Dumbest thing you have ever done?!$!


Dirrty North
Established Member
Oct 15, 2005
South East, WI
the dumbest for me was when i was about 11-12 my parents got tickets to the Milwaukee Bucks game and we were in the luxory box. Well my dad was lucky enough to get these tickets a few times so we knew the drill. Go to the closed off section, they scanned our passes and we could go and find our suite. Well my bro and I (he is 2 years younger) found ours, opened the door and raced eachother to get to the lower section (you can close off your suite from everything else because there is a pull across Glass Window basically) Well needlessly to say the just cleaned the glass........my brother and I hit face first into the glass, both fell backwards onto the ground and missed the whole game because we had ice packs on our face and my eye was swelled up pretty bad :(

snake bite 03

New Member
Dec 1, 2004
97cobraheaven said:
i used to live about a mile away from a two lane highway out in the country. was about 11 and my bestfriend, my brother, and step-brother took the mile walk out to the highway, about midnight or so. well it is a bridge at this point on the highway and so we have good cover and we are tossing small pebbles/rocks at cars as they go by... weird how you look back on things and think "what the hell even gave us this idea". anyway, we start putting fist size rocks just out in the road. well we end up grabbing this big ass rock and putting it out there. this car is comin along and WAM! Fuggin sparks are flying every where! We freak and just bolt, but i used to be a fatty and my best friend was a real fatty, and as we are running my bestfriend (SHIPER on here) eats it and goes rollin. well those of you that know the country know that stickers are very abbundant out there! Needless to say, my bestfriend had stickers stuck all over his ass! on his face, arms, legs, everywhere!

LOL yupp i have done that be4 too but it was much worse i remember putting this huge ass rock in the road with a few of my friends and this car drove right over it smashing in the oil pan and the whole car was ****ed up. we were up on a hill in the woods so we just sat there and watched the cops and tow truck come it was funny but i have no idea what made us do it...


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 15, 2005
West Virginia
Worse thing I did was when I was about 20. I was taking my sister's boyfriend home and it was on the other side of the town. It was about 10:00 pm or so and very dark. Going thru that area the speed limit was 25. Car flies up behind me taking the curve at the bottom of the hill sideways. We were almost at the top of the hill when we see him coming. By the time I got half way down the hill on the other side this idiot was on my butt. Well I get over on the side of the road and when I did the car bumped and pushed me. Well I pulled back out and started on down the road and he bumped/pushed me again. This went on for a few hundred feet. As we rounded from the straight stretch into a "S" curve we had to slow for sewer construction and they had two ditches dug across the road, one on each corner. The second corner opened up to about 1/2 to 3/4 mile straight. As I was easing out of the second ditch the SOB decides to try to ram me. Now I was driving my 79 TA with the 6.6 engine that had been souped up "a little." I had installed a Hurst his and her shifter. I looked over at the boy in the passenger seat and said "Lets leave this A$$hole sitting. He agreed. Just as the guy touched my bumper again I downshifted to first and it was on. When I hit red line I shifted to second. Theres a small 20 - 30 foot rise in the road even though its straight. As I got ready to shift out of second I top the rise and see a tow truck in the lane in front of me I shifted to the left, tapped my horn and proceeded to leave the car behind by about 10 - 12 car lengths. The fellow who was with me said "Lets pull in at the State Police HQ and tell them what is going on. We pulled in the driveway at the SP HQ and was geting out of the car to go in when we hear sirens. The fellow with me said "You don't think that was a cop do you?" I said nope just about the time he pulled in behind me. After a nice interlude in his patrol car and a lovely ticket to go with our date, I was on my way to deliver my sister's boyfriend home and then on to the house. The police officer threatened me with..100 + in a 25 zone, reckless driving, passing on double lines, endangering pedestrians, fleeing, and I don't remember what else. Well he gave me a ticket for 75 in a 25 and that was all. I asked him twice why he bumped and pushed me. He responded, Would I a State Trooper with the state of West Virginia do that? The first time I responded, You did. The second time he said that I said, No I was mistaken. Even though I had the marks in the plastic bumper to show it. When I went before the judge I stated my case and explained the details to him to the best detail possible. The judge said I was only one of several people who had run into this rookie cop and had been done the same way and received citations. Because of this, I received a $15.00 fine and had to pay court costs. Nasty thing was when my father opened up the DMV envelope that came with my first name on it which was what everyone called him, all heck broke loose. 6 points on my license and raised my insurance dramatically. So I had to explain everything to him again and take my chances with him. Needless to say I learned a great deal about running from the law. It's not worth it. Also found out later the reason he picked on me was a friend's brother had a 79 TA also and had spanked this cop who never caught him and had been specifically looking for him for several days.
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It's quiet ;)
Established Member
May 26, 2006
yeah i did something really stupid. i took my date out to whitecastles for dinner and then PITB later that night. What a shitty deal.

kasee 03

Menudo Eater
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
El Paso
Well, here's only three of them and by the way, deep inside I really like police officers it's just that I act impulsively at times.

1) Threatened to kill a cop( I said the next day he'll be in the obituaries, that's all) while he was questioning me in high school, got my head sucking concrete and a disorderly conduct charge.
2)My brother and I were street racing in his car, when they pulled us over I got out saying, "What the hell is the problem?" I sucked concrete yet again.
3)Me and my wife got into a bad argument and I locked myself in our room and passed out(because I was drinking). Several minutes later someone is yelling, "Open the door!" I open it and there are 5 police officers pointing their guns to my head." Later my wife and her psycho friend told me that they called and told the cops that I was acting suicidal.

Moral of the story is, when being pulled over or questioned by PD, "Yes Sir" works wonders and also don't call your wifes best friend "fat."


