Judge refuses to watch POLICE ASSULT VIDEO (let's LEO walk without charges)


Established Member
May 21, 2011
Losing your job as an LEO for misconduct is a serious black mark on any resume.

As it should be, to correctly portray you as the degenerate that you are.

Many though want to magnify the incidents where physical aggression is displayed on camera, while overlooking all the other 'subtle' misconduct.

I don't think any misconduct should be overlooked, if you are given arbitrary authority over other humans you should be held to a higher standard than everyone else.
Feb 15, 2004
As it should be, to correctly portray you as the degenerate that you are.

I don't think any misconduct should be overlooked, if you are given arbitrary authority over other humans you should be held to a higher standard than everyone else.

I'm sure if we look closely into your conduct or anyone elses conduct, we could also argue that you should be categorized as a degenerate.

Its about time people get off their high horse and realize that this LEO has had the shield justifiable taken from him and will never represent the LEO community. Seeking further punishment over that incident is a bit silly.


Established Member
May 21, 2011
I'm sure if we look closely into your conduct or anyone elses conduct, we could also argue that you should be categorized as a degenerate.

Super...another cliche..."everybody has skeletons"...

Great defense of video evidence of a degenerate hiding behind a badge...


Sep 8, 2011
Houston Texas
LOL at all the police threads in this site.

I am sure everything is exactly the way it is being told and there is nothing else to it to any story.

LOL at every LEO reply that always says, "I'm sure there's more to this story than we know." Now, before anyone gets there panties in a twist, I have much respect for law enforcement and have a LEO in my immediate family. I get that sometimes there is a back story that justifies the actions of LEO's and trust me, I'm good with that. Some people deserve what they get and need to be shown additional force.

HOWEVER, in this case..it's cut and dry that the LEO was in the wrong. That force was unnecessary. Period. And for this idiot in the video to say that the police video isn't to hold the police accountable, he should really get his facts straight as I can't tell you how many times I've seen dash cams used for exactly that reason. To prove the LEO didn't use force, or to prove the subject was resisting. But in this case, it's total crap.

I, in NO way, am disrespecting LEOs in any department. I appreciate what you guys/gals do, and it is a thankless job. However, if you are in the wrong, you should be held accountable. It's that simple. You enforce the law, but you are not above it in any way, shape, or form.

I realize that SVTP does not allow nor condone bashing of law enforcement, and that is why I want to make it very clear that I am NOT doing that. But if you are going to come on here and post "LOL at every police thread on this site." then I feel I am justified to post my opinion on the matter at hand.

Hopefully, that's politically correct enough to keep everyone happy. :beer:


Sep 8, 2011
Houston Texas
Disgareed! If an arrestee / detainee spits on you and you clock him = justified. Been done so many times, not even funny.

Spit = battery.

Well, let me add this, it is here in IL

Since I quoted a previous post by you that I disagreed with, I felt I should quote this one because I agree with it.

Here in Texas, spitting is considered assault. And yes, I think if someone wants to spit on you, you should be able to kick their ass with no consequences whatsoever. For one, that's disrespectful. For two, it's a biological hazard.

Just wanted to give my $.02. :beer:


My shit don't stink
Established Member
Aug 4, 2003
Phoenix, AZ...hot sun, hotter girls
LOL at all the police threads in this site.

I am sure everything is exactly the way it is being told and there is nothing else to it to any story.

Is it your massive persecution complex that motivated you to become a LEO?

It's like you take it personally every time anyone says anything negative about a LEO that has NOTHING to do with you.

I'm a Software Engineer. That'd be pretty damned stupid if I reacted to every bad thing said about computer nerds on this site, no?


New Member
Established Member
Dec 31, 2006
How much does that guy need to pay though? He's already lost his job. Losing your job as an LEO for misconduct is a serious black mark on any resume. As if life isn't difficult enough for that guy now its to be made even more difficult over a stupid forearm bash? Like someone indicated before, probably settling an old score on the job.

