What is your opinion, What is the biggest issue now-a-days?

What is the biggest issue today?

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Get ready to fly!
Established Member
Nov 2, 2008
Naperville, Il
I picked "other." The biggest issue facing us today is the growing entitlement mentality. Fix that (how, I don't know) and most of the other issues resolve themselves.

Very easy, tell people to work for what they want, or GFY...

Only people deserving of public aid are those with disabilities or those recently let go of a job and need assistance till they find a new one, mainly those with families. Have mandatory drug testing for anyone to receive aid as well.

It would be extremely easy to save billions off just that alone.


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Party Liquor Posse
Feb 22, 2009
Cottage Grove, WI
I picked "other." The biggest issue facing us today is the growing entitlement mentality. Fix that (how, I don't know) and most of the other issues resolve themselves.

/thread. The smartest guy on SVTP has spoken.

But you are right on the money. This country has taken away people's "ability to starve". It used to be that if you didn't work, you and your family starved to death unless other citizens helped you out.

Nowadays, people get free rent, free food, free cell phones, free health care, free utilities, etc. It's no wonder that the lower end of society doesn't make an attempt to earn an honest living... they will be taken care of either way.

As mentioned above, drug testing for ANY entitlement (including umemployment) needs to be mandatory. Birth control for women on welfare needs to be mandatory as well.

Additionally, public sector unions need to be abolished...
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Active Member
Established Member
Apr 5, 2010
I voted for the economy.

Couldn't agree more on those that receive "aid" should be subject to drug testing. No giving them a weeks warning b.s. But immediate and completely random screening. If they fail, no second chances period.

And I'm not sorry for saying this, but the people that are just some idiots popping out children left and right with no intent on supporting them themselves, they need to have their reproductive organs removed. Rather pay to have them fixed, as opposed to have them reward with monthly checks, free healthcare, and a hell of a tax return each year.

Also enforcing the death penalty in all 50 states and bringing back public executions would really help lower the crime rate and stop wasting my money keeping them alive on my tab in jail.

The government just needs to start distributing meth so the junkies can get it from them and hurry up and off themselves as opposed to stealing my stuff.

If you take note, all things mentioned in this post will only free up more tax dollars that are going to waste.
Feb 15, 2004
Did your magic 8-ball tell you that?

History says civilizations can fail. Even the "great" ones. Not saying we wil fail, but if you just think "oh it'll turn around" you're mistaken. The only way this national budget gets fixed is through extreme compromise because we're in a lot more trouble than we think even if our personal lives haven't been impacted by the economy. Now I don't agree with taking from the "rich" to give to the takers who produce nothing, in fact I have nothing I can think of that would fix it so I'm not proclaiming to have anything figured out...but any logical person who looks at our country knows its in trouble and it isn't just going to all get better.

I don't share your pessimism.
Feb 15, 2004
I hope you're right sir.

You watch my friend.

This country is not finished. I know it looks like it is...but we are coming out of this and much stronger as a nation.

Btw, all the great power players on the world globe are going through something similar to our nation. We just don't really hear about it...


Bleeds Ford Blue
Established Member
Feb 22, 2011
Hagerstown, Md.
You watch my friend.

This country is not finished. I know it looks like it is...but we are coming out of this and much stronger as a nation.

Btw, all the great power players on the world globe are going through something similar to our nation. We just don't really hear about it...

Like I said, I do hope your right. This may sound crazy, but my wife and I are going to buy a large part of property in her home state of Maine this spring with intentions of building right in the middle of it. She has quite the green thumb, so we will put up a greenhouse. I will hunt year round, and there is plenty of running fresh water through the land with fishing as well. I want to be away from everyone, and for the most part "off the grid" as much as possible. Should electric go out, no matter...heat with wood, light from candles. Fresh water, and plenty of food. I'm not a doomsday planner or anything, but I will be fine for quite a while should something crazy happen. Things will get much worse before they get better, and I don't need to be living where I am now where chances of break ins and robberies are multiplied tremendously.


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May 2, 2010
Canton, GA
liberal ideals and the idea of America becoming a "civilized, perfect utopia"

the "entitlement mentality" was created by the Democrats over the years to create a bought and paid for voting force. Nobody who is getting a nice "free" life is gonna vote against the ones giving it to them. along with this mentality, those that are taking advantage of the entitlements are complacent as long as they can stay lazy and still eat junk, do drugs, reproduce like rabbits, and use the internet.
the American people need to take this country back for ourselves, or else we are going to become another "socialist experiment" that will benefit only politicians and the corporations that sponsor them.


It's Not Your Concern
Super Moderator
Nov 19, 2000
Economy, without a good, stable economy none of those other issues matter.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Sep 4, 2007
I picked "other." The biggest issue facing us today is the growing entitlement mentality. Fix that (how, I don't know) and most of the other issues resolve themselves.

I agree. The medals for everyone and everything should be fair BS. If Johnny gets an F the teacher is to difficult blah blah blah you guys get the point. Life isnt fair stop treating kids like they earned something before they did.


Established Member
Jan 4, 2013
The overbearing and destructive power the government has been slowly gaining the past century. End the Fed, no more being able to devalue our currency and continue raising the debt limit. Lower taxes on everybody until they are zero (before 1913 there was no federal income tax and there was plenty of roads, incase somebody throws out the strawmen theory on me). Remove the government from education systems and the schools that succeed will then be retained (free market). End all unnecessary entitlement programs such as the ponzi scheme of social security. There's a long long list of things that should be done and a lot of people don't realize most problems are created from the government and then ask the government to fix it.


