Blue Oval Bash at the Beach ~pics~


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Established Member
Nov 8, 2012
Denton, TX --> Pensacola, FL
It's who crosses the stripe first, not times.

^^^ Exactly. Staging is done to set off the tree/break the beam when the cars leave the starting line so that the elapsed time and win light are accurate when each car crosses the finish line. It doesn't matter on reaction time on green as you're both leaving on the arm drop instead (kind of like when you bracket race and you sit two seconds longer than the other guy due to he running an 8.0 to your 6.0 index). Green is irrelevant in this case, but the timer is still going once you launch and therefore it'll give you an accurate win light at the end of the track as normal. Nothing else about it, just a little awkward seeing a green light and not leaving.

Now on my first race of the 16 car event, my opponent and I were both staged but he accidentally lurched forward and turned off the top pre-stage bulb by "deep staging", and instead of saying "screw it" and just racing it regardless I tried waving my hand to get the light pointed out so we could reset, etc. What happened?...I was sitting on my ass on the armdrop instead of cutting one of my 0.00x lights and got beat like a kiddo. :sleeping: Didn't matter as he was running a 7.20 to my 8.20 but you never know what could happen if I'd gotten a good reaction - especially with the traction issues we all were having. Point is, I was used to a deep stage being a DQ for most events but we didn't clarify that in the rules and therefore just another example of stuff we should cover before next time. I had fun regardless, and I honestly don't know how my street car was even in the field with the other 15 racecars running a second or almost TWO faster than I was LOL

I was late to the party but next time I'll definitely offer up my help to get it organized and running for the day...that is, unless I'm bitten by the modding bug and start putting more ponies to the ground before then haha.


I'm Your Huckleberry
Established Member
Aug 14, 2004
South Alabama
Great pics Schism!! Nice job. Check out the video I made, its not the best, but its a little something. Lol.


Engine Lubrication Guru
Established Member
Oct 20, 2010
Pensacola, Florida
It's who crosses the stripe first, not times.


Here is how you eliminate the confusion and debates next time.

1. Use the pro tree method, no arm drop.
2. Red light, you lose (both red light is a tie - must race again)
3. Green light at the end of the track is the winner, E.T. and mph mean nothing

*assuming you can program the green light to simply state who crossed first, and not the one with the lowest E.T.*
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Established Member
Sep 1, 2004
Destin Florida
You guys realize the arm drop is more legit than a pro tree right? It's like classic drag racing, would hate to see that go. The point of the timing system isn't about et, it's about the difference in et vs rt. like in Scott's and my race for perfect example. We were staged and the lights were set, when Scotty dropped his arms I treed the **** out of Scott, he came back and ran me down and got the white slip as the winner, not for having the faster time but because he crossed the line first in a legit fashion. If he would t have been able to come back I would've gotten the white with a slower time due to the rt coming into play in the timing factor. It tells you who won if the start isn't considered a red light by the arm drop guy.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 24, 2012

Here is how you eliminate the confusion and debates next time.

1. Use the pro tree method, no arm drop.
2. Red light, you lose (both red light is a tie - must race again)
3. Green light at the end of the track is the winner, E.T. and mph mean nothing

*assuming you can program the green light to simply state who crossed first, and not the one with the lowest E.T.*
I agree. No such thing as leaving early in a street race.Both cars leave & its a race! The tree is theonly way to prevent the b.s. Look at how pinks got screwed up.


New Member
Established Member
Nov 8, 2012
Denton, TX --> Pensacola, FL
You guys realize the arm drop is more legit than a pro tree right? It's like classic drag racing, would hate to see that go. The point of the timing system isn't about et, it's about the difference in et vs rt. like in Scott's and my race for perfect example. We were staged and the lights were set, when Scotty dropped his arms I treed the **** out of Scott, he came back and ran me down and got the white slip as the winner, not for having the faster time but because he crossed the line first in a legit fashion. If he would t have been able to come back I would've gotten the white with a slower time due to the rt coming into play in the timing factor. It tells you who won if the start isn't considered a red light by the arm drop guy.

^^^This. The timing system only measures who crosses the stripe first, while the reaction time is ambiguous. If you want a "technical" race then stick to a bracket or quick et race with a sportsman or pro-tree start, but the arm drop has the nostalgia with it that evokes "the good ol' days" and is something that most of us don't get to (legally) do.

As far as the pro-tree race, I mentioned this that day too but again, it's all what you're shooting for; Scott and Co. were looking to have a street race themed event and I think they did very well at pulling it off. I'm up for having one of each next time, as I enjoyed the arm drop but I loooove pro-tree racing (it takes the "retard-ness" out of the reaction time while watching the lights drop and you only have to react to the yellow flash :banana:).

My $'ll never see a big money event go with an arm drop start due to the risk of starting fights in the pits when a close-call occurs (as we saw happen, but luckily we have a great group of racers that are good sports and understanding when things like that happen - kudos to all involved! :thumbsup:). When I think about a big money race, I think pro-tree; when I think of decent money (a few hundred or thousand $$$ on a bracket race) it can be either pro or sportsman.

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