cat was poisoned


Established Member
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Party Liquor Posse
May 31, 2004
Charleston, SC
My neighbors had a car recently and I would come outside and see it sleeping on my Mach. Thank god the moved. i did have a good cat though and all my neighbors loved him cause he kept the rodents away.-Shane


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
you are presuming someone poisoned your precious cat. Since it wanders all over the neighborhood, maybe it trespassed into someone's garage where it drank from a pan of antifreeze or god knows what else.

Since you didn't care enough about your cat to keep it inside, you are responsible for your cat's death.

In case you didn't know, many cities including cody, wyoming, have ordinances controlling cats. Bring your next cat up here, let it run free, and it will wind up in the animal shelter.

I just love self righteous cat lovers.



Established Member
Nov 22, 2003
You are presuming someone poisoned your precious cat. Since it wanders all over the neighborhood, maybe it trespassed into someone's garage where it drank from a pan of antifreeze or God knows what else.

Since you didn't care enough about your cat to keep it inside, you are responsible for your cat's death.

In case you didn't know, many cities including Cody, Wyoming, have ordinances controlling cats. Bring your next cat up here, let it run free, and it will wind up in the animal shelter.

I just love self righteous cat lovers. Wait. That isn't true. I hate them even more than cats because they start threads about their precious cats being killed and accuse someone without any proof whatsoever.

+1 couldnt have said it better


New Member
Established Member
Feb 3, 2005
Zephyrhills Florida

There are plenty of housing developments that have HOA's which forbid letting your pets outside. I DO NOT live in one, this woman knew when she moved in that there was no rule in effect. If you dont want your neighbors cat coming into your yard, I suggest living someplace that will prevent that from happening. I am completely within my rights to let my cat outside.

I lived in AZ for 21 yrs your wrong!!! The lease law pertains to cats as well
as dogs. Cats are pets and should be under control at all times. You let it
out doors freely you accept responsibility for its actions.
I don't condone poisoning animals of any kind for any reason. So for that
I am sorry.


Established Member
Jun 22, 2004
What kind of flea treatment do you use that kills the flea so fast that it doesn't have time to jump on the cat? If it can jump on the cat it can jump off the cat. I pick up cat shit from my lawn all the time from the neighborhood cats so go sell your bullshit somewhere else 'cause I'm not buying it. And as was argued before, I can park my car anywhere I damn well please on my property, either inside or outside, you have no say on where or how. Who do you think you are that I have to change the way I live, within the confines of my property, to accommodate YOU?

Every single response you've given is a rationalization. You have no right to let your cat run loose. I'm sorry about your pet but you don't have a right to let it run loose any more than I have a right to walk through, sleep on or take a dump in your yard or sleep on your fence whenever it pleases me if I don't damage anything. That's absurd, but that's what you're rationalizing with your argument.
How is every response ive given a rationalizing. Im giving you facts, and your are justifying your opinions. My neighbor parks her car in her garage every single time she comes home (a fact). She has never ever parked it outside in 7 years since Ive lived there. Im not gonna argue with you about whether or not it was right or wrong to let the cat outside, thats not the issue here, If she had a big problem why could she not just ask me to not let the cat out. Would you ask you neighbor to keep their cat inside if it was you?


Established Member
Jun 22, 2004
You are presuming someone poisoned your precious cat. Since it wanders all over the neighborhood, maybe it trespassed into someone's garage where it drank from a pan of antifreeze or God knows what else.

Since you didn't care enough about your cat to keep it inside, you are responsible for your cat's death.

In case you didn't know, many cities including Cody, Wyoming, have ordinances controlling cats. Bring your next cat up here, let it run free, and it will wind up in the animal shelter.

I just love self righteous cat lovers. Wait. That isn't true. I hate them even more than cats because they start threads about their precious cats being killed and accuse someone without any proof whatsoever.

Your a real asshole. This thread was made because someone made threats to poison animals, that may have been acted out. If I wanted to talk about leash laws or whether It was my fault id have posted in SD. gtfo


Established Member
Jul 7, 2002
SF Bay Area
How is every response ive given a rationalizing?
LOL. You think that just because you have a cat box or because you see rocks in the area yards that your cat couldn't possibly shit or piss elsewhere and that just because you see your cat on the wall between houses that that's the only place it goes and it isn't damaging anything or pissing anyone else off? Or that just because you use some sort of flea control that your cat can't possibly carry fleas because flea control always works 100% of the time, just like birth control, and owners ALWAYS remember to re-apply it before the treatment wears off? And you bringing up your neighbors dog barking that pisses you off. You tell me how every response wasn't a rationalization.

Who cares whether you have a cat box, use flea treatment or spay/neuter your cat or any other ridiculous thing you can dream up if you let it run all over the neighborhood? What does any of those reasons have to do with anything? It doesn't!


Aug 12, 2007
Cody, Wyoming
Your a real asshole. This thread was made because someone made threats to poison animals, that may have been acted out. If I wanted to talk about leash laws or whether It was my fault id have posted in SD. gtfo

No, you started this thread claiming your cat was poisoned BUT YOU HAVE NO PROOF.

Tell us where you live, and I'll cite the ordinance(s) you violated because you didn't want your cat shitting inside your home.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 20, 2005
Since there are alot of people who disagree wth me letting my cat outside, I just want to explain a few things. I live in a cul de sac of 12 houses bordered by a greenbelt, all the neighbors know who each other are. I have owned my house for 7 years, and had my cat for 2 years. About half the houses have dogs, and several have cats as well. No one has ever asked me to keep my cat in my house, no one has ever even said that my cat was in their yard. If someone would have spoke up and complained, or left a note on my door asking to keep her inside, I would have kept the animal inside. I have no problem making adjustments if need be, but no one said they have a problem with my 1 cat.

