Renting and Racing the GT-H

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Aug 17, 2005
Arlington, Texas
Renter you should shut up while you're ahead. No one here has a personal vendeta against you. Many members have a problem with what you did for obvious reasons. Argueing with them is a losing battle. Move on.....let it go.


Ruler of SmackDown
Established Member
Aug 29, 2003
I never heard so many panzy a$$ people crying about someone elses business. Bunch of old ladies on here! :kaboom: Oh, I just noticed why... I'm in the Shelby forum. :sleeping:


4cams aren't better then1
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
Renter said:
I did this at a national event with thousands of people around. I talked to at least 75 different people about what we were doing. At least 5 times that many people took pictures or video of the car, alot of them with me in it. The car was in our pit the entire time, parked where everyone could clearly see it. So in real life i was out there for the world and hertz to see. would i post my name on this board now? Not with the personal vendeta that a few of you have against me. funny how people are so tough sitting behind a computer.

and what would you have done if I had come up to you, gotten the VIN number from the car, and called hertz, with pictures as evidence. Had I done this right in front of you, im sure you wouldn't have said or done a thing huh?

Im sure you would have turned into the badass with threats and all kinds of bullshit.

Its not gonna be hard for hertz to find you if they feel the need.


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2002
In the race shop
OldSkoolMC said:
I never heard so many panzy a$$ people crying about someone elses business. Bunch of old ladies on here! :kaboom: Oh, I just noticed why... I'm in the Shelby forum. :sleeping:

Don't like it here? I suggest you leave? :idea: What are you doing in here if you think a bunch of old ladies hang out here? :read:


Ruler of SmackDown
Established Member
Aug 29, 2003
ac427cobra said:
Don't like it here? I suggest you leave? :idea: What are you doing in here if you think a bunch of old ladies hang out here? :read:

Already gone young grasshopper.



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Established Member
Sep 14, 2006
quadcammer said:
and what would you have done if I had come up to you, gotten the VIN number from the car, and called hertz, with pictures as evidence. Had I done this right in front of you, im sure you wouldn't have said or done a thing huh?

Im sure you would have turned into the badass with threats and all kinds of bullshit.

Its not gonna be hard for hertz to find you if they feel the need.

I would have told you that I have never saw a grown man act like a 3 year old.

actually i was searching through some of our pictures from the event and i think i found one of you

I am sure that the members of svtperformance all sleep better at night knowing you are out there keeping people from racing rental cars......


4cams aren't better then1
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
Renter said:
I would have told you that I have never saw a grown man act like a 3 year old.

actually i was searching through some of our pictures from the event and i think i found one of you

I am sure that the members of svtperformance all sleep better at night knowing you are out there keeping people from racing rental cars......

so I guess the people that call in tips to the police act like 3 year olds too.

Sad to say, i have met people that would do something so stupid before, and you are just another little boy who can't grow up and abide by rules.


Condom Model
Established Member
Mar 22, 2005
Hebron, Ohio
LOL, yea cause racing a rental is comparable to grand theft auto, kidnapping, and murder. so right man, so right!


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
I need to put my .02 in here............

I can't believe how holier then tho some of you act on here.........the car was built to rent and race, that is the point of the racing program. You want to rent a car for work, then rent a mini van.......You want to rent a car to burn up the track, then you rent a mustang, a viper, or what ever.........Yes, even put nitrous on it if you would like....

The amount of time that the spent on and with that car doesn't amount to squat if anyone here truly builds their cars.......and then if you break your car, it cost's a bunch to fix it to get it back to the track.
With hertz you can rent a brand new low mileage race it to the track, have some fun and drive it back to where you picked it up and turn it in.

I think that is great that you guy's were able to have a fun day for 400 buck's, that is just awesome. If we had one of those car's to rent in my area, i would love to rent one and take it to the track too......

