Student slams his Teacher


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Nov 16, 2007
Well... Kinda right...

*flame suit on**

Why do I suddenly have flashbacks to this scene from fast times at ridgemont high:

[Spicoli has had a pizza delivered to class]

Mr. Hand: Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?

Jeff Spicoli: Learning about Cuba, and having some food.

Mr. Hand: Mr.Spicoli, You're on dangerous ground here. You're causing a major disturbance on my time.

Jeff Spicoli: I've been thinking about this, Mr. Hand. If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time? Certainly, there's nothing wrong with a little feast on our time.

Mr. Hand: [takes away box of pizza from Spicoli] You're absolutely right, Mr. Spicoli. It is our time. Yours, mine and everyone else's in this room. But it is my class.

[calls up a couple of students]

Mr. Hand: Mr. Spicoli has been kind enough to bring us a snack. Be my guest. Help yourselves. Get a Good one.


Established Member
Nov 10, 2008
Home for the Mentally Retarded
Why do I suddenly have flashbacks to this scene from fast times at ridgemont high:

[Spicoli has had a pizza delivered to class]

Mr. Hand: Am I hallucinating here? Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?

Jeff Spicoli: Learning about Cuba, and having some food.

Mr. Hand: Mr.Spicoli, You're on dangerous ground here. You're causing a major disturbance on my time.

Jeff Spicoli: I've been thinking about this, Mr. Hand. If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time? Certainly, there's nothing wrong with a little feast on our time.

Mr. Hand: [takes away box of pizza from Spicoli] You're absolutely right, Mr. Spicoli. It is our time. Yours, mine and everyone else's in this room. But it is my class.

[calls up a couple of students]

Mr. Hand: Mr. Spicoli has been kind enough to bring us a snack. Be my guest. Help yourselves. Get a Good one.

Lmmfao! Great scene!


You're Gator Bait
Established Member
Feb 29, 2004
Jupiter, Florida
I've been researching this topic greatly in the last month or so because my girlfriend and I are discussing having kids in the near future. It seems overwhelmingly that spanking and yelling when kids are young especially (1-5) is highly correlated to development issues, anxiety, future problems in school, bullying etc. I also notice there is this idea that is held very strongly in society that bad behavior comes from kids who are not spanked or "disciplined". The research is very clear that it is in fact the opposite. There is ALOT of science behind this so I encourage you to examine the facts here before taking a side.

If you are over protective of your kids you will produce victims and if you yell, and hit for "undesirable" behavior, you distance yourself from you child and they will look elsewhere for guidance and pick up bad characteristics. Not to mention the learning that could have taken place had you taken the time to explain and reason with your child.

I know when when I was spanked as a kid, I became fiercely aggressive, and fearful and filled with rage because tha'ts all you can do when someone 3 times your size is holding you down. I think id have a better relationship with my dad if that was not the case.

Well, I've seen the exact opposite of the research you're reading in real life from two different angles.

First angle, my cousin and I. I was hit when I did bad things that my parents told me clearly not to do. Disobedience. Of course you explain things if it's a first time offense and maybe the kid picks it up and understands not to do it again, if not, you persuade them for the future with a spanking.

My cousin did not get hit. He became even more disobedient as he felt he could get away with anything. By the age of 14, he was in a gang and committing crimes, arrested several times for some types of assault and drugs.

Second angle, just witnessing how friends and family around me are now raising their kids. They are between 4-8 years old and the ones that do get spankings for being disobedient are much more stable and obey they parents more after the fact. The ones that are not being spanked are looking to shape up as absolute hell raisers. Cursing at their parents, cursing at random people, hitting adults, etc.

I know how my sister and I were raised and we grew up to be good people and contribute to society so I'll take a page from that book and raise my children the same way once they come a long.


Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
Well... Kinda right...

*flame suit on**

Thats what Im saying doe!

I wouldnt go around body slamming teachers but then again I also dont go and take someone else's shit either. A little more common sense and courtesy from both parties would have gone a long way. :thumbsup:


Established Member
Nov 10, 2008
Home for the Mentally Retarded
Thats what Im saying doe!

I wouldnt go around body slamming teachers but then again I also dont go and take someone else's shit either. A little more common sense and courtesy from both parties would have gone a long way. :thumbsup:

Teacher should have sent him out IF he was disturbing the class...

Beyond that though.... Cell phones in school?? **** out of here with that shit. That in itself is the root of this problem. Schools should set up cell phone blockers. Then you would t have this issue and you wouldnt see a massive decline in social skills from the next generation of teens/young adults


Posting from The Shadow's
Established Member
Mar 23, 2011
I'm sure it's easy for a little punk ass kid to want to slam a small, nerdy teacher (no offense to the teacher). I bet if the football coach had taken his phone he wouldn't have done a damn thing about it. They should start giving teachers billy clubs. And using them should be legal. **** that kid and every kid like him.

This. When I did a small stint in a JEWISH PRIVATE SCHOOL the kids knew who to try and who not to try. It does not matter if the school is public or private or if the kids are black, white or other. Bad kids are just that bad kids. Also they know what teachers will do nothing and what teachers to absolutely not to ***ck with.


Awesome SVT Poster
Established Member
Apr 30, 2007
Augusta, GA
Big freaking surprise there on the race. Seen that coming as soon as I started to read. Hopefully they just kicked him out of school for good so he can continue his life path to prison.

Big freaking surprise on this post. Seen that coming as soon as I started to read.


You're Gator Bait
Established Member
Feb 29, 2004
Jupiter, Florida
I guess Ill play the other side of the coin...

Dont wanna be assaulted? Then dont take someone else's property...


