Cowards of Broward County


Opprimere, Velocitas, Violentia Operandi
Established Member
Sep 24, 2004
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Im showing this to kinda help give me cred on what I'm about to say. That's a pic of me and a few teammates. I'm on full time SWAT and have been for several years. I'm an instructor, and among the courses I'm certified to instruct is active shooter. It's standardized so everyone learns the same thing.
In an active shooter situation, it doesn't mater if it's a traffic cop or meter maid, you go in. You can wait for another officer or more, if they are very close. We also teach that if the shooting is going on and you're the only one there, you ****ing go in. Priority number 1 is stop the killing. You don't have to be a high speed, low drag operator to take the gun you're required to carry and do the work you signed up for and are required to do. It isn't even an option to do nothing. That's called cowardice and it's in policy and you will be terminated for it. I've seen cowardice a few times and it's unforgivable.
These Broward county POS's did the exact opposite of what they were expected to do and swore not to do.
Good shit. Similar background but military and couldn't agree more. You put yourself on the line to stop the killing, and from my experience, cowardice is never forgotten or forgiven.

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Hope you enjoy the show
Established Member
Jan 24, 2016
Your mom
The sad thing is that this incident damages the public view of law enforcement which has been already been under public scrutiny for the last few years.

I have a friend who is the shift supervisor for a local municipality police department and she is quite shy because of the way she thinks the public will perceive her. Beyond my wife and herself, her only friends are other LEOs.

There are lots of good cops who would have charged head on in there, disregarding their own safety to protect the innocent.


Here’s KingBlack
Established Member
Sep 4, 2015
A hero dies once, but a coward dies a million deaths

Edit: one more thing. Nobody is gonna make it out of life alive so make the best of your time here and do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 8, 2015
Treasure Coast, FL
I've been sitting on the sidelines for all these discussions this past week+, trying to formulate my own ideas and look at all from the totality of everything that occurred. Honestly, I've had a hard time processing it as this area is my old stomping grounds as a retired/vet LEO (but not from the Broward Sheriff's Office).

Several of my former co-workers live in Parkland and their kids went to MSD/HS. Luckily they got out but some of their friends didn't. One of the kids was sitting between 2 girls who were killed. How does a 14 yr. old intellectualize that for the rest of her life? Another had his friend, a fellow swim team member, killed. My own daughter is a 14 yr. old HS kid- I can't imagine how, as a parent, I'd deal with this type of tragedy & I've long since personalized it all.

Then this new information came out about the SRD who waited, and the other deputies who waited. And my blood boiled. I've spoken in confidence w/some of my former colleagues from the area and all they can say is how disgusted they were/are by it all. I'd like to think that if I were in that situation, things would've gone differently, even if it meant sacrificing my own life, something I would've gadly done in protection of others who could not protect themselves.

I'd prefer to not get into the 2nd Amendment debate or any of the associated political discussions. And yes, there is a concept out there called The Public Duty Doctrine that law enforcement officers could use to defend their lack of action in this case however I'd prefer to think that the vast majority of officers I know would've done something rather than just... wait.

I don't know if this was an incident of cowardice, altho I assume it was on the SRD's behalf, or poor training, or failed leadership w/in the agency, or a failed mental health/legal system/gun law vs gun rights issue, or some combination of those and any number of other measures. I just know that 17 families are dealing w/tragedies beyond our reckoning.

I also know that law enforcement, as a whole, cannot be condemned for this incident. I'd offer that many, many officers have given their lives in service to the country & their communities, some 21,000 dating back to 1791. In 2018 alone, 14 have been killed by gunfire and we're not even thru February yet. Those brave souls can have their stories read here: & here:

Ok, that's all I've got say for now. I'm still praying for all the victims involved in this mess.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 16, 2012
Speaker of the Florida house of representatives just sent a letter to governor Scott asking him to suspend the sheriff, since Mr soyboy said he wouldn't resign


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Blown 89

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Jul 30, 2006
As a civilian I will not hesitate to step in and intervene. I'm not superman. I may die first, but I may save one life.
I carry every day and I'm not sure if I'd go rushing into the school......then again I didn't sign up for that job and I don't walk around with body armor.....those cowards do.


Infinity Poster
Established Member
Dec 8, 2017
I carry every day and I'm not sure if I'd go rushing into the school......then again I didn't sign up for that job and I don't walk around with body armor.....those cowards do.
Child's life vs my own? I'm risking my life for the kid everytime.

I was seriously contemplating joining the police force a few years back. I almost went through with the low salary, bad hours, and negative treatment of those without a badge.

I decided to walk away from the job before it began. I prefer to be proactive rather than reactive.

I can be found some nights when I can't sleep sitting at the local PD and enjoying time with the boys. I know the local chief of several cities around me and I am friends with the sheriff. I have learned that I have more rights to fight back against crime as a civilian than I would wearing a badge. I have also seen that thought play out in court time and time again.

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Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 16, 2012
Broward sheriffs office is getting shredded on Facebook. Their page has 1.3k negative reviews and counting.

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It's to big to move FAST!
Established Member
Sep 4, 2002
Here/there/some other silly place
Hopefully they are shredded by IA and a load of civil cases.

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And the county officials also. If both of them feel the pinch then Mr Hard left New Yorker can be shown the door and told to pack his bags for good. Just hope3 who ever does take Israel's place is smart enough to never allow this to happen again.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Oct 16, 2003
I carry every day and I'm not sure if I'd go rushing into the school......then again I didn't sign up for that job and I don't walk around with body armor.....those cowards do.
Honestly, as a civilian I would only go in if my family was inside. A single mistake could put you in jail for the rest of your life.

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