Not the worst thing that could have happened, but pretty damn close.


Active Member
Established Member
Mar 2, 2003
Orange County, CA
They will total it. I promise. Thats if your insurance problem is worked out.
Now that we all know that your ok.....

You selling any mods?!?! :D


MACA Member #156
Established Member
Oct 6, 2003
Bethesda, MD
Im so sorry to hear about this. I've read your other posts about all the troubles you've been having lately, and Im really sorry. It just doesn't seem fair, it always seems to happen to the nice people. I guess although your luck has been really bad lately and all the bad things have happened, surviving an accident as serious as yours was, and including a semi is being pretty lucky. So although you're in a very cramped and tricky situation right now that will probably cause a lot of emotional ups and downs as well as stress, your luck will change for the better and things will get much better.

You're the 3rd wreck I've heard of recently caused by the Nitto DRs in the rain. Although they seem alright, all of a sudden they just give out... heres 2 others very similiar to yours.....

Friend was driving his 94 GT in the rain goiong about 40 mph on almost brand new DRs. They were going in a caravan to a Mustang meet. Wasn't raining that bad, but he was just driving w/ another friend and all of a sudden the rear just kicked loose. He counter steered but the rear was all over the place, and the car just totally lost it and went spinning out of control, hit the median, flipped a few times and landed on the roof. Car was totalled, both friends in the car were injured pretty bad but not as bad for a flipped car.

And just a couple weeks back, another friend with a 01 GT was driving in the rain again, about 50 mph and out of no where the rear just kicked out on him. Car was all over the place, unable to recover, went into a few 360s, past the median and onto oncoming traffic and they barely missed him. He was the luckier one, he just had a VERY muddy car from sliding through the median and almost hitting oncoming traffic.

My advice, unless the car is a good weather only car, do NOT drive with Drag Radials on the rear! They seem perfectly fine w/ no hint of losing it but then they just let go at the wrong time, and once they do, there is NO recovering.

Sorry for the long post, but Im hoping people see the light and stop using Drag Radials on cars driven in the rain. Its a high risk that it will happen to you, no matter how perfect it feels like it rides in the rain. I know, I had them on my 99 too before it got totalled and had quite a few CLOSE calls.


New Member
Established Member
Nov 2, 2003
Dalton, Georgia
Originally posted by 03SonicSnake
Networking Guru--Very sorry to hear about your accident and loss of your car, like everyone else said, THANK GOD you're alive. Not too many people walk away from Semi involved accidents. I wish you the best of luck with your insurance company. You've been such a big help to me and so many others on this board, even if you do drive a honda, by all means stay online with us. I had a ride like that in my GT once, but there was no traffic behind or in front of me thankfully. Keep you chin up and hang in there!!!


He's not kidding fella. Last I heard it was 97 out of 100 accidents involving tractor trailer vs car do not come out in favor of the people in the car...not only that but they lost their life.

I just lost my job too Guru. I paid cash for the car, so it will be going up on blocks with no tag and no insurance for a while until I get sorted out. I'll be driving a little beat up Ford Courier until then.

Glad to hear you are OK...this may turn into a blessing in disguise. If you're like me (and I know you are, in some sick and twisted way :thumbsup: ) you'll be able to fade and punt and come out smelling like a rose.

Take care of yourself, keep in touch. We know that we're not driving the Terminator daily, but that doesn't mean we don't bleed Ford blue at 12+ psi! :coolman:


Established Member
Aug 10, 2002
Oklahoma City
Very glad to hear you're OK bro. Sounds like a nasty accident and I have to agree with what others have said, these 03 Cobras a built strong as hell. We're on our 2nd 03 (1st one was totalled in an accident too)... so I feel ya on the loss. I certainly hope everything works out for you.


This isn't the autobahn?
Established Member
May 29, 2003
Whoa! After hearing what you went though and still being able to walk away-I would say you are very lucky. Hope everything turns out in your favor.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 2, 2003
Perkasie, PA

I had a very similiar experience with those tires. I've said it before, running the Nitto Drags isnt worth it. I was going maybe 40 on the Pa Turnpike, light rain and the rearend just let go, so sign of anything. This was in my 2001 GT. I hit the guardrail, didnt look bad, but had 14k of damage.

