Only looking for 700-750, no more than that as it's a street car so a gen 2 shortblock is hard to pass up at that price point.
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there are advantages/disadvantages between the aluminator, gen2 shortblock, and a built shortblock.
aluminator has manley h-beams, and forged pistons. but ring gaps that are too tight for higher hp applications. (at least the 11:1 comp one does)
gen2 has powder forged rods (strong, but not as strong as good h-beams) and stock pistons. ring gaps are still stock which can create a problem at higher hp.
built shortblock usually will have good h-beams, aluminum pistons and correct ring gaps for your application. usually more expensive and or more down time (if you use your existing block)
ring gaps are important because if you start getting too high or cylinder temps, the rings expand. if the gap dissapears, it still has to go somewhere, binding up in the cylinder, which can break off the top of the piston.
It all really comes down to what your going to be doing with the car. AND the quality of tune... if your tune is spot on, you can get away with the tighter ring gaps. if its just a bit off at the higher power levels, your done.
In most cases, a gen2 is going to cover what people want, but if you start getting greedy, you will regret it. If your like me, and its never enough... then do yourself a favor and do a built shortblock, maybe even toss in some darton sleeves and I beams for when you really want to turn it up, especially if you have a turbo(s).
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