Steeda bar came in yesterday. Will try to find time this weekend to install and document. Super excited to see how well this can help plant the rear end.
Oil pan not leaking. Shitty aftermarket oil drain plug from Dorman is to blame. The o-ring isnt even 1/2 the thickness of the OE drain plug. So headed back to have the plug swapped out and oil changed again.
Very surprised they didnt use an OE plug. The Dorman one is vastly different than the OE in every aspect.
I could easily see Ford deny a warranty engine claim just on the grounds of improper oil drain plug with how much oil it was leaking day to day. Literally would puddle at every parking spot i usually park in at work and in my driveway at home.glad it wasnt the pan. Doorman can **** up anything it seems like. I leak tested the drain plug on my transmission pan before doing the fluid and filter change on the f150 transmission
The Bilstein 4600 information sheet states its basically the same valving as the 5100 but with a non-adjustable height and painted yellow in lieu of the zinc coating. So i could go that route in instead of the height adjustable 5100. Its slightly cheaper and still a big bore monotube damper like the 5100.i know you said you dont plan to change ride height but that's my main hesitation with the bilsteins, gotta take the damned thing off the truck and completely take it apart so better make sure you have that collar in the right spot on initial assembly
The Bilstein 4600 information sheet states its basically the same valving as the 5100 but with a non-adjustable height and painted yellow in lieu of the zinc coating. So i could go that route in instead of the height adjustable 5100. Its slightly cheaper and still a big bore monotube damper like the 5100.