Name one celebrity you hate.


Active Member
Established Member
Jul 1, 2009
The States
Hate is a strong word. I'm disappointed in a few. But I can't say I hate any celebrity.

I think it's funny that people try to push Khloe Kardashian like she's attractive.

Piers Morgan is pretty damn close to being "hated" for me... Closer than anyone else.

big dad

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 5, 2010
beloit wi.
I'm with this guy. Every time Ted Nugent is talked about around my father He makes sure all of them know as well.

Good for you and your father. Hey, I served a few years in Norfolk and around the Virginia Beach area. I still have my 68 Chevy 2 that I bought from RK Chevrolet on Virginia Beach Boulevard. Are they still there?


Established Member
Jan 4, 2006
Stuart, FL
Good for you and your father. Hey, I served a few years in Norfolk and around the Virginia Beach area. I still have my 68 Chevy 2 that I bought from RK Chevrolet on Virginia Beach Boulevard. Are they still there?

Yes sir! They are now RK Chevrolet/Subaru. However the place is quite run down now. Thank you for your service.


up the bayou
Established Member
Jul 24, 2007
Lockport, Louisiana
I dont keep up with any celebrities nor do i know any personally. I think what and who they do should not be allowed to be public. Gossip like that is worthless and a waste of time.


Resident Prick.
Established Member
Apr 10, 2005
Surrounded by libetards.
Thanks, at least you understand what I meant.

I see what you're saying but it seems this is up for debate. See below.

Ted Nugent a draft dodger? | Fact Checker

Jill Kirwin of Reno wrote a letter to the editor:

“Just saw in the RGJ that Ted Nugent is coming to the Silver Legacy (Aug. 31). Just a little information for all the gun toting NRA members, Support Our Troops, America’s the Greatest, Republican supporters and fans of Mr. Nugent. Don’t know how many of you also know Nugent is a Vietnam War draft dodger! Nugent wore a diaper for a week. Urinating and defecating in it the whole week. Then snorted some meth before showing up for his draft evaluation. Nugent was found ‘unfit’ for duty.”

She ends her letter: “Check out Nugent’s draft dodging interview at” actually says claims Nugent “evaded the draft in the 1960s by taking drugs and acting crazy” are “undetermined.”

Fact Checker will go one step further and say Kirwin’s claim about draft dodging is false.

A draft dodger is someone who avoids the draft, for instance by moving to Canada or not signing up for the draft in the first place. Someone who registers for the draft, as Nugent did, by definition is not a draft dodger. Rather, he says, he avoided serving.

In 1977, Nugent told High Times magazine that the week before his military physical, he stopped going to the bathroom and just did his business in his pants — “I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop.” (There’s no suggestion he wore a diaper, as Kirwin states.) He also said he snorted meth.

He later told the UK Independent that he made up those stories and he got a student deferment to go to Oakland Community College.

Still later, he told Creem magazine he snorted cocaine before his draft physical.

Government records show Nugent originally got a student deferment in 1969 (not exactly befitting the gonzo reputation of the “Motor City madman”) and when student deferments were ended, he got a 4-F designation that he was “not qualified for military service,” which could be for medical or mental reasons.

The whole point of bringing this up is to tar Nugent as a hypocrite since he now supports the U.S. military and various wars. This rings false.

Nugent was a teenager when he came up for the draft. To hold somebody at age 64 to what they believed at age 18 or 19 is itself hypocrisy because no one would ever hold themselves to that standard.

The claim

Ted Nugent was a draft dodger. Really.

The background

Regarding last week’s Fact Checker sidebar, Mark Nelson of Sparks wrote, “(Fact Checker) said that since Ted registered for the draft and did not go to Canada, he is not a draft dodger. A quick Google check shows the definition of a draft dodger is someone who ‘evades compulsory military service.’ It says nothing about Canada or failure to register. By his own admission, Nugent faked symptoms and used drugs to keep from being drafted. Nugent is a draft dodger.”

The original column was more interested in whether it’s hypocrisy for someone to hold different views at age 64 than at age 18. The question of draft-dodging during the Vietnam War, when some young men were forced to serve by the government, probably wasn’t given its due.

Nelson is right. Nugent said in a 1977 High Times magazine article that he faked symptoms (being unhygienic to appear mentally unfit) and used meth before his military physical to get out of serving.

But, in a 2006 interview with the UK Independent newspaper, he said he made up that story to the High Times reporter.

To take a step back, Fact Checker contacted Dick Flahavan at the Selective Service System, which handles registration for military service, to verify what qualifies as draft-dodging.

He wrote in an email, “Every Selective Service registrant was entitled to file for any type claim — postponement, deferment or exemption — to which he believed he was entitled at the time he was called for induction, even though the claim might have been frivolous or even a stretch. If granted by the Local Board, then he received the appropriate classification, e.g., 4-F, II-S, 1-A, etc. This was the procedure that Selective Service followed, it was provided by law, and filing for a claim was not considered draft-dodging.

“On the other hand, if a man faked or deceptively manufactured a claim which did not represent his real situation — e.g., substituted another man’s physical exam results, or represented himself as gay to avoid his duty to serve — then it was fraudulent and constituted draft-dodging. The term draft-dodging also was applied to those men who received their notice to report for induction and immediately left the U.S. for Canada or Sweden or remained in the U.S. but dropped out and went underground. …

“In sum, avoiding the draft through any licit method is legal; avoiding service if qualified and called is not.

“So in your example of a man registering for the draft and showing up for his medical exam would not be avoiding the draft or avoiding serving. But if that man faked his medical results, then he would be attempting to avoid … being drafted to serve in the military.”

