly it scares the shit out of me. This must have been in.... O wait it was. Our society is getting so ****ed. We keep taking peoples liberties for the sake of security and a lot of the time we end up jeopardizing both.

agreed, and its happened to me 3 years ago, and it's happening more and more across our nation. freedom of speech and expression is dying little by little, everything is way too pc, people are way too oversensitized about EVERYTHING, and we all take EVERYTHING way too seriously. They are taking away our core principle right, and the sad thing is people are allowing it. they are doing nothing to stop the government from doing it.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
wow. $5k bail. cops must have taken his "threat" real seriously

felony charges usually carry a heftier bail than misdemeanor's.

10% plus the bondsman fee, will get him out until his court date, so about $550.

mine was $7,500. cost me $787 to get out.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Central Florida
Sounds like he deserves it. There are some things you don't joke about. Guns, death, bombs, things like that are now taken 110% seriously.

now you know how I felt when I got arrested for the email calling a black councilman a bunch of names. no threats, just a bunch of names. only thing that was questionable was "you been warned". I was arrested and charged with a ****ing felony. it was ridiculous. all because I called black man some racist names.

Sounds like you deserved it as well.
Feb 15, 2004
Not really sure why someone thinks that threatening to shoot up a theater should be construed only as a joke. I mean what is exactly is so funny about shooting people. Sometimes people go a little too far with their 'freedom of speech.'


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 11, 2007
Wasn't there a movie about that? We could see the future so we locked up criminals before they commit crimes? Seems ****ed up, why not just lock up everyone because we're all capable of committing crimes.
Yes, Minority Report.

Theres a difference on what type of threats people do. When something HUGE had just happened and they even warn you not to joke about it. Doesn't that already tell you something? You been warned about it, once it happens, things get serious. Same crap with the 9/11, Olympics, schools, etc.
so you support Minority Report type justice? Where we put people in prison before they even commit a crime based on what we think they "might" do? :nonono:
I disagree on going to prison for this but under investigation, yes. With all the crap that's been going these past years, things can't be taken as a joke like we used to. IF someone was to make a threat against you and/or your family, wouldnt you be more cautious about it?

It's wrong to imprison people for things like these but also taking them as a joke after those big incidents is just as stupid.


Douchy McDoucherson
Established Member
Sep 18, 2005
Dont give those people too much credit. People use the same username on many places and make it easy to get personal information. For sell threads you might find their phone numbers or other personal information. Stuff like that.

Lol for most of them maybe. I use a different name, address, and email address on here and it took (Txyaloo) all of 15 minutes to find me. To not allow any of your personal information to be found on the internet means to not be on the internet, don't be fooled.
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