Transsexual Female college basketball player.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
She is hurting other people, all of the college age girls who want to play basketball against the same. The person is not entitled to her/his own world.

if they're not the best at the sport, then they need to practice harder and suck at basketball less.

well I'm just glad you and others like you in this thread don't make policy. because the law says otherwise in this case, regardless of what you think, or how you feel about it.

might as well get used to it because there are more and more civil rights coming for transgender people and deservedly so.

I'm done with this thread. we just keep arguing the same shit over and over and over, just a new thread, different situation, different people.

you guys aren't changing your mind, I won't be changing mine. this argument is futile, therefore no using continuing to argue it.


Active Member
Established Member
May 28, 2005
Gilbert, AZ
maybe you try reading the ****ing link!

she is post operative. she now has a VAGINA. she meets the legal standards for the state of California to "legally" be a WOMAN. Her birth certificate has been CHANGED to FEMALE STATUS.

no one ever said anything about being 100% genetically a woman. duh, we all know that ain't gonna happen.

why is it that hard to respect the lady and call her a woman? why is it so hard to respect her as one?

I mean what do you care? Your chances of having any real life interaction with a transgender woman are very very low...and it's because of attitudes of people like yours. She's not gonna molest your kids. she's not gonna ask you out. she's not gonna sleep with you.

just treat them as people. if she wants to be viewed/known/recognized as a woman...what the **** does it matter? she's walked the walk, had her operation. leave her the hell alone. mind your own GOD DAMN BUSINESS. :shrug:

bunch of petulent, insecure, phobic, bigoted crybabies, I swear.

omg, a transwoman, run for the hills...:nonono:

How the **** can a birth certificate be changed!? You are only born once in this world and that's when it's issued.

HE does NOT have a vagina! A vagina is the female reproductive organ, not a nut sack turned into an "innie".

You are one ****ed up person to think that because a dude has his dick cut off, the whole world has to recognize him as a woman.

corey d

Established Member
Apr 9, 2012
South Louisiana
How the **** can a birth certificate be changed!? You are only born once in this world and that's when it's issued.

HE does NOT have a vagina! A vagina is the female reproductive organ, not a nut sack turned into an "innie".

You are one ****ed up person to think that because a dude has his dick cut off, the whole world has to recognize him as a woman.


Didnt i read somewhere on here that planter wrote some kind of racist letter to a county official or something? Now all of a sudden hes a "******" advocate...? Is that a condition of his probation or something, or maybe some kind of self inflicted penance?
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Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
How the **** can a birth certificate be changed!? You are only born once in this world and that's when it's issued.

because the law in 49 of the 50 states says so. :shrug: Tennessee is the only state that does not allow you to change your gender on your birth certificate after you've satisfied the procedures of each individual state.

I don't make the law. There's a procedure. I don't see what your issue is. why do you care so much? why does it bother you so much?

HE does NOT have a vagina! A vagina is the female reproductive organ, not a nut sack turned into an "innie".

wrong. he has a surgically created vagina whether you like it or not.

You are one ****ed up person to think that because a dude has his dick cut off, the whole world has to recognize him as a woman.

i'm ****ed up because I recognize someone how they wish to be viewed? maybe you're the ****ed up one. It's called respect. as long as they obey the laws, they aren't hurting anyone. get over it. stop whining.

this really bothers you a lot I see. it's got your blood a boiling. someone challenges the boundaries of gender, and you and people like you flip out and lose your freaking minds. and for what? :shrug: it doesn't affect you what they do. they go on to live their lives and be happy. so what???

you really should be thankful though. Thankful, that you don't have to wake up every day and go through what a transgender person goes through. maybe you should gain some perspective and do a little research and reading. learn what compassion is. not saying you have to like it, agree with it, or support their decisions, but at least respect their decision. You live a blessed life my friend, be grateful for that. Not everyone on this Earth has that luxury. In your world there's only black and white, you fail at recognizing and respecting that not everything is black and white. There's a lot of gray areas. And most of what's in the gray, is beyond your intelligence...or lack thereof.

You're just another former military grunt know it all, thinks cause he was some crew chief on an F-16, he knows everything there is to know about everything. Think cause you been in some combat or a combat situation you're somehow better than everyone, or you're privvy to some knowledge about life that no one else is.

You have no exposure to anything beyond a military structure. It doesn't make sense to you, your government brainwashed little brain doesn't recognize "out of the ordinary", or unusual, or mitigating circumstances, because you've been programmed just like a computer. Uncle Sam hits the button. Crewdawg jumps up and does acrobatics in mid-air.

I'm not attacking you for serving this country, :beer: to you for your sacrifice, I applaud your service and I commend you for it, I appreciate it.

But you have no experience, no qualifications, and no basis for making the statements that you're making because you have no expertise of any sorts in regards to this discussion, you have nothing to relate to, haven't done any research in depth or reading, and you have no evidence to support the bullshit coming out of your mouth. It's only fueled by your hatred and disgust for what you do not understand and have no desire to understand.

