Made the toughest choice in my life today.


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
wow this thread was a shocker. was expecting to see another dog thread.

i respect your decision and cant imagine what youre going through. and at 44? that's nuts. Godspeed to you.

makes one really reconsider all the trivial bullshit we worry about every day


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May 13, 2010
Miami Beach
To be honest about it, I am kind of on an island. In my fervor to maximize my earnings, I traveled extensively throughout my career. I walked in & out of my family's life at my convenience. My current situation with my wife is shit. She doesn't know how to handle my illness, she lost her mother to ERSD 4 years ago. She lashes out at me, & to be honest with you I'm just done with the whole thing. Due to my medical expenses when initially diagnosed, I had to sell everything. Car, home, etc. It took 2+ years for my SSDI to get approved, and I was the breadwinner in our home. Like I said, bad decision after bad decision. I have lived a pretty full life. Seen all 50 states, had some fast cars, many positive memories to reflect on. My current medical situation gives me no quality of life. I hate being an invalid.

On a more positive note what's your favorite song?
What was your favorite car?
You mind sharing some of your best memories?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 21, 2007
Wow! I am terribly sorry to hear this buddy. I cant imagine what you are going through right now. Prayers sent to you and your family. Keep us posted as much as you can brother.


Old guy's rule!
Established Member
Aug 7, 2006
Califas, guey!
On a more positive note what's your favorite song?
What was your favorite car?
You mind sharing some of your best memories?
Favorite band would have to be the Foo Fighters, the cover of band on the run is simply awesome!
My favorite memories (not including my kids, cause they trump all) revolve around my cars. Running a Superleggra down PCH and spanking that ass, cruising with the top down with my wife, late nights on the streets of mexico, having the fastest car at the "spot", meeting a few of the people that I really admire, hunting elk, man I could go on for days.
I guess that's why I'm at peace with my decision. I've lead a pretty full life. I've made my peace with God, and peace with myself.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 16, 2014
Hey, spend all the time you have left with those you love, and whom love you. Leave them with as much happiness as you can. Eat some good food with em, see a movie, go on a cruise with your kids. Do what does the best for you and them. I hope your time left is as much happiness as you can stand.


Let's go Brandon!
Established Member
Sep 29, 2014
Wow, hard to find the words. Lost my mother to cancer last November.. was a matter of time, but she fought for a while. I think once you get to a point, you gotta make a humane decision for yourself. My one regret for her was that I dont think she knew how to go experience life even when the end was drawing near.

We never had a great relationship, bad experience growing up etc. In the end though, Im happy she's no longer in pain or suffering. When we had her service, my one wish for her was that she finally find the peace in death she never could find in life.

OP, my heart goes out to you and your family. Its not easy brother, but if its on your terms more power to you. Im very happy to hear you've had a full life. Dont stress on the bad stuff, we all make mistakes and bad decisions. What makes us human is our ability to admit when we are wrong. In that sir, you've nothing to feel guilty of.

Go easy man, enjoy what time you have left with those you love. Or go rent an exotic car with insurance and drive the piss out of it. :)


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Sep 30, 2003
I honestly feel this way without a disease. I'm 33 and it just feels like there isn't that much else going on in life. I get to work the next 40 years of my life for some corporation just so I can have a place to live. Other than watching my daughter grow what's the point. You potentially have a lot of life left to fight for though at your age, but I can sympathize with the decision. Best wishes.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 14, 2007
No disrespect intended, but at 44 i say keep fighting.
You can always go back on dialysis right?

don't give up


Old guy's rule!
Established Member
Aug 7, 2006
Califas, guey!
No disrespect intended, but at 44 i say keep fighting.
You can always go back on dialysis right?

don't give up
Of course I could continue treatment. It comes down to a quality of life issue. I have always been a pretty robust person. I would love to bore you with the details of my life, but in the end it boils down to this; when most basic pleasures in life (eating or drinking or sitting or sleeping) come with a price, is it really worth it?


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Dec 31, 1969
Quad Cities
No. It's a quality of life issue. Let me give you a small example, imagine having constant diarrhea. Every time you eat something, 15-20 minutes later you have to go to the bathroom. You can't control it, no matter what you do, no matter where you are at. I have to sleep with a pad on my bed. The diarrhea gets so bad, I have a hit myself driving. Multiple times. Now, think of the alternatives. Diapers, really at 44 I get to wear a diaper?