Judges have a great deal of discretion. And I don't see any further need to go after this LEO for charges. It doesn't make anyone an idiot either. There's a lot of 'illegal conduct' that takes place on the job. Many though want to magnify the incidents where physical aggression is displayed on camera, while overlooking all the other 'subtle' misconduct.

Losing your job??? Embezzle from your employer and see if all you get is fired. Walk up to a co-worker and smack the shit out of them and see what happens. The LEO assaulted someone, which the last time I looked, IS ILLEGAL! The judge should have made an example and thrown the book at him. The people that our society chooses to give great power and authority over others, should be held to a MUCH higher standard.


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2006
Losing your job??? Embezzle from your employer and see if all you get is fired. Walk up to a co-worker and smack the shit out of them and see what happens. The LEO assaulted someone, which the last time I looked, IS ILLEGAL! The judge should have made an example and thrown the book at him. The people that our society chooses to give great power and authority over others, should be held to a MUCH higher standard.

Was hoping someone would have picked up on that comment.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
Karma will get that coward eventually. Its upsetting to think that there are people with that mentality in positions of authority.

The other officers in the video should be fired as well for not arresting/stoping the former officer that assaulted the suspect.

Judge should be fired as well.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
Is it your massive persecution complex that motivated you to become a LEO?

It's like you take it personally every time anyone says anything negative about a LEO that has NOTHING to do with you.

I'm a Software Engineer. That'd be pretty damned stupid if I reacted to every bad thing said about computer nerds on this site, no?

Hey smartass, read the thread again before you get your panties in a bunch. Nobody is defending the cops actions here.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
LOL at every LEO reply that always says, "I'm sure there's more to this story than we know." Now, before anyone gets there panties in a twist, I have much respect for law enforcement and have a LEO in my immediate family. I get that sometimes there is a back story that justifies the actions of LEO's and trust me, I'm good with that. Some people deserve what they get and need to be shown additional force.

HOWEVER, in this case..it's cut and dry that the LEO was in the wrong. That force was unnecessary. Period. And for this idiot in the video to say that the police video isn't to hold the police accountable, he should really get his facts straight as I can't tell you how many times I've seen dash cams used for exactly that reason. To prove the LEO didn't use force, or to prove the subject was resisting. But in this case, it's total crap.

I, in NO way, am disrespecting LEOs in any department. I appreciate what you guys/gals do, and it is a thankless job. However, if you are in the wrong, you should be held accountable. It's that simple. You enforce the law, but you are not above it in any way, shape, or form.

I realize that SVTP does not allow nor condone bashing of law enforcement, and that is why I want to make it very clear that I am NOT doing that. But if you are going to come on here and post "LOL at every police thread on this site." then I feel I am justified to post my opinion on the matter at hand.

Hopefully, that's politically correct enough to keep everyone happy. :beer:

Just read my post above :beer:


Dumpster Baby
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
In a pineapple under the sea
It seems that our justice system and law enforcement are starting to work under the assumption that the constitution and our rights as a civilian of the U.S.A have no grounds when it comes to what their feelings and assumptions are.


Established Member
Jul 3, 2003
Murder capital of USA
It seems that our justice system and law enforcement are starting to work under the assumption that the constitution and our rights as a civilian of the U.S.A have no grounds when it comes to what their feelings and assumptions are.

This is the real problem here.

It's no surprise to see that the LEO elbowed the guy in handcuffs. We've all seen much worse abuse from police than this particular incident and it's been getting worse for years.

What really should be a wake-up call here is the fact that we have judges who are now in on the deal. They are willfully ignoring evidence to protect corrupt police. Rule of law in this country is disappearing. What happens when the people finally say "enough!" ?


And I'm on my way!
Established Member
Apr 29, 2013
Charleston, SC.
Beating on a dude in restraints is sissified. I'm not against the occasional wooden shampoo when it's justified, but that crap right there was wrong. Hopefully the judge gets looked into also.


2V Warrior
Established Member
Jan 24, 2005
This is why people are losing faith in government from small to large. Technology just exposes more corruption. People will eventually get fed up...

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