You have no idea of the genetic factors, the mental health factors or what this does to a person...and until you meet someone who is going through it, you'll never understand. Until it happens to someone close to you, you will never have any appreciation or respect for transgender people. Transgender people will be nothing but freaks to you, or ****ed up people, or sick deviants....and that couldn't be further from the truth. You make me sick to my stomach. :xpl:



Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
if they're not the best at the sport, then they need to practice harder and suck at basketball less.

well I'm just glad you and others like you in this thread don't make policy. because the law says otherwise in this case, regardless of what you think, or how you feel about it.

might as well get used to it because there are more and more civil rights coming for transgender people and deservedly so.

I'm done with this thread. we just keep arguing the same shit over and over and over, just a new thread, different situation, different people.

you guys aren't changing your mind, I won't be changing mine. this argument is futile, therefore no using continuing to argue it.

because the law in 49 of the 50 states says so. :shrug: Tennessee is the only state that does not allow you to change your gender on your birth certificate after you've satisfied the procedures of each individual state.

I don't make the law. There's a procedure. I don't see what your issue is. why do you care so much? why does it bother you so much?

wrong. he has a surgically created vagina whether you like it or not.

i'm ****ed up because I recognize someone how they wish to be viewed? maybe you're the ****ed up one. It's called respect. as long as they obey the laws, they aren't hurting anyone. get over it. stop whining.

this really bothers you a lot I see. it's got your blood a boiling. someone challenges the boundaries of gender, and you and people like you flip out and lose your freaking minds. and for what? :shrug: it doesn't affect you what they do. they go on to live their lives and be happy. so what???

you really should be thankful though. Thankful, that you don't have to wake up every day and go through what a transgender person goes through. maybe you should gain some perspective and do a little research and reading. learn what compassion is. not saying you have to like it, agree with it, or support their decisions, but at least respect their decision. You live a blessed life my friend, be grateful for that. Not everyone on this Earth has that luxury. In your world there's only black and white, you fail at recognizing and respecting that not everything is black and white. There's a lot of gray areas. And most of what's in the gray, is beyond your intelligence...or lack thereof.

You're just another former military grunt know it all, thinks cause he was some crew chief on an F-16, he knows everything there is to know about everything. Think cause you been in some combat or a combat situation you're somehow better than everyone, or you're privvy to some knowledge about life that no one else is.

You have no exposure to anything beyond a military structure. It doesn't make sense to you, your government brainwashed little brain doesn't recognize "out of the ordinary", or unusual, or mitigating circumstances, because you've been programmed just like a computer. Uncle Sam hits the button. Crewdawg jumps up and does acrobatics in mid-air.

I'm not attacking you for serving this country, :beer: to you for your sacrifice, I applaud your service and I commend you for it, I appreciate it.

But you have no experience, no qualifications, and no basis for making the statements that you're making because you have no expertise of any sorts in regards to this discussion, you have nothing to relate to, haven't done any research in depth or reading, and you have no evidence to support the bullshit coming out of your mouth. It's only fueled by your hatred and disgust for what you do not understand and have no desire to understand.

You have no idea of the genetic factors, the mental health factors or what this does to a person...and until you meet someone who is going through it, you'll never understand. Until it happens to someone close to you, you will never have any appreciation or respect for transgender people. Transgender people will be nothing but freaks to you, or ****ed up people, or sick deviants....and that couldn't be further from the truth. You make me sick to my stomach. :xpl:


I agree 100% with what you say, but just to bust your balls...



Established Member
Premium Member
Jun 11, 2005
Scranton, PA
I'm done with this thread. we just keep arguing the same shit over and over and over, just a new thread, different situation, different people.

This chap doesn't know when to quit. He keeps coming back for more although he claims to be done with this thread.

Has anyone ever seen that weirdo who had his body altered to resemble a lizard? He has green tats, his tongue is split, he has structures surgically placed under his flesh in order to resemble the bumps of a lizard, etc.., Should he be recognized as a lizard or a man or a weirdo?


Active Member
Established Member
May 28, 2005
Gilbert, AZ
This chap doesn't know when to quit. He keeps coming back for more although he claims to be done with this thread.

Has anyone ever seen that weirdo who had his body altered to resemble a lizard? He has green tats, his tongue is split, he has structures surgically placed under his flesh in order to resemble the bumps of a lizard, etc.., Should he be recognized as a lizard or a man or a weirdo?

Lizard, duh :rollseyes:

I think I will have surgeries to look as much like Michael Jordan as possible, then everyone will have to recognize me as Michael Jordan. I will have the same endorsements, friends and golfing opportunities. If anyone disagrees with that then they are an intolerant, bigoted asshole.