Be careful with those tires in even the lightest rain, they will let go.


New Member
Established Member
Mar 1, 2003
Sad to read about your accident, but as you can see there is plenty of support here for ya. Cars can be replaced. Insurance or not....there is no price for your life. Everyone here appreciates the contributions you have made to this board. We are all grateful you are still around. I am sure that the family that depends on you is happy to still have you too. I think sometimes we get a wake up call in our lives to make us remember what the true value of things really are. It is all perspective. I am sure that you will get past all of this with a whole different outlook on life.....and who knows.....maybe preparing you for a 2005/6 snake!!

I NEVER drive my car in the rain. I also have Nitto DRs too and can't even take a chance to have the same experience as you.


New Member
Established Member
Apr 11, 2002
Fort Lauderdale, FL
This is precisely the reason I got a spare set of rims for the daily drivers and the stockers will get the DR's. You never know when the rain will creep up on you. And I'm not blaming the tires. It must have been a hellish combo of water, air, drivers (both) and planet alignment that this occurred. Again, you have your life, virtually unscratched. Cheers!



giggle gas expert
Established Member
Jun 5, 2002
jax, fl
First glad your OK. Next, I took my car through that area the other day in the rain also. I have had 0 problems with my nittos+rain, but I literally had to slow down to 40 there(with hazzards on). They must be getting run-off from that overpass work, it was like ice for me.



New Member
Established Member
Jun 10, 2003
Waco, TX
man i am so glad that you are okay like what was already said it can be replaced. i also pray your insurance doesnt try to screw you know that you need them. insurance companies can be a PITA.


V8 Ford, V Twin Hogs.
Established Member
Nov 21, 2001
Jeez. :(
Glad you're OK anyway man, and good luck with the coverage.


Established Member
Jul 3, 2003
Murder capital of USA
Holy CRAP! Man, I'm glad you're OK! That totally sucks. I think I'M gonna puke. It's a good thing the Cobra is somewhat tough and took a beating while keeping you safe.

Now I'm really worried about those stock F1's. They seem to be pretty good in the rain, but I guess you never know when they're gonna let loose. :??:

I think I'm gonna get new tires sooner than later.


Kicking Your Ass
Established Member
Apr 4, 2003
Amazing... Thankful that you are not hurt. Well Physcially anyway. I am sorry to hear about the unfortunate events. Hope all goes well. Good luck.


Where is the KABOOM ????
Established Member
Sep 1, 2002
Liberty MO
Damn Guru that sucks glad your OK. Hopefully the Ins. thing will all workout. Just thank God you made it out alive Im not a overly religious person but he was deffinatly looking over you on that one.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 28, 2003
Hope you are doing OK now. Good luck with everything. I was in a very similar accident 4 years ago on the PA turnpike (worst highway in the US IMO). I was driving a 3500 Dodge (piece of crap) duelly when I lost control. I hydroplaned just like you. Totalled the truck. I was hit in the drivers side by an 18-wheeler after hitting the concrete median moving at about 45 mph while I was sliding down the highway sidways. I didn't get hurt at all which was amazing. Scared the crap out of me though. Everytime I drive in the rain now, I think of that day. I got a $90 fine for driving too fast for conditions. The cop was a prick! I guess the fine could have been more though. Who knows.

Anyways.... Hope all is well with you and your health. Hope the insurance issues gets worked out. Hope to hear that you will be getting a new ride soon. Oh and by the way, your car sounds like it is totalled.


Active Member
Established Member
Sep 15, 2002
Silicon Valley, CA
Thanks guys, your support means a lot right now.

I am hearing more and more bad stuff about the Nittos in the rain. If I get another snake, I will have to find a tire that grips wet and dry, changing out tires just doesn't suit me for a bunch of reasons (mainly pride).

