What is your opinion, What is the biggest issue now-a-days?

What is the biggest issue today?

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 29, 2007
Easton, PA
I put other. I think accountability and responsibility of our citizens and elected officials results in all the other problems listed(or not listed) except North Korea.
Gun control is an issue related to stupidity and ignorance in this country.(I am pro guns)
Obesity is usually personal responsibility problem. Many obese people blame genetics while they're sucking down gallons of soda and have a terrible diet. There are cases where genetics cause obesity but people need to learn to moderate and stop blaming something/someone else for their problems.

The same goes for the economy and immigration etc.


New Member
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Jan 29, 2006
The Earth
I don't share your pessimism.

It's not pessimism, its reality but some people choose to be stupid and "optimistic" like $17,000,000,000,000 is going to go away and we'll be on the up in no time.

Maybe the bigger problem is people like you who don't think it's a big deal cuz it'll just go away eventually.
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 14, 2008
I picked "other." The biggest issue facing us today is the growing entitlement mentality. Fix that (how, I don't know) and most of the other issues resolve themselves.

This. Nobody takes responsibility for anything, but they want everything. Kids are being raised to think that nothing is ever their fault, and that has set the course for the country. Either that, or people are just too stupid to see that their actions (or lack of) have a very direct impact on their lives. I see it everyday on Facebook, people blaming this and that for why they're in the situation they are, when in reality, it's very apparent that they have brought everything on themselves. These are the same idiots that vote in our current idiot politicians, because they are promised that they will get something for nothing.... something about "Hope" and "Change" and whatnot. :nonono:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 29, 2007
Easton, PA
This. Nobody takes responsibility for anything, but they want everything. Kids are being raised to think that nothing is ever their fault, and that has set the course for the country. Either that, or people are just too stupid to see that their actions (or lack of) have a very direct impact on their lives. I see it everyday on Facebook, people blaming this and that for why they're in the situation they are, when in reality, it's very apparent that they have brought everything on themselves. These are the same idiots that vote in our current idiot politicians, because they are promised that they will get something for nothing.... something about "Hope" and "Change" and whatnot. :nonono:

Can't believe I missed Snover's post. It pretty much goes along with What i said about accountability. I feel parents and kids today are also part of the immigration problem especially with the jobs that illegal immigrants are taking. Most kids these days don't work or get summer jobs. They sit home and play video games and parents allow it. These jobs are now occupied by illegal immigrants and kids no longer understand the value of money. When I was growing up, if you didn't work or have a summer job, you did chores for a meager allowance.

I have a friend who's spoiled 12 year old nephew got a hold of his ipad and ended up breaking it. The kid didn't think he did anything wrong and just said "just buy another one" as if money grows on trees. This is our future generation.


Readin posts, rollin eyes
Established Member
Feb 3, 2010
Miami, Florida
Biggest world issue? Humans. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


2V Power
Established Member
Dec 29, 2005
Economy and every one is a wussy. You can not say one thing without being racist, creating a huge debate or being sued.


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY

We have a whole generation with no motivation to do anything. Grown adults living with their parents well into their 20's and 30's... Remember when turning 18 meant something? That new, young adults were about to break out and start their own lives. Moving away to attend a University, or head to the factory to start a career, or sign up for the military to serve the country and your fellow Americans.

I know the economy and job market is different now, but hell, people used to have pride in what they did... whatever it was. When attendants at Full Service Gas stations would run out to your car, with a smile and some pep in their step, because it was their time to shine. They may just be pumping gas, but by God, they were gonna try and be the best at it!

Now we have borderline retards serving us at McDonald's, who give us attitude because their life isn't turning out quite the way MTV promised.

A whole generation raised by parents telling them they are special, and can be anything they want to be. Raised by teachers, who don't give "F" grades, telling them "good job for trying..." and grading on a curve... Raised by coaches who never yell at them, but tell them it's not about winning, it's about playing the game, and no one loses, because everyone gets participation trophies, and raised by media that show them "celebrities" who got that way because they are simply being themselves... not for having a talent or accomplishing anything... watching tv programs that glorify "celebrities" who are famous for the sake of being famous (Kim K, Paris Hilton, Octomom, the cast of Jersey Shore, etc etc) and of course they want that for themselves... To just fall into fame and fortune. Kids who spend all day on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc etc... who feel like they're the center of their own little universe and star of their own personal reality show, putting their lives on display for anyone who might care... buying magazines that print stories about celebrities day to day lives. Who really cares that someone took pictures of Snooki tying her shoe?

Everything has become about instant satisfaction... People want instant fame. Instant fortune. Instant happiness... and not just on a personal level. Companies are all about maximizing profits... to satisfy the shareholders want for instant ROI... no longer carrying if they're offering the best product... as long as it markets well, and is cheap to build.

