McDonalds bitch slaps San Francisco's 'Happy Meal ban'


Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
Happy Meal Ban: McDonald's Outsmarts San Francisco

"""On Thursday, Dec. 1, the city's de facto ban of the Happy Meal commences. San Francisco has accomplished what the Hamburglar could not. Or has it?

In order to include a toy with a meal, restaurants must now comply with city-generated nutritional standards. Those are standards that even the "healthier" Happy Meals McDonald's introduced earlier this year don't come close to meeting. (As SF Weekly noted in January, the school lunches our children eat aren't healthy enough to qualify, either).

And yet it seems McDonald's has turned lemons into lemonade -- and is selling the sugary drink to San Francisco's children. Local McDonald's employees tell SF Weekly the company has devised a solution that appears to comply with San Francisco's "Healthy Meal Incentive Ordinance" that could actually make the company more money -- and necessitate toy-happy youngsters to buy more Happy Meals.

It turns out San Francisco has not entirely vanquished the Happy Meal as we know it. Come Dec. 1, you can still buy the Happy Meal. But it doesn't come with a toy. For that, you'll have to pay an extra 10 cents.

Huh. That hardly seems to have solved the problem (though adults and children purchasing unhealthy food can at least take solace that the 10 cents is going to Ronald McDonald House charities). But it actually gets worse from here. Thanks to Supervisor Eric Mar's much-ballyhooed new law, parents browbeaten into supplementing their preteens' Happy Meal toy collections are now mandated to buy the Happy Meals.

Today and tomorrow mark the last days that put-upon parents can satiate their youngsters by simply throwing down $2.18 for a Happy Meal toy. But, thanks to the new law taking effect on Dec. 1, this is no longer permitted. Now, in order to have the privilege of making a 10-cent charitable donation in exchange for the toy, you must buy the Happy Meal. Hilariously, it appears Mar et al., in their desire to keep McDonald's from selling grease and fat to kids with the lure of a toy have now actually incentivized the purchase of that grease and fat -- when, beforehand, a put-upon parent could get out cheaper and healthier with just the damn toy.

Messages for Mar and his legislative aides -- who are, at this moment, in a Board of Supervisors meeting -- have not yet been returned.

In any event, it appears the fast food chain's sharpie lawyers have McTopped San Francisco's legislators. Count this city's lawmakers as the latest among the billions and billions served."""

Happy Meal Ban: McDonald's Outsmarts San Francisco - San Francisco News - The Snitch

that's just awesome, way too awesome! i'm gonna go get a mcrib just to show my props for mcdonalds!


Readin posts, rollin eyes
Established Member
Feb 3, 2010
Miami, Florida
Dont **** with the clown.



Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
your over 12 and still eat that stuff?
not happy meals if that's what your asking. the mcgriddle, mcrib, and plain ol' cheeseburger are my guilty pleasures though. what can i say, i was raised on the shit:lol1:

HAHA!!! My 6 year old daughter has grown out of them already. The McRib still on the menu? Have not been lately but hopefully it's not too late.
it's still here in central ohio, i don't know about anywhere else. i remember reading that it was supposed to only last until 11/12(IIRC) but we still have it ATM.


What next?
Established Member
Jun 11, 2011
South Florida
Leave it to Commiefornia. That state should just become it's own country and spare us free Americans from this crap.


Established Member
Jul 3, 2003
Murder capital of USA
Leave it to Commiefornia. That state should just become it's own country and spare us free Americans from this crap.

I was thinking the same thing. They shouldn't even be allowed to be part of America anymore.

What kind of useless, complete waste of time, infringes on freedom "law" is that anyway. Honestly, are they part of Europe over there?

Here is a unique idea: Don't like the happy meal? Don't buy it!

Blown 89

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jul 30, 2006
Leave it to Commiefornia. That state should just become it's own country and spare us free Americans from this crap.
I'm more liberal than a lot of you on here and even I think that.


Yield right!!!!
Established Member
Sep 15, 2004
The Woods
BREAKING NEWS.............

New Scientific Breakthrough has just been discovered by a group of Doctors at the CDC

They say that parents should not take their kids to McDonalds if they are worried about them getting fat. The long held belief that the Happy Meal was causing this horrible disease has been proven not true. The leading indicator now is that the parents are somehow behind all this, and could potentially be responsible for what their child eats. A new gov't study has been funded to look into this, with results expected as early as 2018.
Last edited:


OP is a good person
Established Member
Oct 12, 2009
North New Jersey
HAHA!!! My 6 year old daughter has grown out of them already. The McRib still on the menu? Have not been lately but hopefully it's not too late.

not happy meals if that's what your asking. the mcgriddle, mcrib, and plain ol' cheeseburger are my guilty pleasures though. what can i say, i was raised on the shit:lol1:

it's still here in central ohio, i don't know about anywhere else. i remember reading that it was supposed to only last until 11/12(IIRC) but we still have it ATM.

You guys need to use the search feature and look up my McRib thread! You might not seek it out after reading/seeing all the posts. :xpl:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 7, 2007
woodbine, MD
mcribs where its at haha. though im more a gas station food junky myself, i do crave a double cheese burger with big mac sauce and a large fry about once a month. i will say though since ive limited myself to about one or two McDonald type meals a month i sure feel a lot better about my general health haha. i agree as said above though, if you dont like it dont eat it, if you do eat it hell just hit the gym a bit harder the next day.


Authorized Vendor
Authorized Vendor
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2006
So Cal
Leave it to Commiefornia. That state should just become it's own country and spare us free Americans from this crap.

hey hey! that's Northern Ca for you. especially in the bay area. im used to the CA lib bs but SF area is far worse when it comes to laws/politics. if they were to divide the state in two, like they've attempted to before, things would be much different in so cal. sure we have the lib nuts in hollywierd and the city of LA but that's only a small portion. buuut that will never happen :bored:

i rarely go to McDs. even my kid prefers elsewhere. last time i went my gf had me hyped to eat a McRib which i hadnt had in 20 years. BIG disappointment. im not even sure it was meat :dw:

i live right next to In And Out so that's where we usually go when we're craving a fast food burger. and now we have Five Guys in the area too :thumbsup:


New Member
Established Member
May 1, 2006
Hell there's no reason to go to McD's if you have Five Guys AND In-N-Out. I'm jealous. All we have here are Steak 'n Shake and Culver's which are both good but not Five Guys good.


Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
Have not eaten there in like 15 or more years and sure as hell don't plan on it!! Learn to cook people..

this. their food is nasty as hell. laced with preservatives, pre-cooked, stuck in a warmer, put on a bun with a cold slab of cheese and served to the idiot willing to pay $4.98 + tax for a value meal.

Sonic sucks, burger king has fallen fast since they stopped flame broiling their burgers. Wendys and Backyard Burger are about the only two fast food places I eat at anymore because you can still get a damn good burger that's cooked fresh, served hot and taste's decent.

mostly if I go out to eat it's a dine in restaurant, where I sit down, place an order and wait for them to cook it and bring it to my table. Chinese food (not the fast food joints), but the nice eat-in one's that take about 15-20 minutes to prepare your food, or Applebee's or O'Charleys.


Active Member
Established Member
Apr 15, 2005
West Virginia
We could never buy the toys here anyway. You HAD to purchase a Happy Meal. Also you HAD to purchase a drink with the Happy Meal. I once was in the Cobra and got my daughter a Happy Meal but told them I did not want anything to drink. They said it was mandatory I purchase a drink to get the Happy Meal. Since then I have watched. The Happy Meal is the price on the sign but they add a drink to it. Thats why we now go to Wendy's 95% of the time plus it is better tasting food.

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