Everyoone also keeps telling me the car is totalled. I am kind of hoping it isn't because I won't be able to get another if it is, that I'm almost sure of. Getting the loan for this one wasn't a huge deal, but then I had 4 years of working at the same place. Now I have 1 month on my own. And like I said, my credit isn't great. Oh well, maybe I'll just pop that engine in a miata.

If I have to take this to court for insurance, it's going to hurt bad, but so far, things are looking (somewhat, anyhow) in my favor, so we shall see.

I still have those t-shirts I am working on, and a few other ideas for terminator drawings are rattling around in my head, I just haven't been able to bring myself to look through my pictures since the accident. I'll still get them done though, one way or the other, I love the cars.

I'm not going anywhere regardless, you guys are the best :beer:


Grocery Run
Established Member
Jun 5, 2003
Jeez man, sounds like you were trying to do a movie spot for 2 Fast 2 Rediculous. I am really glad that you are ok.


Active Member
Established Member
Feb 14, 2003
Philadelphia, PA
I think a technical explanation of the behavior of the Nitto and other drag radials is that they have a rapid and uncatchable breakaway in a lateral direction. They work well going forward (that's what they're designed for!) but because of flexible sidewalls and soft rubber compounding, once they break away laterally they just snap. In the wet this is compounded by the fact that most of the tread grooves are circumferential, rather than lateral, preventing the tire from evacuating any water unless they're pointed straight ahead. So they feel OK, but when they go they go fast.

The stock F1's are very forgiving in a lateral direction. Once they start to slide they tend to scrub off speed rapidly and grab again. This, unfortunately, translates to the dreaded wheel hop (slip and grab) in a forward direction. It's pretty easy to catch a rear end slide with the stock tires. I think Ford knows this and likes this, for liability issues. They are also very good in the rain, evacuating water in any direction (except backwards!). I hear the newer GS-3 has the positive attributes of the stock F1's, but much better grip and less wheel hop.


New Member
Nov 15, 2000
I am very sorry to hear about this incident. I have driven nearly new Nittos through the mountains in heavy rain and I was amazed at how good they felt. However, they do not have much tread when new, and, I'd imagine that if they hit a sheet of water on the pavement, they could hydroplane really bad. That combined with the strong drafts that you get off a semi could well upset the balance of a nose heavy car. Even an expert driver would possibly be doomed in such a situation. It is nice to hear that the car protected you even when you were crunched by a semi. I guess we all should consider our stances on all the safety legislation that many of us have criticized all these years. I run F1's all around and have my Nittos on a dedicated set of rims but I drive them long distances at high speeds, so, I am going to re-examine my attitude, especially if the streets get wet.
Insurance companies can be really ugly about things so good luck with them on your claim.
Keep us posted. This is very disheartening that fate keeps kicking one of the good guys in the face.


New Member
Established Member
Nov 2, 2003
Dalton, Georgia
Originally posted by PhillyCobra
The stock F1's are very forgiving in a lateral direction. Once they start to slide they tend to scrub off speed rapidly and grab again. This, unfortunately, translates to the dreaded wheel hop (slip and grab) in a forward direction. It's pretty easy to catch a rear end slide with the stock tires. I think Ford knows this and likes this, for liability issues. They are also very good in the rain, evacuating water in any direction (except backwards!). I hear the newer GS-3 has the positive attributes of the stock F1's, but much better grip and less wheel hop.

I think I will have to beg to differ here. Not trying to start an argument, but I am one (plus several others that have posted on this board in the past year and a half) that has been subjected to extremely quick snap oversteer in these cars even on F1's.

If it's pretty easy to catch a rear end slide with the stock F1' may be that we're not trying hard enough to hang her out in a drift. It's real simple to throttle steer these cars, but get over 20-25 degrees of slip angle differential between the front and the rear tires on the '03 (and most likely the '04) Cobras and you've got a handful that's very difficult to bring back into control.

I think you're on the right track however. Tires engineered for straightline grip have a flexible carcass and a specific trad pattern designed to optimize a longitudinal contact patch during a mass transfer occuring axially in the chassis. Take that same setup and introduce lateral shear in a low grip situation like Guru's...well...we're all glad he's OK. :thumbsup:

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