I guess one of your neighbor just told you the hard way. You can keep your cat in the yard just like a dog. It is called invisible fence system. If you get another cat you should invest in one. BTW no one should have to tell you to keep your pets on your own property. You wouldn't want me to come park my car in your driveway or front lawn. I don't want other peoples cats in my yard, driveway, or car.


New Member
Established Member
Dec 22, 2006
Lantana, TX
If you really wanted to only let the dog out and not the cat you can get a dog door that is controlled by a chip on their collar

PetSafe SmartDoor

It will only allow animals with the correct collar to leave through the door.

It is also possible that the cat had eaten a mouse or rat that go into Decon or other rat will kill the cat as quick as it killed the mouse/rat.

Unfortunately it is the price you pay for leaving your cat run free, **** all night long in someone else's back yard keeping them up all night. Had the person next door been smart they would of just shot the little bastard and dumped the body in the trash. Betcha next time you'll keep your cat inside!

And I really like the line about how you lived there 7 years and before these folks moved it automatically qualified you to do what you want, like having your pet roam on their property.

Did you even think of the inconvenience you might be causing this neighbor? Did you ever have your windows open and have an outside cat get into a fight with your cat through a screen at 3 am? You'll wake up thinking WWIII was starting in your bedroom. Although I never poisoned the neighbor's cat I did set a have-a-heart trap when that happened to me and took the loose cat to the pound. If the neighbor is too ignorant to allow me to be woken up at 3am then they can go to the pound to get their cat out kittie jail.


Established Member
Jun 22, 2004
No, you started this thread claiming your cat was poisoned BUT YOU HAVE NO PROOF.

Tell us where you live, and I'll cite the ordinance(s) you violated because you didn't want your cat shitting inside your home.

The vet said that the cat was most likely poisoned. And we have a litterbox inside our house for my girlfriends cat. If I said that I want to slash the tires of every grey mustang because I dont like them, and shortly after your tires get slashed could they be related?


Aug 12, 2007
Cody, Wyoming
If I said that I want to slash the tires of every grey mustang because I dont like them, and shortly after your tires get slashed could they be related?

I suggest you fly out to Cody and try it for real, Cat Lover.

P.S. If you let your girlfriend's cat shit in your house but keep your own cat outside, you are pussy whipped.
Last edited:


That Just Happened
Established Member
Mar 4, 2007
Dallas TX
I'm sorry but I gotta say something.

If it were your kid would you have waited that long to take them to the Doctor? You'd know what happened and your pet would still be alive if you'd have taken it to the Vet.

I totally agree. 6 days of barely moving, not eating, not drinking? I'd bet money your cat died of dehydration, and had you bothered to take it to the vet when it was sick instead of dead, you'd still have your beloved pet. I also seriously doubt it was poison, as most poisons that can kill cats do so in hours, not days. Sorry for your loss, but please learn something from it and take your pet to the vet as soon as you think it's sick, if for no other reason than that it's cheaper to treat something at the onset; don't wait until price makes the difference between treating it and putting it down.


Established Member
Sep 14, 2005
Unfortunately, cats can not always be kept inside, obviously if she is trespassing on your property you can be upset and talk to me about it. That does not give you the right to put poison in your yard and hope to hurt or kill someones pet. Im sure squirrals and birds have no right to be on your either, perhaps these wild animals should also be responsible for paying your mortgage.

I dunno about your state but in TN if your pet is on someone else property they are COMPLETLEY within the law to kill your pet, collar or not.


New Member
Established Member
Oct 2, 2003
WOW! Alot of cat haters in here. They are just being animals. So what if a cat gets on the car or a DOG takes a leak on my wheels., they are just doing what animals do! Yes it gets me mad but I am certainly not going to go kill every free roaming animal around the neighborhood because of it. Just wash it off, its just a car. Cut the guy some slack, his pet just died. To the OP, rest in peace to your cat man. Have a heart guys.


A.K.A Greg@GLD
Established Member
Feb 24, 2001
Where it's cold.
If she had a big problem why could she not just ask me to not let the cat out. Would you ask you neighbor to keep their cat inside if it was you?

If I said that I want to slash the tires of every grey mustang because I dont like them, and shortly after your tires get slashed could they be related?

Your posts are kind of at odds here? You indicated that while the cat was still alive, that this woman made her "comments"? Perhaps that was her way of trying to get you to take the hint?

As for post #2, shouldn't that be "every grey mustang that parks on my property without permission?

Don't get me wrong here, I love animals and can feel your loss but people are trying to get you to think a little. Don't you think it's kind of absurd to say "Then use a car cover or park in the garage"
If the woman in fact did what you suspect, then that's terrible, but you can't kid yourself into thinking that you are not at least partly responsible for what happened to your animal. You might want to re-think your way of looking at things if you decide to get another cat.

It's not the same thing I suppose, but people who own pets should be more aware and responsible.
We have a dog, and I walk her twice a day, and I ALWAYS clean up her steaming piles. By contrast, some of my neighbors will watch their dog take a huge crap and then just keep on walking. I used to say something, now I just keep my mouth shut unless the dog craps in my yard. Then I gather it up in a bag and deposit it on the offender's porch. Maybe they think I'm a dog hater? Problem is, I have a dog! Get it? ;-)


Established Member
Nov 23, 2004
thread backfire. i can't stand cats. if you can't keep your cat out of others' yards than this is what can happen. i never understood the idea behind outdoor cats in any other setting than maybe a farm for them to kill off rats/rodents.

i'd poison a cat if i found it leaving pawprints all over the hood of one of my cars.

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