More bad cops, San Antonio TX - HANDS UP DONT SHOOT


Active Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2005
His hands were clearly up and was poseing no threat. You are grasping for staws.

Looks like the right hand is the culprit to me, at :58 ( you can see him lunge it downward quick toward his waist band (if you pause/slow down the video), then a quick almost simultaneous pop pop.

If he was 100M away (could be closer, can't tell) the sound would travel to the dude recording the video in just 266 milliseconds. Keep in mind the LEO had his weapon drawn already which reduces his reaction time to fractions of a second. Probably why these things are termed split-second decisions.

Some forensics professional will be able to easily determine the validity/invalidity of this shoot based on basic math, the video, and the words that transpired between the LEOs, witnesses and the suspect.

Nice you can determine he was "no threat" because you were there to determine everything that transpired, all verbal exchanges, etc.

You can test how fast anyone can react to a threat and pull a trigger here:
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Super Moderator
Apr 5, 2003
South Louisiana
Surprised there is not a moderator in here already complaining about "Geez, do you guys search for this crap to try and stir it up? I mean, it really gets old."

Enjoy your PM, We've been here the whole time and in fact already had to issue warnings and remove post.
Yours gets to stay though. As a reminder of what not to do.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 11, 2008
People will see things through the prism of what they are already biased towards. If you assume the police are inherently bad and apt to shoot people for no reason then that is the way you will view this video. If you think the police can do no wrong and everyone they come into contact with are bad guys/criminals then that is how you will view this. As someone who has had to deal with similar incidents in my career I can tell you that it is not as cut and dry as some are making it out to be. The video is just one piece of the puzzle and clearly based on just the comments on here it is up for interpretation.
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I Remember My First Beer.
Established Member
Feb 14, 2008
tired of this hands up don't shoot bull shit. The guy hurt a child and a woman. He is a criminal. Cops are getting killed because people are mad that criminals are getting shot. CRIMINALS!!!!!!!

Maybe there are a couple bad apples but we don't know what these guys have to go through each day, it must be horrible to have so many people hate you for doing your job and trying to make our country a safer place.

As far as I'm conceded he did us a favor.


Established Member
Mar 17, 2012
People will see things through the prism of what they are already biased towards. If you assume the police are inherently bad and apt to shoot people for no reason then that is the way you will view this video. If you think the police can do no wrong and everyone they come into contact with are bad guys/criminals then that is how you will view this. As someone who has had to deal with similar incidents in my career I can tell you that it is not as cut and dry as some are making it out to be. The video is just one piece of the puzzle and clearly based on just the comments on here it is up for interpretation.

Very well said.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 11, 2008
tired of this hands up don't shoot bull shit. The guy hurt a child and a woman. He is a criminal. Cops are getting killed because people are mad that criminals are getting shot. CRIMINALS!!!!!!!

Maybe there are a couple bad apples but we don't know what these guys have to go through each day, it must be horrible to have so many people hate you for doing your job and trying to make our country a safer place.

As far as I'm conceded he did us a favor.
Criminals are entitled to due process. It is what makes us the greatest republican form of democracy the world has ever seen. That being said...the ambush of police officers is disgusting and should not be tolerated...neither should bad cops or poorly trained police be tolerated. With regard to this video, we simply don't know enough to come to a conclusion and those that have the investigation wrapped up in their minds are foolish.
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Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 6, 2014
College Station, Texas
BTW, another officer was just murdered. Things are only getting worse.

If I were an officer right now, I would quit. THe job was already dangerous enough, now it doesnt seem worth the risk anymore.


move along
Established Member
Sep 7, 2004
Enjoy your PM, We've been here the whole time and in fact already had to issue warnings and remove post.
Yours gets to stay though. As a reminder of what not to do.




New Member
Established Member
Sep 1, 2002
Columbus, NJ
Quote Originally Posted by article
The sheriff said Mr. Flores had harmed an 18-month-old child and a woman, who was found inside the home with a cut on her head. The sheriff said the deputies had attempted to arrest the man, but he had resisted.

“They also used, tried to use, nonlethal weapons to try and detain him,” she said. “And after a lengthy confrontation, both deputies fired shots, causing the man’s death.”

The nonlethal methods included the use of a Taser and shield, she said.

Sorry, but I dont feel bad for yet another ****ing asshat that deserved it.

Kudos for the LEO's for two shots, two hits and downed suspect.

That was the allegations, they don't know exactly what happened or even if the guy they shot was the guy they were looking for. When someone "even a suspect", has their hands up, or isn't fleeing, there is never a use for lethal force, but your ok that they fired at him twice within close range to murder him because they felt like it? what city do you live in?


New Member
Established Member
Sep 1, 2002
Columbus, NJ
Criminals are entitled to due process. It is what makes us the greatest republican form of democracy the world has ever seen. That being said...the ambush of police officers is disgusting and should not be tolerated...neither should bad cops or poorly trained police be tolerated. With regard to this video, we simply don't know enough to come to a conclusion and those that have the investigation wrapped up in their minds are foolish.
Agreed, and well said. The problem with america these days isn't just rouge cops "and there are lots of them", is that the general public is so entirely "uneducated" as seen in online facebook/forum/public comments that no wonder there is so much brutality.


