SVTP full of rich people?


Established Member
Jun 19, 2008
Honestly, I think SVTp is just become a really popular site for car enthusiast to join. There are not that many other car forums with the diversity of SVTp. So as you browse around you will notice more folks with "nice" cars than your average forum. Don't compare yourself to strangers, OP. Work your way up the ranks and get yourself a promotion present ;)


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Apr 15, 2004
Central Fl
I was gonna say I bet there are quite a few people around here that cant really "afford" the stuff that they have too...

James Snover

The Ill-Advised Physics Amplification Co
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Jan 23, 2008
The real, but boring, answer: Financial well-being runs the whole gamut, here. Some folks are very well off, some are just scraping by. We all like fast cars in general, Mustangs in particular, and SVT's most of all.

The SVTP answer: all the guys here are six-pack sporting chick magnets who can bench press 600 pounds and we all date supermodels and have three Cobras in our fully-equipped five-car garages. The stoplights turn green when we approach, traffic parts before us, and we never have to renew our driver's licenses or pay taxes.

As I'm reading through some threads and looking at people's signatures I'm thinking this place is either 1: full of some really wealthy people or 2: there is a lot of sop owners which I guess would make good money as well.

I say this cause there are some people on here that talk about buying Z06's, Shelby's, gt500's, ford gt's, GTR's and what not like its nothing. Those who are not talking about buying according to there sig they already own one or more of the afore mentioned vehicles and are running upwards of 900 HP. Now I know that can't be cheap.

I myself admittedly am not an educated man I barely graduated high school. I am a 28 year old army infantryman where even deployed I would be lucky to clear 50k a year. I'm just wondering what y'all do for a living cause even if I was making 100k a year (my idea of comfortable living) I don't see myself being able to buy a $100k car.

c. love

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Sep 1, 2012
south dakota
I am sure there are lots of people with super high credit card debt, a crappy house and nothing else to drive, I am sure there is probably a rich kid or two, there is also lots of folks who make a decent living, the majority is probably normal guys with meager incomes that save and scrimp then do light mods.

Myself, I am a blessed and lucky guy. I had a race car I build and beat on for 12 years and I sold it for a decent enough price to make a nice down payment on my car and get a round of parts for said new car.

My also signature doesn't list 15 new vehicles bought and sold though cause i don't care to gloat about what i do or don't have lol

96 cobra

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Aug 11, 2007
This is America and there are many who live beyond their means.


It's not uncommon around here (long island) for a recently employed college grad to finance a car or truck worth as much as their yearly salary (with very little $ down), and then purchase thousands in aftermarket mods... along with $125/month smartphone plans, $1,500/month rent, frequent vacations, etc.

On the other hand I'm 34, debt free including my apt. mortgage, finally got a cellphone and cable last year, promised myself to take a overseas vacation some day and will drive my '05 civic until it falls apart.

Sometimes fiscal sacrifices don't make sense in the moment, but they work out in your favor eventually.


Well-Known Member
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May 31, 2010
Empire State
You're only 28. So maybe you'll have to wait a bit. Don't worry about keeping up with the Joneses. Your time will come. There are always plenty of good, solid pre-owned cars for sale that can be modified within a budget. Many of us have taken our time doing modifications, frequently over the course of a few years.


Established Member
Aug 30, 2003
New Jersey
A couple of things to consider...
Don't know the numbers, but I'm sure there are a significant number of well-to-do enthusiasts on SVTP. The site has grown tremendously since it opened. It's attracted a lot of riffraff like these people.In the immortal words of Max Bialystock....with only a hint of bitterness..."If you got it baby...flaunt it...flaunt it!!! " Just kidding, of course. Most have done well through hard work...perseverance...and planning. And a few, by nefarious means. Many have done very well just by careful savings and effective investment.

Many regular posters aren't well-off ...but they put their heart, soul and what they can scrape together into their rides. They have great wrenching and mod skills and great street cred. They bring a lot cool tech knowledge to the game. One good reason we all attend.

Then there are probably most who attend that have a modest, maybe older ride...with little or few mods and are here for the performance car-related enthusiasm.

You are not alone here no matter what the level of your ownership involvement. Enthusiasm for high performance automobiles (and bikes) is the common thread.

We all wish we could own the car(s) of our dreams, and some can pull it off, but l am not waiting for that day to enjoy the sh-- out of my current ride and share in the enthusiasm on SVTP.
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Active Member
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Aug 8, 2008
Houston, TX
An education isn't necessary to make good money. It's being money literate. Not many people are otherwise we would have a world full of rich people. Working hard isn't enough as much as i wish it was. also, huge difference between Rich and wealth.


New Member
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Dec 5, 2007
Miami, FL
The common theme in most of the threads that people have pulled back the curtain a bit on their personal financial lives is HARD WORK. I'm not talking about putting in 40 and then kicking back. Most of these people are grinders. They put it 50-60 hour weeks or they work odd hours or weekends or really difficult jobs.

