Money hungry ****s! Sandy Hook Families sue


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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Curious. Are there laws in place that require schools to have bullet-proof glass? Metal detectors at the entrances? Security camera inside and outside? Full-time camera monitoring? Other security related measures in and around the school, including the parking lot? Certain type entrance door? Did the town discuss these measures with the public before the tragedy? If so, then perhaps the school/town were negligent. If not, then I can't see how this lawsuit will prevail in a court of law. That said, I cannot imagine the pain these parents (who lost their children) carry with them.


New Member
Established Member
Aug 28, 2013
whats dumb is if the bullet proof glass was in place before the shooting the families would've probably complained about why it was needed to begin with. while I agree not to judge the families who lost their kids but this sounds to me like some blood thirsty lawyers put them up to this, if I lost my kids I wouldn't be thinking about stuff like this, nor would money compensate me the lost for my kids. however, blood from the shooter or shooters family will help me sleep just a little better at night.

Exactly, there are way to many leaches trying to further an agenda (gun laws) and/or profit off of something so tragic! Makes me sick and sad that more people cant see that and condemn this type of behaivor.


I like BBC
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Denver, Co (Hell)
all banks have security guards. We can have armed guards "protect" our money but not children?
I've been in a lot of banks, and not a one had an armed guard...

^This. God forbid this happens to anyone elses kid but if I was involved I'd be more concerned about pushing for a fed/state law that mandates a certain % of teachers have a CCW and actively carry. There is no way these small town schools can afford prison walls and bulletproof glass but they CAN afford to hire teachers willing to defend themselves and their workplace/pupils. Pretty ridiculous that we even need to worry about this shit but since we do that's the best/most cost effective solution that I can see.

I remember after all this, CCW classes were offered to teachers in Salt Lake City for free...they got slammed with tons of teachers who went through and got theirs. So this or hiring a guard are really the only cost effective means.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 5, 2012
Conroe, Tx
Curious. Are there laws in place that require schools to have bullet-proof glass? Metal detectors at the entrances? Security camera inside and outside? Full-time camera monitoring? Other security related measures in and around the school, including the parking lot? Certain type entrance door? Did the town discuss these measures with the public before the tragedy? If so, then perhaps the school/town were negligent. If not, then I can't see how this lawsuit will prevail in a court of law. That said, I cannot imagine the pain these parents (who lost their children) carry with them.

in this case I don't think any of that would've helped those poor kids, the only thing that would've saved them is a bullet to the shooters head as soon as he stepped onto campus. even then lawyers would want to sue because kids would've been traumatized and we would've heard about why didn't they wound instead of kill to bring him to justice. sorry you enter a elementary school with a weapon and intent to harm kids, a bullet to your head is justice served, swiftly and justified.


It's to big to move FAST!
Established Member
Sep 4, 2002
Here/there/some other silly place
in this case I don't think any of that would've helped those poor kids, the only thing that would've saved them is a bullet to the shooters head as soon as he stepped onto campus. even then lawyers would want to sue because kids would've been traumatized and we would've heard about why didn't they wound instead of kill to bring him to justice. sorry you enter a elementary school with a weapon and intent to harm kids, a bullet to your head is justice served, swiftly and justified.

You hit on one policy that the Israelis have had in place for close to 30 years now. In that they'll do anything to protect their kids from terrorist at all cost. If you are there to do harm then you'll probably be met with equal force by the reservist that is on site. And these part time soldiers do this type of security as volunteers and don't even get paid for it also.


# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
Seriously? Why can't people nowadays just admit that sometimes bad things happen to good people and move on? Why does it always come down to profiting off tragedy?

Because when a shitload of lawyers contact your family telling you they have a case to get you millions with the other families, and if you decline you lose any ability in the future to get anything, you kinda have to just go with it.

The real issue here is that type of lawsuit and how it originates. It doesnt start by any family, it starts by some ****wad lawyer who sees money to be made off the situation.


And I'm on my way!
Established Member
Apr 29, 2013
Charleston, SC.
I'd pay for seat belts in school buses before I paid for bullet proof glass. Are you going to put bullet proof glass in every window or just the front entrance? Like was said before, are you going to cancel recess? I want to protect my child but it's foolish to think he will be 100% secure at all times. That's just not possible and probably detrimental to his growth as a social person.

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
all banks have security guards. We can have armed guards "protect" our money but not children?
First off, my bank has an armed security guard in a bullet proof vest.

Second, we don't have armed guards because parents threw a fit about it when the NRA suggested it.

I get that the parents are angry and I'd enact a scorched Earth campaign if someone harmed my family but that doesn't make what the parents are doing any less stupid.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 1, 2013
Where i live, in Fort Bend County, There are:

45 elementary schools
14 middle schools
11 high schools
and 4 specialty schools

Looks like a generic 6' x 6' x 3/4" sheet of "level 1" Ballistics plastic is $14.63. Lets assume there is just 1 window in every of the 74 schools listed above. That is $1082.62.

Lets assume there are 10 windows in each of the above schools, and keep in mind, most doors / cafeteria and other windows are larger than 6 x 6, we're just talking quick and dirty here. 10 windows each is $10,826.20 ...

So, lets take it a step further to even 50 windows per school. Some of the smaller schools may have less, but i know for a fact my highschool had a TON of glass. 50 windows each comes out to $54,131.