New Member
Established Member
Sep 1, 2002
Columbus, NJ
tired of this hands up don't shoot bull shit. The guy hurt a child and a woman. He is a criminal. Cops are getting killed because people are mad that criminals are getting shot. CRIMINALS!!!!!!!

Maybe there are a couple bad apples but we don't know what these guys have to go through each day, it must be horrible to have so many people hate you for doing your job and trying to make our country a safer place.

As far as I'm conceded he did us a favor.
Again.. he was a suspect, weather or not he was the same guy that did commit the crime of hurting the woman with the cut on her head or not, the cops don't know that. They know about a suspect in an area and the allegations of a crime committed.

1 cop gets killed for every 500 non cops killed. Its a fact, lookup the statistics.

People don't hate cops for "doing their job", they hate them for being hotheaded arrogant public figures high on upholding authority that can't control themselves, hopped up on steroids and continuously case more problems than they help to "protect and serve". haha, i love that last phrase!

Last time you were pulled over driving your mustang around, did you feel like they were protecting and serving you? Did you feel like you broke the law and you were "a criminal" ? Because in the eyes of the law, evertime your mustang hits 52mph in a 50, you're a criminal too.


New Member
Established Member
Sep 1, 2002
Columbus, NJ
Nah man....if you have a rap sheet, you deserve to die, no questions asked.

I rest my case with your comment... since its HIGHLY likely that someone in your direct family and/ or a very close friend has a "rap sheet" that you don't know about. How old are a lot of you guys 20? I've said enough, half of the comments in this tread sound like 16 year olds bench racing cars they know nothing about.


The Man, Myth, The Legend
Established Member
Jan 7, 2005
I rest my case with your comment... since its HIGHLY likely that someone in your direct family and/ or a very close friend has a "rap sheet" that you don't know about. How old are a lot of you guys 20? I've said enough, half of the comments in this tread sound like 16 year olds bench racing cars they know nothing about.

Tezz, looks like Coiled hooked him one this time!


I Remember My First Beer.
Established Member
Feb 14, 2008
Again.. he was a suspect, weather or not he was the same guy that did commit the crime of hurting the woman with the cut on her head or not, the cops don't know that. They know about a suspect in an area and the allegations of a crime committed.

1 cop gets killed for every 500 non cops killed. Its a fact, lookup the statistics.

People don't hate cops for "doing their job", they hate them for being hotheaded arrogant public figures high on upholding authority that can't control themselves, hopped up on steroids and continuously case more problems than they help to "protect and serve". haha, i love that last phrase!

Last time you were pulled over driving your mustang around, did you feel like they were protecting and serving you? Did you feel like you broke the law and you were "a criminal" ? Because in the eyes of the law, evertime your mustang hits 52mph in a 50, you're a criminal too.

Dont give a shit about stats. 10 cops were targeted for murder and killed in the last month. Look it up.

I haven't been pulled over in my mustang yet. I've owned one since 08. I have gotten a couple thumbs up from the Highway patrol and city cops.

Like I said, I know there are a couple bad apples but that doesn't mean the rest of them should have targets on their backs.


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 2, 2009
Looks like the right hand is the culprit to me, at :58 ( you can see him lunge it downward quick toward his waist band (if you pause/slow down the video), then a quick almost simultaneous pop pop.

If he was 100M away (could be closer, can't tell) the sound would travel to the dude recording the video in just 266 milliseconds. Keep in mind the LEO had his weapon drawn already which reduces his reaction time to fractions of a second. Probably why these things are termed split-second decisions.

Some forensics professional will be able to easily determine the validity/invalidity of this shoot based on basic math, the video, and the words that transpired between the LEOs, witnesses and the suspect.

Nice you can determine he was "no threat" because you were there to determine everything that transpired, all verbal exchanges, etc.

You can test how fast anyone can react to a threat and pull a trigger here:

Thank you for this post. It is nice to see that I am not the only one that took the time to actually study the video, as opposed to those that just watched it.

It is being reported now that the suspect might have intended for the Deputies to shoot him.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 20, 2002
in the trees
Here in Los Angeles the Police are FINALLY! all going to be wearing video cameras.

But there is going to be a HUGE problem.

The police unions have gotten a few rules put in place regarding the cameras.

The officer must be allowed to view the footage BEFORE writing a report.

And the footage will not be released to the public until someone has sued to get it.

How can they get away with this you might ask?

The cameras are being paid for by "donations" and therefore are not the property of the city or it's citizens. So neither is the footage.

If he'd had one on, that would've eliminated all questions. His left arm is hidden behind the telephone pole in the picture. Who can say? All I know, is that his family has already retained Thomas J. Henry to defend them. One of the biggest personal injury attorneys around here. Body cams are a must. It's war against the police right now.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 26, 2013
Matthews, NC
Apparently there's a 2nd video that shows everything a lot more clearly...patiently awaiting it's release.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 25, 2004
I rest my case with your comment... since its HIGHLY likely that someone in your direct family and/ or a very close friend has a "rap sheet" that you don't know about. How old are a lot of you guys 20? I've said enough, half of the comments in this tread sound like 16 year olds bench racing cars they know nothing about.

Tezz, looks like Coiled hooked him one this time!


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