The idea of "hard work" has really left the mindset of todays youth. The goal in life seems to be to work the LEAST amount for the MOST amount of money. That's fine if you're 55. But in your 20s and 30s you should be killing yourself for the dollar you earn so you can get that status and experience to back off in your later years.

The biggest piece of advice I think I can give anyone looking to do well for themselves is never settle for that minimum. If your job is to do A,B,C always offer to do D,E. Always stay the extra hour or put in the extra effort. People will notice. But NEVER expect them to.

Next biggest piece I can say is to keep your credit spotless. This ties in with financial responsibility. People with a healthy income will usually tell you that they have sat down with a financial planner or at least done it themselves and made a road map of where they want to be and how to get there.
If you want that nice Z06 then sit down and look at your finances. Have a real honest discussion with yourself on what your income is and what debt you're willing to take on.
A lot of times you'll find that certain things may not hold the weight you thought they did once you put them up against other things you think are of equal importance.
You'll also surprise yourself on what debt you can take on and still live comfortably. Familiarize yourself with a financial matrix and always live within it when making purchases.

There are a lot of money managing self help books out there. If you don't like to read then it's a good time to start. In your off time pickup some books and just start to gain knowledge. A lot of people think that you can just "get rich quick" but it's a mindset that people with money either had and learned the hard knock way or had a mentor. It didn't just happen magically.

There are a lot of people in the military here that can offer a lot of great advice on how to make the most of your time there to either further your career inside the forces or best move your talents to the private sector. I wouldn't hesitate to ask for their help or guidance once you know where you want to go.
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IA Shelby

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Mar 24, 2011
I was very fortunate to get a very good job for a Fortune 50 company right out of college in 1990. I have been in upper to executive mgmt roles since 97.

That being said I didn't buy my first "fun car" until 2011 at age 43. I made sure all other things were in place first... Family, House, Retirement Savings.

And yes it is all about priorities. I have two children that have special needs who require a lot more out of pocket expense than my car hobby. One more reason I waited until the time was right.

Good luck OP. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I wish you all the best.


New Member
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Nov 4, 2013
Thanks y'all, I made this thread expecting to get flamed and that's not what happened. Y'all are a good group of guys. When I get a little closer to getting home I'll be making a thread for any questions I can't find an answer to as far as mic. Performance stuff example: how much power can the stock input shaft handle.

Anyways thanks again guys.


Sebring SVTOA
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SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
Thanks y'all, I made this thread expecting to get flamed and that's not what happened. Y'all are a good group of guys. When I get a little closer to getting home I'll be making a thread for any questions I can't find an answer to as far as mic. Performance stuff example: how much power can the stock input shaft handle.

Anyways thanks again guys.

Check out the Drive Shaft Shop, look at a 31 spline, they were 800hp rated for the 03 Cobra, not sure what car you are looking at. The stock of 550 or so and hated wheel hop!


Established Member
May 6, 2004
Jacksonville, FL
Make sure you are setting yourself up now to get out. You can never start too early, but keep pushing in the Army like you will stay in for 20+. I have seen too many people burn lots of bridges their last years and HAVE to stay in because of an event, only to have a crappy, slow advancing career. Maybe look at a commissioning program for fun. That is what I did.

As said earlier, E1-E5 isn't a whole lot of chedda', but I started making decent money at the E6-E7 level and even better at the O1E level.

Keep pushing, you will get where you need to get with hard work!

Great Asp

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Mar 17, 2007
St. Louis
OP, Thank you very much for your service to this great country!

I set goals very early on (younger than you are now), and stayed focused on them. I am a high school grad too.

$100K a year might only be a milestone for you....



Established Member
Jul 26, 2011
The real, but boring, answer: Financial well-being runs the whole gamut, here. Some folks are very well off, some are just scraping by. We all like fast cars in general, Mustangs in particular, and SVT's most of all.

The SVTP answer: all the guys here are six-pack sporting chick magnets who can bench press 600 pounds and we all date supermodels and have three Cobras in our fully-equipped five-car garages. The stoplights turn green when we approach, traffic parts before us, and we never have to renew our driver's licenses or pay taxes.



This Is Absolution
Established Member
Mar 16, 2006
Horsepower junkies are like drug addicts
They do what they need to go faster

Black Sex

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Sep 23, 2008
My wife and I are not rich but we do make ok money for being 30 (and me not going to collage) but we also don't go out and blow lots of money on bar tabs, fancy clothes and other useless shit. We buy the essentials, make the house payment and stuff for the kids. It's nice knowing when I'm 33 I will own my Shelby, and not the bank.

It's all about managing your money right if you don't make a ton of it. I have friends in their upper 20s/lower30s, make more than I and still live at home because they cant manage their money good enough to live on their own. The one problem I notice with them is the spend a large amount of time at the bars. They pretty much have a high drinking tolerance and nice clothes is all they have to show for working 40+ hrs a week.
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