N2S come get some
Established Member
May 12, 2003
That one time i woke up and got married comes to mind for me, i would have multiple cobras if that day didn't happen


New Member
Established Member
May 9, 2004
Once when I was a kid I was at my stepbrothers grandparents' house. He lived with them. They lived in two mobile homes that were connected. At the front of their property was an old house. The house was in ok shape but not livable. They used it to store stuff. Kinda like a big garage. They had cars and lawnmowers and stuff like that inside.

So we were in there playing with matches and ended up catching the thing on fire. It got out of hand so we ran away. Before long it was engulfed in flames. This was an old two story house so it was a big ass fire.

We were a few houses down and stopped at this guys house and acted all cool asking him what was going on. Fire trucks went by and everything. So we went down there and acted all surprised. I don't think they ever found out what really happened. My dad divorced his mom several years after that so I never saw him again.


New Member
Established Member
May 9, 2004
Oh here is another one that is better.
They also had a well and we dismantled a swing set and threw all the bars down the well. His grandpa was pissed about that one. They also lived near a cemetary and there was a portion of it that was pretty old. There was one of those crypts that was set into a hillside. All the older kids said if you went in there the door would close on you.

Well we went in there one day and the concrete face of the tombs was all crumbling and a couple of the graves were visible. In one was actual human bones. So we took the skull and some others back to his house. We were in the yard playing with them when his grandpa came home and realized what we had there.

He got really pissed and made us take them back. To this day I wonder why a cemetary crypt was allowed to get in that condition.


Well-Known Member
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Party Liquor Posse
Dec 7, 2004
Fortuna, CA
back in HS me and 3 friends were in a creek with trees in it between a main road and a side road. the 2 roads ran parallel to each other. well it was late at night and we were in this creek throwing eggs at cars as they went by, after about 5 minutes of doing that a highway patrol drives by and i hit this car so good that you HEARD it. well it was dark so u couldn't really tell what you hit UNTIL u had hit it... needless to say when i hit that car i was like "OH ****!!!, that was a cop!!!". so we bolt to my buddies 5.0 and he's driving like a 100 down this side road, we come up on this sharp turn and he doesn't brake in time, in the mean time this cop is i'm going to guess about 45 to 60 seconds behind us because he had to back track to the side road and then chase us down. well he gets his 5.0 stuck on this small hill so we all just jump out and all just push our hardest to get this 5.0 off this small hill (cause he slammed on the brakes and we slid off the road), finally we get it off which seems like forever, we all jump in and bolt! well about 5 minutes later we see a helicopter above looking for us. we were extremly scared and thought we were done for sure... one of the luckiest days of my life. my friends 5.0 was pretty messed up from that too lol
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Active Member
Established Member
Aug 29, 2003
North America
not something ive done, but ill think of something ive done, but for now, a story about my dad, a few years ago, me and my mom come home, see both the front and side doors on the house propt open, we walk in wondering what the hell is happening, get a little closer, all this smoke is exiting, apparently my dad decided to boil himself some hotdogs, went downstairs on the computer and forget all about them, water completely evaporated, hot dogs looked like anchient artifacts, and the pot nearly had a hole in it, and was black as hell, oh ya, and the fan in the kitchen circulating the smoke out was the icing on the cake, its several years later and we still havent let him forget about that one!


Established Member
Apr 5, 2006
Phx Az.
The Dumbest thing I ever did was 13 years ago, it involed lots of alcohol and rearending a police car.............. nuff said..


Established Member
Dec 2, 2005
I used to drive a work truck, the thing burned oil like no tomorrow, basically I knew when to add oil when the exhaust stopped smoking. Anyway, I'm at a gas station filling up and adding oil, well some oil dripped on the manifold or whatever and started a small engine fire, I panicked and grabbed the first thing I could see, WASHER FLUID, which is flammable but did not know that, so I open this jug and throw it on the fire. The whole engine compartment was engulfed with flames for a split second or two, while I'm still pumping gas, not good. I run into the store and I guess stole four big water bottles, threw two at my buddy and yelled follow me, we put it out somehow, but the truck never ran the same after that. I did pay for the water later.


Established Member
Jul 15, 2006
St. Louis
man, the only thing i ever through at cars was snowballs in the winter(not the ones with rocks in them either).
i would say the dumbest thing i ever did was take a knife to school in 2nd grade. a kid came to my house the day before and threatened me with a knife. well my dad scared him off. so my response was to threaten back with a knife. he told the principle and i got in trouble. so the next day i beat the shit out of the kid


Mr. Bright Side
Established Member
Jul 2, 2003
DeKalb, IL
Lied to my long time g/f, Danielle.

Nothing funny there, just plain stupid and wrong. :( :xpl:

John :loser:

99 svtcobra

New Member
Mar 3, 2005
Alright this was at my first job... We had this annoying light that was outside where we would take a break. With the light on the boss could see us outside other wise it was hard to see anything. So my dumbass decided to get rid of the light. So I saw a rock and started to throw it at the light hopping it would break the lamp. When i threw the rock it slide down the roof and bam!!! it hits my boys back windsheild. That windsheild cost me over 600 plus i had to pay for the tint.

One night me and a old friend were going to eat some pizza before we headed out for a night of drinking and girls. i just got off work and was a little tired. worked a double from 8 am to 10 at night. He told me to throw in some frozen pizza while he finishes changing. I told him how and he said to just throw it in there and heat up the oven to about 350 deg.. My dumbass threw the pizza in with the box and everything. about 5 minutes later my boy comes out sees me sleeping on laz y boy and smoke is in the room. He runs to the oven to see that the box was burning. He woke me up and was like what the **** are you doing. I told him that he said to throw the pizza in the oven. So i did. Shit the pizza was still good though...

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