I had my gameboy taken away from me in math class one day after receiving a warning previously (which my mother knew about and also warned me what would happen if i used it again in class). Well, after getting it taken away, my first reaction wasn't "I'm going to body slam this asshole for taking my gameboy"... How about FEAR of my mother or father bringing the pain once I got home. Yeah, that's what should happen when you get your stuff taken away in school, fear of what your parents are going to use to make you learn.


Fauxbra powered
Established Member
Nov 2, 2007
Albany, NY
Somehow Im not surprised by this. If that teacher had done anything to get the student off him or restrain him, some people would be calling teachers out of control, and he would never find another job. If another student had tried to help, the school would cite some 'no tolerance' policy for violence, and expel them.

I agree on entitled kids- as a teacher, I cant tell you guys the amount of times students have said that Im not allowed to take their phones, that its their right to have them, and if i take it their parents will sue me. I had one kid physically threaten me and nearly follow through, and my first thought after self defense was "Oh shit, there would have gone my career". This is what you get when parents expect schools to be babysitters, educators, and teach right and wrong.


Established Member
Nov 10, 2008
Home for the Mentally Retarded
Big freaking surprise there on the race. Seen that coming as soon as I started to read. Hopefully they just kicked him out of school for good so he can continue his life path to prison.

39 posts before race was brought up...



Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
should have taken notes from this teacher



New Member
Established Member
Mar 19, 2012
Indianapolis, IN
Well, I've seen the exact opposite of the research you're reading in real life from two different angles.

First angle, my cousin and I. I was hit when I did bad things that my parents told me clearly not to do. Disobedience. Of course you explain things if it's a first time offense and maybe the kid picks it up and understands not to do it again, if not, you persuade them for the future with a spanking.

My cousin did not get hit. He became even more disobedient as he felt he could get away with anything. By the age of 14, he was in a gang and committing crimes, arrested several times for some types of assault and drugs.

Second angle, just witnessing how friends and family around me are now raising their kids. They are between 4-8 years old and the ones that do get spankings for being disobedient are much more stable and obey they parents more after the fact. The ones that are not being spanked are looking to shape up as absolute hell raisers. Cursing at their parents, cursing at random people, hitting adults, etc.

I know how my sister and I were raised and we grew up to be good people and contribute to society so I'll take a page from that book and raise my children the same way once they come a long.

Surely there are outside influences on those cases. So they don't trust there parents to show them the right way. I find it hard to believe an attentive loving family just produces kids that go and join gangs. They are lacking a critical need that is fulfilled by the gang or bad behavior

Sure you are.

You just can't acknowledge it yet.

If I was the teacher in this case that kids face would have met desk.

Somehow Im not surprised by this. If that teacher had done anything to get the student off him or restrain him, some people would be calling teachers out of control, and he would never find another job. If another student had tried to help, the school would cite some 'no tolerance' policy for violence, and expel them.

I agree on entitled kids- as a teacher, I cant tell you guys the amount of times students have said that Im not allowed to take their phones, that its their right to have them, and if i take it their parents will sue me. I had one kid physically threaten me and nearly follow through, and my first thought after self defense was "Oh shit, there would have gone my career". This is what you get when parents expect schools to be babysitters, educators, and teach right and wrong.

It's not just the kids it's the country. You start promising everyone free stuff where is the incentive to do anything?


Established Member
Feb 24, 2010
gilroy california
Which is why my kid is getting home schooled until he is of an age to reason appropriately.

My girlfriend is very experienced raising kids (pretty much a nanny her whole life), so I will look to her for help when I'm not sure what to do, but it wont be hitting. We are both in agreement on this. You're dodging the moral element. Would you hit your wife if she brought you a warm beer or talking back to you when she had a bad day? A kid is just as human as an adult without the wisdom and knowledge.

You couldn't be more wrong. i have done plenty of research on this topic for papers I had to write for school. I don't know what sources you were looking at to come to this conclusion. Kids get the entitlement from being told they are always write and that they couldn't possibly be wrong. The fact that you cant differentiate between spanking and beating is your problem. The fact that you even bring up the idea of hitting your wife for bringing you a warm beer shows you are trying to jump to far to one extreme and are still missing one very important point.

Kids absolutely need to be punished and disciplined. Though this punishment needs to not be malicious. If you beet your kids there is a strong chance they will end up to be punks. you are linking way to many behavioral problems into one category with a singular source causing them.
Last edited:


Active Member
Established Member
Jun 6, 2007
Kids absolutely need to be punished and disciplined. Though this punishment needs to not be malicious. If you beet your kids there is a strong chance they will end up to be punks. you are linking way to many behavioral problems into one category with a singular source causing them.

If you beet your kids, they probably won't eat their vegetables. Anyone?

Seriously though, most parents are too busy to be actual parents, or simply don't care. Children need discipline but in a loving and kind way, not a knee jerk reaction with anger and it's different for each kid. The word discipline at its most natural sense, simply means instruction. I am guessing this young man was probably just screamed at or hit, and learned nothing. In addition he cares more to impress his peers instead of his parents/authority figures.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Apr 29, 2008
North Carolina

I had my gameboy taken away from me in math class one day after receiving a warning previously (which my mother knew about and also warned me what would happen if i used it again in class). Well, after getting it taken away, my first reaction wasn't "I'm going to body slam this asshole for taking my gameboy"... How about FEAR of my mother or father bringing the pain once I got home. Yeah, that's what should happen when you get your stuff taken away in school, fear of what your parents are going to use to make you learn.



Let's roll..
Established Member
Premium Member
Feb 22, 2006
What lesson would that be? How to expose yourself to a beat down? He's lucky that kid didn't start blasting on him... Not very good ground and pound from the wrestling coach..

Pretty much. I was waiting on those hammer fists to start reigning down.

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