But wait, thats only level 1 ballistics plastic, if a shooter gets through that, there will be an even GREATER law suit and debacle ... better just go straight for the good stuff at level 3, which is $62.25 for a 6' x 6' x 1.25". Take that over 50 windows per school and its $230,325.

Yeah, maybe there's some wholesale pricing, and maybe the labor could be done cheap to install them, but i'm fairly confident i'm still undercutting what would actually be needed by a WIDE margin. A lot of these schools are in poorer areas, and since school funding is based on standardized state test scores, a lot of the "better off" schools will ship their problem children to another school to not affect their funding. I remember this clearly when i was in middle school.

So now you'll have schools with less natural funding, schools that struggle with their sports programs, after school programs, computer labs, text books and now we need bullet proof glass? Its just not even close to being either feasible or logical ... its always easy to say what "needs to be done" when its being done with "someone elses money."

As far as arming the teachers ... i dont know that thats even the best idea either. I can just see a fight getting out of hand and a student going for the teachers gun. I grew up in a rough area before we moved, and there were fights daily at my middle school ... put a firearm in the midst of a bunch of emotionally unstable pre-teens and you're just asking for shit to happen. Theres really no right answer, and theres really no "fix" for a situation like this. Nothing can be done to make the school safe "enough" for nothing to ever possibly happen ever. A fix like this needs to be an all or nothing, and sadly "all" is just not possible, so the only option is, for the most part ... nothing.


# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
We should ban schools.

Lets just hurry up and perfect neural implants so we can just download knowledge in minutes and skip wasting a whole 13-20 years of our lives on book lernin!


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 1, 2013
Until someone can convince me google wont be around forever, i agree. Its amazing the amount of people that still post stupid (or, wrong) things on the internet when it takes 10 seconds to look it up.


It's Fast
Established Member
Aug 25, 2004
Mpls/St Paul, MN
First, let me say what a horrible tragedy that happened. I don't think anyone could understand what these parents are going through without actually living something like that.

Couple things at play in my mind. It is not the fault of the Lanza family for the actions committed by their f'd up kid. He was at fault 100% and no one else.

I do not believe the school was negligent. They had a properly functioning system that was never designed to stop someone with a rifle from entering. You can bet that the shooter would have used another entrance or gained entry in any way possible to commit his murders.

The families are desperate to not have their children's memories forgotten. The lawyers must have convinced them that the only way to do this now is to sue and win judgements against the gun manufacturer and school district. I personally think they are taking the wrong approach.

Some may agree and some not. I believe what the NRA said was accurate. The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is arming a good guy with a gun. How schools figure out a way to do this is another story altogether.


I miss my torque
Established Member
May 17, 2005
You hit on one policy that the Israelis have had in place for close to 30 years now. In that they'll do anything to protect their kids from terrorist at all cost. If you are there to do harm then you'll probably be met with equal force by the reservist that is on site. And these part time soldiers do this type of security as volunteers and don't even get paid for it also.

ALL Israelis have to serve in the military for 2 years when they turn 18, women included. I think if we did that here, everyone would be a lot more informed on guns, a much larger percentage of the country would be pro-gun and gun owners, and there would probably be a lot less crime due to everyone on the street knowing how to whoop your ass.


Established Member
Jun 6, 2007
Let me ask you a question, if you really feel that way, do you believe that people should be able to drink and drive?


Established Member
Dec 9, 2004
all banks have security guards. We can have armed guards "protect" our money but not children?

Just playing devil's advocate, but that's because the banks pay for the security guards, tax dollars would pay for security at school

Is it weird that we had school resource officers in all the public schools I went too? From elementary to high school?


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 28, 2006
I can't believe so many of you are willing to give these parents a pass on their actions just because they suffered a tragedy. While not everyone has gone through the heartache of losing a child, most people have lost someone close to them. That doesn't mean they can now do whatever they want and get away with it.

This type of thinking is part of why society is so messed up. So many people want something because of a bad thing that happened to them. It doesn't matter to these parents that there is no funding to do what they propose or that the cost to fight this lawsuit will negatively impact the students that go there because the district will now have less money. No they care only about themselves. Its despicable.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 11, 2007
Is it weird that we had school resource officers in all the public schools I went too? From elementary to high school?
Not to me. Well except for on Elementary but there are cops that pass thru there frequently. My middle and especially High School both public might I add, had at least one officer patroling it and stayed mostly in campus.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 9, 2002
I know this is a tragedy but you know what, **** those families! They are shaking ever damn tree possible hoping cash will fall from it. First the are suing Bushmaster, a gun distributor and the place where the kids mother bought the gun, which was filed on the same date as this one. Looks like they realize how difficult that will be being they are realizing the The Protections of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act protect manufacturers against frivolous lawsuits like that. Now they are finding ANY tree to shake.
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Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
I tend not to judge the actions of parents whose ~6 year old child was gunned down at school by a psycho.

Although tragic, it doesn't give these families an excuse to blindly go after people or companies that had nothing to do with the tragedy....

If I got hit by a drunk driver tonight, and he was driving a corvette, i doubt my family members would go and sue Chevy because of it. These people need to get a clue. And these lawyers are just disgusting who would take a case like this.

No need to go after anyone other than the Lanza family. They are the ones who didnt seek proper medical attention for this kids sick, twisted, ****ed up mind. He should have been committed.

This! The mother bought a known mental defective weapons, and kept them unlocked. If anyone should be sued and judged, IT'S HER! But since she was killed as a result of it also, there's really no one else to reasonably go after.

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