My Situation(COBRA)


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2004
Los Angeles
Everyone here gave you excellent advice. The fact that you are mature enough to ask the question is a good sign and that you are considering what the implication are for owning a Cobra.

My response would be:

1) Can you afford the monthly payments and insurance? If your financial resources are going to rotate around the Cobra then I say "no". You will be broke and miserable owning this car.

2) Will it be your daily transportation? A Cobra will be quite dangerous on wet pavement and almost suicide in the snow. It's not a very practical car for everyday use.

3) It's a somewhat "low key" car thet blends in more the a Camaro or Corvette but it will be a ticket magnet with a loud exhaust and a heavy right foot.

If those items are not an issue and you are mature enough to say out of trouble then definitely go for it.

Orange Poison

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Established Member
Jul 20, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
You sound like a responsible guy...go for it as long as you can respect the'll be okay.

As for my irresponsible a$$....I would have killed myself back then....haha.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Aug 7, 2004
Los Angeles
95YellowGTBeast said:
SlowSVT said:
it will be a ticket magnet with a loud exhaust and a heavy right foot.

this is true expecially if u get a yellow one and its the only yellow cobra withing a couple hundred miles

"Yella" Cobra's defined :read:

n | “yel-la, 1: a color whose hue resembles that of a ripe lemon or sunflower, or is that of the portion of the spectrum lying between green and orange 2: Term used by gangsters to describe an associates or colleague’s lack of motivation 3: Color of signal for “Caution” 4: Color used by Ford Motor Company (federal #108 “Safety Yellow”) to allow for the instant identification of de-tuned Cobra practice race cars 5: Color of Porsche owners underwear after an encounter with a silver Cobra.

(for similar terms see: “Chevrolet")


Established Member
Apr 24, 2004
Greenville, SC
SlowSVT said:
95YellowGTBeast said:
"Yella" Cobra's defined :read:

n | “yel-la, 1: a color whose hue resembles that of a ripe lemon or sunflower, or is that of the portion of the spectrum lying between green and orange 2: Term used by gangsters to describe an associates or colleague’s lack of motivation 3: Color of signal for “Caution” 4: Color used by Ford Motor Company (federal #108 “Safety Yellow”) to allow for the instant identification of de-tuned Cobra practice race cars 5: Color of Porsche owners underwear after an encounter with a silver Cobra.

(for similar terms see: “Chevrolet")

lol awesome :eek:


Dec 26, 2004
Omaha, NE
I know what its like, I got my first mustang at 18, it was a V6 auto. I kept talking to my dad about what i wanted to do to it etc, he told me to sell the damn thing and get something and be done with it. After a few months of hard searching I found my snake.

I was 21 when I got it, and it was the middle of winter. Roads werent that snowy. I also learned how to drive a stick in the cobra. So if my butt can go from V6 to 03 cobra and learning to drive a stick at 21 you can too.

My parents had me talk to a lot of people, and every old guy told me to check insurance rates, how much were my payments etc etc. They pretty much let me do what I wanted when I came back from the bank pre-approved for a loan for the car w/o co-sign and an insurance quoute.

I am now 22, never been pulled over once. I'm not gonna go holier than thou, I gun it on the street sometime, not often, but sometime, but rarely 10 over the speed limit. Other than that its at the track.

Last item, keep in mind this isnt a civic where nothing will break until the car rusts through. Be prepared for things to break often.

My advice, do you research, find the best deal, when you think youve found it, wait another month or two, and then re-think yourself. If i hadn't waited like my dad told me to I'd be driving an electric green GT and not a red snake!


Daily driven since 2003
Established Member
Dec 14, 2003
SD, Ca
Financially I think you're nuts.... Unless you are very well off, just appreciate that you aren't driving a POS and spend the money on better things. I can't imagine how much dough I would have if I hadn't been a retarded car nut having my first cobra at 18. But if you got the money, hooyah!


Established Member
Apr 24, 2004
Greenville, SC
Big_Torch said:
Or working 2 full-time jobs :thumbsup:

wow dude i like driving my car but i dont think i could work 2 jobs for it. But maybe if i had a whipple or a KB on there then the 2 job thing might come into effect to pay for my insurance and all my tickets i will get. :-D



Established Member
Nov 4, 2003
Austin TX
I went from a v6 explorer to the Cobra.