And as far as a collector's item, it is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, not a penny more or less......and that is abiding by the so called some searching on the hertz rental car history and you will see why shelby's were discontinued......Not the silly reason's being posted on here....

we have become such a material world.........everyone thinks what they own is worth so much money or such a collector's item. Try selling your car for what you think it's worth....let me see, 2000 cobra r's were supposed to be such a great collector's item, 50k, hell that's less then the cost brand new. Oh what else, the 95 cobra R...? hmmmm, 25k.......both car's are built to race, but from reading most of this thread, they should just be parked in a garage and not enjoyed....sad day's.
How bout my 04 mach 1? let me see, payed just shy of 30k, right now it's worth about 18k and the car only has 3500 miles on bout my twinturbo'd 92 mustang, 306ci, x2c version 2 tranny, blah blah blah....have about 30k in the car, would be lucky to get 8k out of the car.....

So get real people, this is a hobby and as such, go out and have fun, don't take life so serious, nor our car's.......and a couple of guy's renting a car and taking it to the drag strip, who cares? If they had fun, enjoyed racing a low production rent a racer, and have memories to enjoy, then something good was accomplished........which mean's too, that hertz rent a racer, is working and bringing in money.......jeez.

hotwheels of insanemustangs


4cams aren't better then1
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
hey since, you seem not to care, let me borrow your car, spray a 150 shot on it untuned, and hey, i'll even fill it up with 87 octane for you.


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
lets do's just a freakin car.

I don't even have a rental program, i would let you do it for free........get a life dude. Way better thing's to do then complain because somebody used hertz rent a racer program........

Oh, that's right, they should have rented it and just gone to church in it..........on sunday, before noon, and then take it right back to hertz.........jeez i can't believe the ignorance of what the hertz program is all about.....I bet every conversation you are in is the same content aint it. "My wonderful mustang is better then everyone else's, i like all show and no go, so therefore, everyone better agree with me" after all, i have 5700 post's...........bwhahahahahaha........please see my previous statement
get a life dude.
You are part of the reason people hate mustang website's......If you don't agree with what they did, then don't reply and keep caring on with your keyboard antic's....Just move onto a post where you can be of use........trying to start an arguement with everyone that disagree's with you, does gain you a post count though.......Maybe you are a post whore and that is why you try to keep a post running with your kind gesture's through out a post........"if someone will disagree with me, i can gain a few post's tonite......."

Please refer to my previous post
get a life dude.

Your sense of thinking and trying to change people to what you think our HOBBY should be, lead's me to one word that sum's it all up obtuse........if you need to look it up to see what it mean's, webster has a dictionary on google.......lord for bid anyone disagree with your keyboard thought process and try to enjoy the hobby as a full circle....."and man, i just can't believe they didn't take that car to church and right back to the rental department's door...." that is truly a shame.......

here's one to keep yourself all pissed off, there was a guy that rented one of those hertz, took it to a car show, took first place......After the show on the way back to the rental company, the hertz was involved in a wreck.....
This guy should have been beaten with in inch's of his life for daring to take that car out on the street and show it in a car show.......take a trophy from having a rented car and to top it off, being the first person to be involved in a wreck........

anyways, sorry you have all this anger, hate and discontent....... If i recieve a banning for not seeing thing's the way you do, my website is in my can come over there and talk all the jibberish you would like, without being banned...........but please leave your feeling's at the door. Some of the guy's on my site are pretty harsh on do gooders.......


4cams aren't better then1
Established Member
Nov 21, 2002
my mustang is a brutal piece of shit, and looks stock from the outside, so no, there is nothing about it thats show worthy.

What he did was stupid to me. You own the car, you can do whatever the **** you want to it. But, when you borrow a car from a corporation or a person, you treat it how they want it treated. If they say that its cool to race it at the track, fine. I don't think hertz approves of nitrous on its vehicles. I don't steal from my company, I don't steal from your company, and if they say not to modify the vehicle or **** with it, then I don't.

maybe im just one of the few people in the mustang community with class, respect, and personal responsibility.


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
maybe im just one of the few people in the mustang community with class, respect, and personal responsibility.
nothin wrong at all with that way of thinking.........that does help our hobby.......but seriously man, hertz had these car's done for this reason........I have read stories upon stories on hertz rental's from the 60's and that's what they were for.......what ruined the hobby were people stealing the high performance part's off of them.....people would steal the complete engine and install a piece of garbage, worn out 289 to replace they started loosing money on it....

the new program is supposed to have some check's and balance's to keep people from stealing stuff from the car's.....