People no longer have a sense of community. They'd rather go to Walmart because they can buy everything they need in one place, for less, than support a few local businesses... Yes Walmart employs a lot of people, but imagine a world without Walmarts. Where there are more business owners running mom and pop shops, hiring the local kids. Rather than just being employees of a multinational corporation, just one more cog in the money machine making share holders rich.

Very few have pride in what they do anymore. Even the government... Remember when the US made a commitment to go to the moon? It wasn't about the money, or anything so trivial... it was for pride. To prove America has what it takes to be number one. When was the last time something truly great was built in this country? Like the Empire State building? Twin Towers? Golden Gate bridge? Hoover Dam? Mount Rushmore? Something awe inspiring.

The generation that started/was in college/or just graduated in 2008 HAS to be the most important generation in modern american history. We elected change in 2008. We wanted to have a more forward thinking leadership. No more Bible in the White House, no more "legitimate" rape, no more "good old boys club" ie; the same old white rich men in power. I thought a more diverse electorate that celebrated its differences, white, black, hispanic, gay, straight, men, and women could all work together.

I was mistaken. I thought that the immigrant mentality, the same purtian work ethic that the country, would return. Hispancis and Asians are some of the hardest working and most intelligent people on the planet. I thought they would carry the new american spirit. The white mentality of my daddy owns this company so its mine when I get of age was suppose to end, it did but it was replaced with a sense of entitlement.

Many Americans dont have the killer work ethic. Go to any college, look at who the best students are. It is not the white kid who had college paid for them. No it is the minority students who work 2 jobs because their parents sacrificed everything for them to go to school.

I think that as the country becomes better educated (I am looking at you Bible Belt/deep south) more and more well paying jobs will be filled.

Then the country doesnt need healthcare/welfare and socialized programs.

I envision a day when all social programs get cut, taxes get lowered and a new intelligent and environmentally friendly america is born


Wants 11's
Established Member
Sep 11, 2008
An overspending, over reaching, and over-empowered government and the fact that over half of our population consists of people who feel they owe a debt to society (read lazy people) and intend to repay that debt using the other people's money.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
The generation that started/was in college/or just graduated in 2008 HAS to be the most important generation in modern american history. We elected change in 2008. We wanted to have a more forward thinking leadership. No more Bible in the White House, no more "legitimate" rape, no more "good old boys club" ie; the same old white rich men in power. I thought a more diverse electorate that celebrated its differences, white, black, hispanic, gay, straight, men, and women could all work together.

I was mistaken. I thought that the immigrant mentality, the same purtian work ethic that the country, would return. Hispancis and Asians are some of the hardest working and most intelligent people on the planet. I thought they would carry the new american spirit. The white mentality of my daddy owns this company so its mine when I get of age was suppose to end, it did but it was replaced with a sense of entitlement.

Many Americans dont have the killer work ethic. Go to any college, look at who the best students are. It is not the white kid who had college paid for them. No it is the minority students who work 2 jobs because their parents sacrificed everything for them to go to school.

I think that as the country becomes better educated (I am looking at you Bible Belt/deep south) more and more well paying jobs will be filled.

Then the country doesnt need healthcare/welfare and socialized programs.

I envision a day when all social programs get cut, taxes get lowered and a new intelligent and environmentally friendly america is born

Not everyone should have a well-paying job.


Wants 11's
Established Member
Sep 11, 2008

That is the biggest problem our country faces right now... tax evasion...


I think its kind of admirable, actually. Why financially stand behind a government that absolutely refuses to listen to input from its very own citizens- those they are elected to serve? Hell with them they have enough goddamn money- they simply have no desire to manage it appropriately.


New Member
Established Member
Jan 9, 2012
San Diego

We have a whole generation with no motivation to do anything. Grown adults living with their parents well into their 20's and 30's... Remember when turning 18 meant something? That new, young adults were about to break out and start their own lives. Moving away to attend a University, or head to the factory to start a career, or sign up for the military to serve the country and your fellow Americans.

I know the economy and job market is different now, but hell, people used to have pride in what they did... whatever it was. When attendants at Full Service Gas stations would run out to your car, with a smile and some pep in their step, because it was their time to shine. They may just be pumping gas, but by God, they were gonna try and be the best at it!

Now we have borderline retards serving us at McDonald's, who give us attitude because their life isn't turning out quite the way MTV promised.

