Corporal Punishment (spanking) of kids: Yay or nay???

Is spanking abuse?

  • Hell no!!! Spanking is abuse. People should talk to their kids

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • Sure, speaking is a good form of discipline

    Votes: 92 95.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Don't mess with Teksids
Established Member
Apr 5, 2007
you are bound to get in arguements with your wife, your shaped childhood has left you with anger issues and not knowing how to handle situations appropriately. You may never intend to hurt her. People make some bad choices sometimes. You do shape the people they become. If you would have taught that kid differently he may have made better choices.

That's just it, your shaped childhood should never leave you with anger issues. Parents should make it clear to the child why they're being punished. Make sure the child understands why and make sure they know their parents love them. A grown woman is a different case. Yes, arguments are a part of the relationship but you can't go into a relationship expecting to agree about everything. And if the disagreements are so bad that you really have to question their upbringing then that's when you question the relationship


Don't mess with Teksids
Established Member
Apr 5, 2007
To a point but there is also the chance of over parenting and making things worse. The way I try to see it is...

We adults have bad days... we get upset, angry, annoyed and sometimes don't want to be bothered by other people. Why can a kid not have the same feelings. Just because kids don't work or have the responsibilities as we do does not mean that they can't be stressed. Growing up as a kid is actually pretty hard when it comes to peer pressure and the kids around them and the way they get treated. Having this mindset has helped me not get as upset over things because I go... wait a minute... I complain about shit all the time... why is my kid not allowed to have a voice to express their feelings. There is a time when over stepping the line warrants a parents discipline but I often feel and see sometimes that some parents OVER do it and those are the kids that end up with problems later. It's really a catch 22 situation. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. SO it's our job as an adult to make the best judgement for our kids but we really need to make sure it's for the kid and not our benefit, views, beliefs.

There's definitely always the chance of overdoing it. That's actually where I question Adrian Peterson. While I agree spanking should be an accepted form of punishment, talking to the child really helps too. But just because a child is bothered by something, doesn't give them a good reason to take it out on something/someone else. There are better ways to channel that anger


New Member
Feb 2, 2006
Anchorage, Alaska
I grew up at a different time I guess, my folks had no problem beating the hell out us, like using a belt with a nice big belt buckle just to make sure we got the point I guess. My old man liked to use his fists to get his point across. Nothing like sitting at the supper table when he decided to back hand one of us and knock us off the chair and onto the floor. I learned to keep my mouth shut and stay the hell away from the both of them at an early age. My older brother couldn't keep his mouth shut so he sure took the brunt of it until he joined the Army and went to Vietman. When he got back he told the old man if he ever layed a hand on him again he would beat him senseless. After we got older and moved out it seems like neither one of them remembered what they did, they acted like they were the best parents ever...weird thing is I love them both... is that weird or what? Both are long gone now, the old man died at age 75 back in 1985 and Mom died in 2010 at age 93. I don't miss the old man but do miss Mom.

I believe spanking a child is not at all bad for them, but it sure was hard on me to do it! I spanked our daughter twice and I know for a fact that it hurt me much more than it hurt her! Both times it was a light smack on the butt with my open hand and it just plain depressed me.

I think a big part of what's wrong with the current generation is they did not get spanked, they got a "time out" which ain't shit and is soon forgotten.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
Nothing wrong with spanking. But other things can be used for punishment: no more video games, no more playing outside, make them do chores, etc


Big Nerd
Established Member
Jul 21, 2004
I got my ass wazazazazooped several times. Not all deserved. I'd say its in the single digits. My mom would probably disagree, but I'm the one typing this, so HA! Anyway, I got it with cables, rope, tree branches, etc, but the worst was the dreaded " hose" My mom cut out a special piece for me when I was young. The metal part was her handle. I'm now 34, and still have permanent welts in my back. Big enough that I had to explain them to the Physician when I joined the Army. She got me real good several times back in the day when people didn't meddle in other peoples parenting. I still remember conversations with the neighbors across the street asking me if I was OK. They heard my screams from across the street and inside my room.
I am much younger than my sisters. I was definitely an accident, and I paid for it everyday. Not that I'm playing the sympathy violin, but I took several for the team. The youngest sister is 10 years older than me. My mom took a lot of shit out on me that my sisters would do to her. I was a kid when they were adolescents, and my mom didn't know what to do with 3 girls going crazy. Jeebus, just remembering makes me cringe.
I, as an adult, will never forgive my mom. Maybe when she passes, I can just let it go, but to this day, I resent her for it. I'm not a psycho, though. Most of he people I talk to consider me the clown of the group. Read into that what you will. Maybe I used that to cope. I just wish that parents would learn to separate their frustrations from disciplining their kids. I'm ok with spanking, but the beatings I got were abuse.
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New Member
Established Member
Apr 29, 2014
4 oh 5
There is other forms of discipline that hitting. Your wife does something you disapprove of do you smack her? So why is a child different? Kids dont need to be hit to learn a lesson.
What I do or don't do to my wife in our bedroom is NONE of your business!!

is this real life? This is almost as bad as when people compare dogs to kids...