New Member
Established Member
Feb 16, 2006
The Glove
Here's the thing. Rental companies don't give two shits how their cars are treated, since the outrageous rates they charge for econobox pieces of shit more than offset the cost of buying a barebones fleet model. You honestly think the blonde at the counter with the IQ of my pubes gives a shit what happens to the car? You think the manager cares? As long as you buy the insurance on it, and they get a paycheck, I seriously seriously doubt they could care less. You act as if it's someone's personal car, when really it's change in the pocket of a multi-million dollar corporation.

[/rant off]


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
FBMphil said:
Here's the thing. Rental companies don't give two shits how their cars are treated, since the outrageous rates they charge for econobox pieces of shit more than offset the cost of buying a barebones fleet model. You honestly think the blonde at the counter with the IQ of my pubes gives a shit what happens to the car? You think the manager cares? As long as you buy the insurance on it, and they get a paycheck, I seriously seriously doubt they could care less. You act as if it's someone's personal car, when really it's change in the pocket of a multi-million dollar corporation.

[/rant off]
well said man............very nice rant....... :rockon:


Established Member
Jun 29, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA (h), Culver City (w)
quadcammer said:
maybe im just one of the few people in the mustang community with class, respect, and personal responsibility.

I'll give you the responsibility piece, but people with class and respect don't hurl personal-level insults at people who simply state a different opinion, so I guess you lose out on those two counts chief :kaboom:

Here, lemme re-write that last part for ya...
quadcammer said:
maybe im just one of the few people in the mustang community that's an uptight, narrow-minded prude with excessive personal responsibility.

There we go, much more factual. Opps, I insulted you! Guess that makes me a loser too. Oh well, back to drinking, speeding and cussing in front of minor school children. PM me if you want my VIN, full name and (12) handy wallet sized pre-made mug shots. :pepper:


Sep 19, 2006
this is hilarious,

they rent that car so a few people get the enjoyment of a mustang. IF other people do this kinda crap, hertz will stop offering the car, and these special models will disappear, and all you will get for a rental is an AVEO.

well i guess you (not you,but someone) could put naz on the aveo, but 100 shot might do it in, probably best to spring for the insurance.

I agree with Randy. Renting a car with the intentions of violating the contract is wrong. If you think it isn't, I'll give you $75 per day (or whatever the rental fee is) and borrow YOUR car to take to the track (without your knowledge or permission).

You lost me on this one scooter, your gonna rent my car without me knowing, but your gonna pay me $75 a day? i'll be more than glad to take your money, but i'll at least ask what its for, that makes no sense, and keep in mind this is a theory, but i'm pretty sure they know he had the car and it was with their permission, so i don't know where that part came from.

this stuff cracks me up( i know you can't see me, but take my word for it, i'm laughing histarically) your gonna tell hertz on him? ridiculous,

hertz isn't your 80 year old neighbor with an 83 f-150 with 11,000 miles on it, they're a corporation, the car doesn't matter to them in particular, if you like this i suggest you watch jackass where they rent a car and demo derby it, you will literally crap your pants in anger, literally

you don't have ethics, you have no morals, you broke the law, blah blah if you tell me right now you have never went over the speed limit, i will call you a liar, therefore you could have(in theory) killed several people including your family and what would you have done then? you broke the law and killed your family, what to do.........

now i know what you thinking, your thinking that didn't happen so it doesn't matter, right? of course just like the engine could have went to shit, but it didn't so who gives a **** now,

i know what your gonna say, you live by the golden rule, thats cool. however hertz doesn't. They are in business to make money(i.e. in it to win it) they would screw you out of as much money as possible if given half a chance, they aren't mom and pop. I personally have driven the hell out of some rentals in my day, reverse donuts in a dodge stratus comes to mind as of late.

now quadcammer let me extend an invitation for you to come to yes i too am from there, how blasphemous) we don't rip newbs like here, hell i thought i was at turbomustang for a minute there, but that was in part due to my drinking. you guys have a nice day and remember God loves you and i the same.
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