A whole generation raised by parents telling them they are special, and can be anything they want to be. Raised by teachers, who don't give "F" grades, telling them "good job for trying..." and grading on a curve... Raised by coaches who never yell at them, but tell them it's not about winning, it's about playing the game, and no one loses, because everyone gets participation trophies, and raised by media that show them "celebrities" who got that way because they are simply being themselves... not for having a talent or accomplishing anything... watching tv programs that glorify "celebrities" who are famous for the sake of being famous (Kim K, Paris Hilton, Octomom, the cast of Jersey Shore, etc etc) and of course they want that for themselves... To just fall into fame and fortune. Kids who spend all day on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc etc... who feel like they're the center of their own little universe and star of their own personal reality show, putting their lives on display for anyone who might care... buying magazines that print stories about celebrities day to day lives. Who really cares that someone took pictures of Snooki tying her shoe?

Everything has become about instant satisfaction... People want instant fame. Instant fortune. Instant happiness... and not just on a personal level. Companies are all about maximizing profits... to satisfy the shareholders want for instant ROI... no longer carrying if they're offering the best product... as long as it markets well, and is cheap to build.

People no longer have a sense of community. They'd rather go to Walmart because they can buy everything they need in one place, for less, than support a few local businesses... Yes Walmart employs a lot of people, but imagine a world without Walmarts. Where there are more business owners running mom and pop shops, hiring the local kids. Rather than just being employees of a multinational corporation, just one more cog in the money machine making share holders rich.

Very few have pride in what they do anymore. Even the government... Remember when the US made a commitment to go to the moon? It wasn't about the money, or anything so trivial... it was for pride. To prove America has what it takes to be number one. When was the last time something truly great was built in this country? Like the Empire State building? Twin Towers? Golden Gate bridge? Hoover Dam? Mount Rushmore? Something awe inspiring.

The Large Hadron Collider was supposed to be built in Texas, but congress didn't feel it was necessary to budget for. So now it's in Europe, along with all the brilliant scientists that work on it.


Active Member
Established Member
Sep 21, 2010
Paola, KS

We have a whole generation with no motivation to do anything. Grown adults living with their parents well into their 20's and 30's... Remember when turning 18 meant something? That new, young adults were about to break out and start their own lives. Moving away to attend a University, or head to the factory to start a career, or sign up for the military to serve the country and your fellow Americans.

I know the economy and job market is different now, but hell, people used to have pride in what they did... whatever it was. When attendants at Full Service Gas stations would run out to your car, with a smile and some pep in their step, because it was their time to shine. They may just be pumping gas, but by God, they were gonna try and be the best at it!

Now we have borderline retards serving us at McDonald's, who give us attitude because their life isn't turning out quite the way MTV promised.

A whole generation raised by parents telling them they are special, and can be anything they want to be. Raised by teachers, who don't give "F" grades, telling them "good job for trying..." and grading on a curve... Raised by coaches who never yell at them, but tell them it's not about winning, it's about playing the game, and no one loses, because everyone gets participation trophies, and raised by media that show them "celebrities" who got that way because they are simply being themselves... not for having a talent or accomplishing anything... watching tv programs that glorify "celebrities" who are famous for the sake of being famous (Kim K, Paris Hilton, Octomom, the cast of Jersey Shore, etc etc) and of course they want that for themselves... To just fall into fame and fortune. Kids who spend all day on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc etc... who feel like they're the center of their own little universe and star of their own personal reality show, putting their lives on display for anyone who might care... buying magazines that print stories about celebrities day to day lives. Who really cares that someone took pictures of Snooki tying her shoe?

Everything has become about instant satisfaction... People want instant fame. Instant fortune. Instant happiness... and not just on a personal level. Companies are all about maximizing profits... to satisfy the shareholders want for instant ROI... no longer carrying if they're offering the best product... as long as it markets well, and is cheap to build.

People no longer have a sense of community. They'd rather go to Walmart because they can buy everything they need in one place, for less, than support a few local businesses... Yes Walmart employs a lot of people, but imagine a world without Walmarts. Where there are more business owners running mom and pop shops, hiring the local kids. Rather than just being employees of a multinational corporation, just one more cog in the money machine making share holders rich.

Very few have pride in what they do anymore. Even the government... Remember when the US made a commitment to go to the moon? It wasn't about the money, or anything so trivial... it was for pride. To prove America has what it takes to be number one. When was the last time something truly great was built in this country? Like the Empire State building? Twin Towers? Golden Gate bridge? Hoover Dam? Mount Rushmore? Something awe inspiring.

amen brother!

Drive XR7

NE Ohio's Fastest
Established Member
May 24, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Economy. Followed by the lack of compromise between the left and right.

It's also pretty clear that the Republicans are out of touch with the majority of Americans. They need to shape up and fix their stances on social issues before they have a reasonable change at getting elected again.


2V Power
Established Member
Dec 29, 2005
Economy. Followed by the lack of compromise between the left and right.

It's also pretty clear that the Republicans are out of touch with the majority of Americans. They need to shape up and fix their stances on social issues before they have a reasonable change at getting elected again.

:rollseyes:rollseyes :rollseyes

I have so many things I want to yell, my head is about to explode.

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