I appreciate you not being offended by my question and actually answering it. I can't imagine being faced with such a decision, and am pretty sure I'm too cowardly to make the tough choice. I pray things are better for you on the other side.


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
A combination of poor choices & chemotherapy/radiation treatment. I am here because of my ignoring countless hours of advice from doctors. I was too concerned with making $$ & keeping up with "The Jonses"
Stupid decision on top of stupid decision.

I am sad to hear about what you're going through, and will add you to my prayers today. What a very difficult decision to have to make at such a young age. Your post above really struck me hard. I've put on a few pounds and my wife and granddaughter have been after me to eat better and take better care of myself. Most recently just last night. I'm done now with making excuses why I can't (or won't) do what is right and best for me. And for THEM. I resolve today to get back on a health track and take better care of my life and my body. And to get back out and start running again for exercise. I applaud you for your openness and courage to tell us, and believe your own trial will help others. I believe you have helped wake me up about my own health. I pray great peace for you, my friend.


Established Member
Aug 10, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
You have mentioned that your drive to be on top, make the most $$, be the best, has been a big factor in where you currently are. Just out of curiosity, would you mind telling what you did for a career and what the journey was like? I'm always interested in hearing different peoples path. I have this "Wolf On Wall-street" image lol but i don't imagine that was it.

Try to find small victories every day pal.

va boy

New Member
Established Member
Feb 15, 2008
Southern Virginia
I'll be 44 in a few months, I can't imagine the inner struggle you had to have faced to reach this point. I work in the medical field, so I get the whole quality of life thing you speak of. You and your family will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad to hear you're at peace with God, and yourself. I sincerely hope you can enjoy the rest of your days to best of your ability. Really don't know what else to say except that I hope you have a very easy, and peaceful transition.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 24, 2004
Of course I could continue treatment. It comes down to a quality of life issue. I have always been a pretty robust person. I would love to bore you with the details of my life, but in the end it boils down to this; when most basic pleasures in life (eating or drinking or sitting or sleeping) come with a price, is it really worth it?

There's always hope my friend. If you're a believer in Christ, He died to make us whole, and I can tell you personally that I've seen people pull out of situations like you're in. Maybe not entirely recover, but to the point where quality of life improved greatly. Have you looked into all of your options? National Institutes of Health does many programs on rental and cancer care/treatment. Just putting that out there.


Dumpster Baby
Established Member
Aug 13, 2003
In a pineapple under the sea
I respect your decision, as well as anyone else who has chosen to live in peace instead of misery, and that goes for people who commit suicide (aside from people who hurt other people before they do it). It's all the same concept except some people are a bit to close minded to see it that way. It's your body, your mind, your life it's effecting, not anyone else so nobody really is capable of gauging just how hard this could be for someone. Obviously at anytime someone feels death would be better than living, you know it must be some horrible shit.

You may have already been asked, or answered this but do you have a time frame in which you have to live? How will your body react to just stopping everything? Are you comfortable with just leaving yet? Are there things that you want to do before you do go? How supportive are your friends and family through this decision? If someone gave you a legal option today to take away your pain with assisted death, would you do it?

I think we should have legal death clinics. Obviously, anyone shouldn't be able to just walk in and end their life but there should be some diagnosis, such as mental health review, medical reviews to determine just how legit it is, and with counseling to see if it's really the choice they want. If they truly want to end their life, they are allowed to do it with assisted help. Painless ways, and maybe with some final requests type deals.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 5, 2010
Mentally, you're one tough individual. Whatever things you have left to say or share with others, now is definitely the time to say it.

Whatever comes next I wish you the best of luck with it!


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 17, 2013
North Carolina
Favorite band would have to be the Foo Fighters, the cover of band on the run is simply awesome!
My favorite memories (not including my kids, cause they trump all) revolve around my cars. Running a Superleggra down PCH and spanking that ass, cruising with the top down with my wife, late nights on the streets of mexico, having the fastest car at the "spot", meeting a few of the people that I really admire, hunting elk, man I could go on for days.
I guess that's why I'm at peace with my decision. I've lead a pretty full life. I've made my peace with God, and peace with myself.

Sounds like you have done some pretty awesome things. I can't even imagine making that decision or what you must be going though. Rest easy, we will see you on the other side.

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