War in Iraq, DONE


Mongoloid Mike
Established Member
Sep 11, 2005
i have a military back ground. its not about politics, its about the fact that people that have spent 3 yrs our of the last 6 in harms way and away from their families can come home and relax just a little more then they could before.

thats what we should all be happy about

They'll just send us somewhere else...


New Member
Established Member
Apr 26, 2007
Wilmington NC
I know we're not as loved by the rest of the 03s but we just found out today that all of us in Security Forces are not going anywhere! I was supposed to leave for the fleet in June but they aren't sending any new bodies to us so the guys that are here are going to be holding it down, probably close to the end of our enlistment. It's actually a pretty big move on the higher ups part, one they said would NEVER happen, but it just has.

This just hints to us that things are getting stale and with the downsizing of the Marine Corps that just means we're going to start pulling back. on every front in my opinion.

Is that in your unit? PRP commands? Security Forces as a whole?

That's definitely not what my contract said lol.


Active Member
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Dec 8, 2004
Olathe KS
Regardless of how much you hate the guy, it seems like more was accomplished in his term than in Bush's, just saying. While his politics suck, the military accomplishments that have happen while he's been office have produced results. We are well aware that he himself did not kill the bad guys, or do this... but he was the commander when these happen therefore gets credit just like any other president gets credit for the good and bad things they do. I wouldn't vote for him now and I didn't before but he IS doing SOME things that aren't bad.

I think the only person that should get credit for ending Iraq is al-Maliki. Obama just said ok.
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Did I say that out loud?
Established Member
Jul 2, 2006
New York
GWB actually set the end of 2011 as the date all US troops would leave Iraq. Iraq wanted some troops to remain for training purposes but they weren't going to let the soldiers be immune to Iraqi laws, like soldiers have been since the start of the war. No immunity =no more troops therefore the set date for leave was end of 2011 so here we are.


Established Member
Apr 8, 2009
Northern Cuba
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!!!!

Only reason he is pulling out now is to

A) Pull media attention off of the Republican Primary


What attention? You obviously haven't seen what the GOP are offering as far as candidates. Absolute jokes. :lol1:

They've pretty much made sure that Obama will be reelected.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
Is that in your unit? PRP commands? Security Forces as a whole?

That's definitely not what my contract said lol.

From what I've heard SF as a whole. FAST has more bodies than needed and PRP is low so they're going to work on getting the extra FAST guys their clearances for PRP so they can cone over. If you've got the contract then you're probably the last of them to come here for a while. Don't get caught up on that yet cause it's never a sure thing. That's just the first time we've had it confirmed by our platoon sargeants. You won't be stuck here if you eventually want out as you'll still be able to send in your packet for MARSOC and you could probably get sent to the Recon indoc or Scout Sniper school if you pulled enough strings. This is probably the best place to prepare for those schools too.


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004

What attention? You obviously haven't seen what the GOP are offering as far as candidates. Absolute jokes. :lol1:

They've pretty much made sure that Obama will be reelected.

Jokes by the media's standards but do you personally agree with their standards? I hope not. Ron Paul is far from a joke from what I've already seen. But because he looks old and the media acts as if he's unelectable people like you write him off as a joke. If Americans would open their eyes and turn from the standards the media has created for our presidents then maybe we could get a decent guy in there every now and then. I'd rather have an ugly president that makes decisions based on the country's best interests than a president who is propped up by his own personal image and makes decisions based off his next reelection. Greed is what's bringing this country to its knees and its sad to see how blind Americans really are.


Stock IRS Guru
Established Member
May 4, 2003
Interesting read, were not going anywhere, maybe on paper, and in the news.

But the end of the war does not mean the end of the U.S. presence in Iraq. Indeed, speaking after the president’s brief announcement, Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough acknowledged that the United States would continue to train Iraq’s military in the new weaponry that Obama has agreed to sell the government that emerged after U.S. troops toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein in 2003. Just this year, the Pentagon approved a sale of F-16s to Iraq’s air force.

President Obama Declares Iraq War Over After Bloody Nine-Year Conflict - The Daily Beast

We have done it in the past and continue to do it in the future, ive spent plenty of time deployed to places in the name of the spread of communism...Korea etc..Were still in Europe on a large scale from WWII Anyone who thinks our persistence in the middle east will be ending or magically vanishing because a president says so needs to lay off the pipe. It wont end anytime soon whatever way you flip or skew it. It is what it is...no president or administration change will ever effect that, history always repeats itself. If your in the military just accept that you and probably your children will be deployed to middle eastern countries for as long as your breathing in the name of the spread of democracy. Once the military prescence dwindles, that is what contractors are for. Who do you think runs Saudi Arabia's airforce/F-15 fleet? Contractors... Who do you think runs the majority of the drones in the middle east? Contractors via the CIA...not military.The list goes on.....

Active Duty 15 years myself... 6262 Allied Casulaties as of today. RIP...freedom is not free. Bring them home, but do it smartly or others will die because of continued botched decision making by planners/politicians.
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Active Member
Established Member
Jan 26, 2006
Glad they are coming home....I just hope they can find jobs when they get back..Seems like its slim pickings everywhere...


Authorized Vendor
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Single Barrel Sirs
Nov 17, 2002
Cheshire, CT
Just a ratings stunt.

In a week hell say itll take 3yrs to implement and he needs to be reelected to see it through.

Sent from my iPhail using Tapatalk while doing 90 on the freeway and streetracing through traffic. What now?

I agree! He's a desperate man. But he'll need a lot more to even have a chance at be re-elected IMO.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2004
El Paso, TX
GWB actually set the end of 2011 as the date all US troops would leave Iraq. Iraq wanted some troops to remain for training purposes but they weren't going to let the soldiers be immune to Iraqi laws, like soldiers have been since the start of the war. No immunity =no more troops therefore the set date for leave was end of 2011 so here we are.

Exactly, President Obama can't take credit for ending this war when the withdrawl timeline was set before he was president.

We may totally withdrawl from Iraq but we will still be in the middle east just like the end of Operation Desert Storm. Operation Desert Spring had military forces in Kuwait for years after Desert Storm.

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