Don't get me wrong dogs and kids are completely different, but I get some people using their dogs as "their kids".
Now, if my child decides to start pooping in the floor...hes gonna get his nose rubbed in it and his ass busted with the newspaper!


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
There's definitely always the chance of overdoing it. That's actually where I question Adrian Peterson. While I agree spanking should be an accepted form of punishment, talking to the child really helps too. But just because a child is bothered by something, doesn't give them a good reason to take it out on something/someone else. There are better ways to channel that anger

When I first hear about they AP situation I was thinking what was the big deal - but then I heard the report that his son had lacerations and bruises on his back, legs, butt and scrotum- that's striaght up abuse, not discipline. There's a significant difference, at least in my mind.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 18, 2012
Long Island, NY
Discipline is great. That never kills anyone. I am a living proof of that. Abuse is inexcusable. However, as a society, we can no longer discipline our kids because of the few that abuse their children. (As stated before, abuse can be verbal or physical). As a result, parents are afraid to discipline their kids fearing a backlash, teachers are afraid to discipline their students because of potential repercussions from parents and society, and that leaves the unruly kids to land in the back of the cruiser on their way to jail. We no longer have respect for anyone or for anything.


Established Member
Mar 16, 2009
indiana, pa
I grew up getting spanked if I was being bad on purpose or wouldn't listen and if I ever have kids they will too. It hurt my pride more than it hurt my butt. I didn't get spanked every time I was bad. They probably did it once or twice until I knew what it was and realized if I was good I wouldn't get spanked anymore, and it worked. How else do kids learn to respect? lol
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Huffing Ether
Established Member
Apr 22, 2013
Wiesbaden, Germany
I was a destructive little shit when I was a kid, and my parents whooped my ass. I didnt turn out so bad. lol But some kids need an ass whoopin to get the point across.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 12, 2012
Denver, NC
Any kid that has been sent on a mission to select the switch that will be used on his ass will remember the search process and why he is getting punished far longer than any actual licks that he received.
I remember well, at about age six, being sent back twice for larger switches as the first two, in my Fathers eyes, were insuffence. When, at last and in absolute mortal fear, I brought in one large enough, I was then told that he had forgotten why he wanted to beat my ass, but, to put the switch in the corner in case he remembered. Needless to say, I could see it every day any tried not to do anything that may remind him to use it.


Z06 bought with food stamps
Established Member
Apr 20, 2010
I don't use sticks, twigs, belts, shoes or objects. I don't discriminate either male or female. They receive warnings, in fact several
warnings. If the talking back, laziness, or misbehavior conduct continues it's time for a wake up call. It's open hand, 2~3 smacks on the ass. They learn very quickly and my kids are awesome with me. They test mom a ton because she doesn't enforce it.


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
I still dont understand how my dad could unbuckle his belt, take it off, and peel my ass in one fluid movement...he defied physics i swear


New Member
Established Member
Sep 5, 2014
This is a very touchy subject for people. I was spanked growing up but I haven't spanked neither of my sons. I have a 15yr old and a 6yr old.when they have needed discipline I've never been able to convince myself they needed spanked. My older son and I are extremely open and honest with each other and I believe it is because I never spanked him. My lil crazy 6yr old can really test my patience. Especially when he was 3.if he didn't get his way he would headbutt doors or the I always teach them discipline when they are being good so they already know what I .0


SVT Powered
Established Member
May 8, 2006
Pensacola Florida
I only actually spanked my kids a couple times- usually I'd just thump them between their eyes on on their forehead - make their eyes water something fierce but no damage. You only have to do that once or twice, after that when they started to act up I'd just show them "thumper" and they'd fix themselves real quick... as previously I stated, making them exercise worked pretty well too. I stopped all that once they got over about the age of 12, IMO corporal punishment becomes ineffective after that.


Don't mess with Teksids
Established Member
Apr 5, 2007
When I first hear about they AP situation I was thinking what was the big deal - but then I heard the report that his son had lacerations and bruises on his back, legs, butt and scrotum- that's striaght up abuse, not discipline. There's a significant difference, at least in my mind.

Sounds like you haven't seen the pics yet... Yikes


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 9, 2002
Yeah, my dad whipped my ass when I deserved it and I feel that some kids today need that. There are also kids that don't need it and my wife and I haven't ran into a situation where we needed to spank our son.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 5, 2010
Having your ass busted won't do you any harm in life. God knows I got plenty when I was younger because I was a reincarnation of George Nelson,"Born to raise Hell" lol!

is this real life? This is almost as bad as when people compare dogs to kids...

I can't stand that.

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