Established Member
Mar 27, 2008
Odessa, TX
Simple as this.... If you are born a MAN you will forever and always be down to the molecule level a MAN!

I have gay relatives and I have no problems with people and there sexual preference, but I do with a 50 year old MAN in a locker room with 18+ old WOMEN just because he has a FAGINA (fake vagina).


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
At that point your muscles are longer which takes more time to contract and the force required to work that fulcrum increases. The physics of your jump changes the taller you get. That's why tall guys by and large don't jump as well. Adding height is just like tweaking suspension angles....the physics of everything changes.

It would change your game dramatically. You'd be slower, not be able to jump as high, the ball would take significantly longer to travel to the floor during a dribble, your hands would be bigger....etc, etc, etc. All of those change the way you move and interact. The physics of, well, everything changes at that point. There's a reason the 7 footers in the NBA can't jump or dribble worth a darn.

There's no denying that you're 21 with comments like that. When you are 35 I'll bet money that you can't dunk and at 50, the age this dude is, you will barely be able to get off the ground. Just wait dude, it will happen to you. I've avoided a lot over the years and am in damn good shape but the one thing I can't change in the gym is the aging process. Shit happens and that dude is 50. Being tall puts a lot of stress on your body as it is and that dude has 5 decades mileage plus the physical problems that result from being tall (back problems is a huge one).

If this guy were 30 I'd agree with you...he should be able to clear a piece of lint on the ground but he's 50 dude. I'm shocked he can still play Ju.Co. ball.

I'm 35 and can't dunk anymore. It happened sooner to me than most due to the damage I did to my body playing professional sports but it was just a matter of time. I had a 36" vertical that slowly disappeared over time. Back injuries, knees, slowed reaction, etc, etc all collectively take their toll. When I was in my early 20's the old guys on these forums said a lot of things would change physically at this age that never did because I still work my ass off but the one thing you can't prevent is age. You will see and you'll say the same things to kids who think they'll defy the laws of physics too ;)

I agree with almost everything you said but...

Dwight Howard Superman dunk - YouTube

81 seconds to the contrary


Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
:lol1: Im red from laughing so hard

This right here was the ONLY thing that got me to click on the link. And you're absolutely right! :beer:

"Well, Well... You took my advice about theatricality a bit literally."

From the League of Shadows, to the League of Trannies.


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It's for your own protection
Established Member
Jan 21, 2006
So i can walk into a ladies locker room? They cant say anything if i say i am a "woman" inside. because that would be discrimination. Who is to say im wrong

Sent with my over sized Johnson


New Member
Established Member
Aug 5, 2012
I have no problem with transsexuals, but I still think her playing on this team isn't quite right.

I agree. I know I can't fathom the politically correct argument for it, but it seems unfair. Is unfair a valid argument... who knows?

You're just another former military grunt know it all, thinks cause he was some crew chief on an F-16, he knows everything there is to know about everything. Think cause you been in some combat or a combat situation you're somehow better than everyone, or you're privvy to some knowledge about life that no one else is.

You have no exposure to anything beyond a military structure. It doesn't make sense to you, your government brainwashed little brain doesn't recognize "out of the ordinary", or unusual, or mitigating circumstances, because you've been programmed just like a computer. Uncle Sam hits the button. Crewdawg jumps up and does acrobatics in mid-air.

I'm not attacking you for serving this country, :beer: to you for your sacrifice, I applaud your service and I commend you for it, I appreciate it.


I would tell you to take your bs thanks and shove it up your ass. Your opinion and thought process is very clear.


Semi user friendly
Established Member
Sep 15, 2003
Spring, Texas, United States
She is hurting other people, all of the college age girls who want to play basketball against the same. The person is not entitled to her/his own world.

FACT! If it just wanted to be a 6'6" woman and not attract any attention about being odd/rare/unusual/freaky why go back to college at 50 and expect playing basketball with little teen aged girls would not present a competitive advantage problem for a lot of people who may have actual real daughters in the game????:shrug::dw:

is he a she? no.
A mutilated he.

This chap doesn't know when to quit. He keeps coming back for more although he claims to be done with this thread.

Has anyone ever seen that weirdo who had his body altered to resemble a lizard? He has green tats, his tongue is split, he has structures surgically placed under his flesh in order to resemble the bumps of a lizard, etc.., Should he be recognized as a lizard or a man or a weirdo?

A strange but somewhat relevant example.


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
FACT! If it just wanted to be a 6'6" woman and not attract any attention about being odd/rare/unusual/freaky why go back to college at 50 and expect playing basketball with little teen aged girls would not present a competitive advantage problem for a lot of people who may have actual real daughters in the game????:shrug::dw:

A mutilated he.

A strange but somewhat relevant example.

trust me, she/he I dont know what to call this person, is not at an advantage...0-5 with 3 rbs...thats horrible...even old man grumpy could do better than that!

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