But that's not the point, this post leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If you question your own abilities, well, you can guess my opinion. I somehow think though, that however many people tell you not to get the Cobra, you'll do what you want anyway.

I'm not making the decision on whether or not you can handle 400 HP.


New Member
Established Member
Feb 26, 2003
V6 --> Mach 1 --> Cobra. IF you are scared dotn do it. Its really not that big of a deal, jstu take it easy untill you learn the car.


Blown Is Better
Established Member
Sep 22, 2004
South Florida
Get it man, I'm 18 and Im happily (sorta) finishing payoff my Cobra an I don't regret a thing. :burnout: There is nothing to be afraid of, its a car... If you are scared then shift every gear @ 3k :shrug: My previous car was a 170 h.p. car and I made the trasition fine, ZERO tickets and zero "close calls" with the car. Remember you are driving the car, not the other way around.
If you are Finacially able to do it then go for it! You'll have so much fun with it and you wonder why you even questioned getting one. :rockon:


Wheel Hop 4 Life
Established Member
Apr 27, 2004
Get the car I got mine at 18 and never had a problem just take your time getting used to the car. You'll get used to the stock power fast and eventually want more. Do you have another car for the winter? If not I suggest buying a beater for the winter season. Also check to see what your insurance would be like if you got the car. Bottom line if you got the $ go for it you won't regret it.


New Member
Jan 18, 2004
Do it. Just use common sense.

I'm 19. Got the Cobra when I was 18 - had it for over a year and a half no with no close calls or issues. Have two friends with similarly modded '03 Cobra's - one is 19 years old, the other is 21. The only difference between me and them is they went from modded GT's to the Cobra's, and I came from a bone stock 1990 Honda Accord.


Lil Bad Boy
Established Member
May 17, 2005
Just turned 18!!! 460hp 04 Cobra under my belt...No problem... all your gonna need is a lil self control... :rolling:


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 23, 2004
well as for the weather situation, i live in cali so the weather is nice all year, except for few occasions when its raining, and of course when it does rain i have another car to drive. Thank all u guys for ur comments and right now in my head 85% im leaning towards a cobra.


Established Member
Feb 21, 2003
Tallahassee, FL
Wishing4Cobra said:
ok guys heres my situation,
im 18 years old currently driving a 03 V6 Stang, im thinking about owning a Terminator, but do you guys think that a 18 year old can handle a 400 hp car?
Ive been a huge fan of the 03/04's ever since the first day they hit the lots. I dont street race, and even if i do get a cobra im just gonna start off with some minors mods and just to know that i have 400 hp under the hood incase i need it. The v6 just doesnt cut it for me, wen im switching lanes on the freeway in second, it doesnt even go anywhere. ITS SLOW. I absolutely love cobras... but im just scared that switching from a v6 to a 400 v8 will take me a while to get use to and i'll still be thinkin i have a v6 and punch it trying to pass a car forgetin that its a v8 and loosing control or somethin like that. I know im responsible enough, but i just like to hear some of you guys opinions
Thanks for your time
If you'll be going to college, keep the V6.

Fast Willy

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Established Member
Oct 28, 2004
Bonita Springs, FL
postban said:
There have been numerous posts like these ever since mid 2002 and you will get a similar response to them. Old cruds like me will say, "NO WAY, drive a POS and suffer till you earn it, you kill yourself" and a bunch of 18-19-20's will come in and say "No problem, do it"

Well I read enough of them to just say, DO IT, get the car, you will be fine.

OLD but not so cruddy, btw, search for user named "catchmecopper" for some similar reading.

Haha you makin fun of me postban, no just kiding. But I'm 18 and haev a terminator with a whipple on it at 17lbs. I must say hes right dont just jump from like 160 hp to 400. Unless your like me who jumps from an svt focus to and svt cobra lol. However I've been to 2 racing schools the skip barber racing school and there was an audi one not to far from my house one time that I went to. I can say that I can handle it but before you o off buying one go out and drive someone elses that way you know what your getting yourself into. You should also look into a Mach 1 after all they are the old cobra motor. And after a while if thats not fast enough for you slap some spray on the thing and make some real power. Hope that helps.

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