# of bans = 5203
Established Member
Mar 2, 2006
San Diego, CA
Didnt even hesitate to hit Economy.

Shit needs to pick back up stat. No more excuses, no more lies.

Fix it you ****heads. And if you wont, stop ****ing with it then and let it fix itself. Unfortunately the majority (52%) of americans want the government to take care of them, and this number is growing daily. Sooner or later it will hit a tipping point. I see USA becoming the next USSR. And unfortunately a liberal biased media and liberal universities recruits drones of ****tardation daily.

Gun control should not be an issue, the 2nd Amendment is already in place for a reason.

Obesity? LOL let the ****ers eat themselves to death. Or, just stop ****ing fat chicks. If fatties stopped getting laid, the gene that gets passed down from generation to generation will cease to exist. Not a difficult concept.

N. Korea? LOL. Their "aiming" of missles at US is a korean dude pointing towards the east going "thats the direction we send missle", and then it drops in the ocean 200mi off their coast. But for sure, drop a nuke on them anyways from a B2 and then deny it was us, just to shut them up. Nobody can prove otherwise, its stealth bitches. Just say they ****ed up and probably didnt do their n00b ass homework and blew themselves up.

The real issue is within our political structure, and how its been perverted to heed to the highest bidder. Politicians can only rise to power based on how many companies/industries hold their puppet strings. I dont have many solutions, for the issues with our current government are far too immense to even find a starting point. Weve given them too much power, and theyve taken it and returned results with zero accountability for their actions.


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Jul 1, 2009
The States

We have a whole generation with no motivation to do anything. Grown adults living with their parents well into their 20's and 30's... Remember when turning 18 meant something? That new, young adults were about to break out and start their own lives. Moving away to attend a University, or head to the factory to start a career, or sign up for the military to serve the country and your fellow Americans.

I know the economy and job market is different now, but hell, people used to have pride in what they did... whatever it was. When attendants at Full Service Gas stations would run out to your car, with a smile and some pep in their step, because it was their time to shine. They may just be pumping gas, but by God, they were gonna try and be the best at it!

Now we have borderline retards serving us at McDonald's, who give us attitude because their life isn't turning out quite the way MTV promised.

A whole generation raised by parents telling them they are special, and can be anything they want to be. Raised by teachers, who don't give "F" grades, telling them "good job for trying..." and grading on a curve... Raised by coaches who never yell at them, but tell them it's not about winning, it's about playing the game, and no one loses, because everyone gets participation trophies, and raised by media that show them "celebrities" who got that way because they are simply being themselves... not for having a talent or accomplishing anything... watching tv programs that glorify "celebrities" who are famous for the sake of being famous (Kim K, Paris Hilton, Octomom, the cast of Jersey Shore, etc etc) and of course they want that for themselves... To just fall into fame and fortune. Kids who spend all day on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc etc... who feel like they're the center of their own little universe and star of their own personal reality show, putting their lives on display for anyone who might care... buying magazines that print stories about celebrities day to day lives. Who really cares that someone took pictures of Snooki tying her shoe?

Everything has become about instant satisfaction... People want instant fame. Instant fortune. Instant happiness... and not just on a personal level. Companies are all about maximizing profits... to satisfy the shareholders want for instant ROI... no longer carrying if they're offering the best product... as long as it markets well, and is cheap to build.

People no longer have a sense of community. They'd rather go to Walmart because they can buy everything they need in one place, for less, than support a few local businesses... Yes Walmart employs a lot of people, but imagine a world without Walmarts. Where there are more business owners running mom and pop shops, hiring the local kids. Rather than just being employees of a multinational corporation, just one more cog in the money machine making share holders rich.

Very few have pride in what they do anymore. Even the government... Remember when the US made a commitment to go to the moon? It wasn't about the money, or anything so trivial... it was for pride. To prove America has what it takes to be number one. When was the last time something truly great was built in this country? Like the Empire State building? Twin Towers? Golden Gate bridge? Hoover Dam? Mount Rushmore? Something awe inspiring.
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Feb 23, 2010
In the 5280'
The biggest issue, politician stupidity, and lack of leadership in this country...

hmmm, let's expand on this and put in the proper direction.

lack of political direction by our politicians.
lack of accountability
lack of independent oversight from a independent and unbiased 3rd party organization
inability to get things done
inability to address the issues (instead putting a bandaid on them and hoping they will go away)
political greed and corruption
inability to listen to the voices of their constituents and follow through appropriately


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 12, 2005
Central Florida
I voted the economy.

I'm talking about all sorts of **** under this loose category. I saw on the news via FB some intersection is going to be turned into a round-about to the tune of XX million dollars of federal money. Didn't we just give Egypt like 15 jet fighters? Didn't congress just give themselves a raise? Didn't we just raise the debt ceiling again, and will probably do the same again in 3 months? I'm guessing once again GE didn't pay a single cent in taxes after a several thousand page tax return.

If it deals with money, and our federal govt....they do nothing but **** it up! :fm:


New Member
Established Member
Jan 29, 2006
The Earth
hmmm, let's expand on this and put in the proper direction.

lack of political direction by our politicians.
lack of accountability
lack of independent oversight from a independent and unbiased 3rd party organization
inability to get things done
inability to address the issues (instead putting a bandaid on them and hoping they will go away)
political greed and corruption
inability to listen to the voices of their constituents and follow through appropriately
Aren't you a 30-something year old student not working who's on govt assistance?

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