(In an effort to keep politics out of the discussion, Fact Checker did not use Nugent’s name, just the case’s details, in correspondence.)

According to military records, Nugent got a student deferment. As mentioned above, this was a legal means of avoiding service in the military and is not considered draft dodging.

(Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly — as well as Bill Clinton — all got student deferments during the Vietnam War and are not draft dodgers. Clinton also got help from friends in high places and didn’t follow through on some promises to avoid service but is legally considered not to have violated the Military Selective Service Act.)

Nugent’s student deferment went away for reasons that are not clear. Jennifer Burke, also with the Selective Service System, told Fact Checker that common reasons could be “he a) finished school or finished the semester, b) was not a full-time student, maintaining good grades, or c) did not return to school for whatever reason.”

Given Nugent was a touring musician, b or c are likely candidates.

Regardless, it’s clear the initial student deferment was legal. Nugent has said it was given so he could attend Oakland Community College.

Nugent then got a second deferment. Because he failed his military medical exam, he was reclassified as 4-F, or unfit for service.

So everything hinges on that medical exam. If he faked a bad result, he’s a draft dodger. If he didn’t, he’s not.

“By way of clarification,” Burke said about 4-F qualifications, “the ‘physical’ category included psychiatric disorders; ‘mental’ related to solely intelligence test scores; ‘moral’ was determined by the registrant’s court record.”

There are no government records on Nugent that could shed light.

Burke said, “The only remaining records for registrations prior to 1980 are the registration card and classification record. Any other documents, medical records, results of physical examinations, etc., would have been placed in the registrant’s file folder. These file folders were routinely destroyed when the registrant reached age 26 years, or age 35 if the individual received a deferment. Any remaining file folders in existence in 1978 were destroyed as approved by the archivist of the United States.”

That means the only evidence is from an unreliable witness: Nugent himself.

Of course, Fact Checker reached out to the Nugent camp. Publicist Linda Peterson was asked: “Did Ted Nugent try to make himself seem unfit for duty during his military physical for the Vietnam draft?”

She responded, “Nope, urban legend.”

Fact Checker asked what was the reason for Nugent’s 4-F deferment and didn’t get a reply.

The verdict

Fact Checker gave too narrow of a definition of “draft dodger” last week, as Mark Nelson of Sparks correctly pointed out.

But even with a more expansive definition, there’s still no proof Nugent dodged the draft. If he’s a liar who can’t be trusted now, that doesn’t make his word more trustworthy in 1977.

Plausible arguments can be made for why Nugent would’ve made up the 1977 story that’s the source of draft-dodging claims — the Vietnam War was unpopular and it would be very rock ’n’ roll to claim you pulled one over on The Man.

It’s also worth noting Nugent has long been anti-drug, railing regularly against the “hippies” of the 1960s who zoned out — often fatally — on drugs. So if he were going to make up a story to a magazine, a pro-drug one would make sense.

And plausible arguments can be made for why he would’ve made up the 2006 story about the first one being a hoax — he wanted to protect his credibility as a patriotic conservative spokesman.

The only objective conclusion that can be made is there’s not enough evidence one way or the other.

That said, if you’re going to accuse someone of a crime, you must have better evidence than a single story in High Times magazine that has since been retracted by the source.
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big dad

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 5, 2010
beloit wi.
Yes sir! They are now RK Chevrolet/Subaru. However the place is quite run down now. Thank you for your service.

Same too you my brother, and I assume your dad also. I was a IC electrician in the submarine service.


Active Member
Established Member
Sep 24, 2009
Ames, IA
Piers Morgan and the Biebs.

Piers Morgan drives me up the wall with about everything out of his mouth and is the most narrow minded man on planet Earth while Beiber is well.... just Beiber

big dad

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 5, 2010
beloit wi.
I see what you're saying but it seems this is up for debate. See below.

Ted Nugent a draft dodger? | Fact Checker

Jill Kirwin of Reno wrote a letter to the editor:

“Just saw in the RGJ that Ted Nugent is coming to the Silver Legacy (Aug. 31). Just a little information for all the gun toting NRA members, Support Our Troops, America’s the Greatest, Republican supporters and fans of Mr. Nugent. Don’t know how many of you also know Nugent is a Vietnam War draft dodger! Nugent wore a diaper for a week. Urinating and defecating in it the whole week. Then snorted some meth before showing up for his draft evaluation. Nugent was found ‘unfit’ for duty.”

She ends her letter: “Check out Nugent’s draft dodging interview at” actually says claims Nugent “evaded the draft in the 1960s by taking drugs and acting crazy” are “undetermined.”

Fact Checker will go one step further and say Kirwin’s claim about draft dodging is false.

A draft dodger is someone who avoids the draft, for instance by moving to Canada or not signing up for the draft in the first place. Someone who registers for the draft, as Nugent did, by definition is not a draft dodger. Rather, he says, he avoided serving.

In 1977, Nugent told High Times magazine that the week before his military physical, he stopped going to the bathroom and just did his business in his pants — “I was a walking, talking hunk of human poop.” (There’s no suggestion he wore a diaper, as Kirwin states.) He also said he snorted meth.

He later told the UK Independent that he made up those stories and he got a student deferment to go to Oakland Community College.

Still later, he told Creem magazine he snorted cocaine before his draft physical.

Government records show Nugent originally got a student deferment in 1969 (not exactly befitting the gonzo reputation of the “Motor City madman”) and when student deferments were ended, he got a 4-F designation that he was “not qualified for military service,” which could be for medical or mental reasons.

The whole point of bringing this up is to tar Nugent as a hypocrite since he now supports the U.S. military and various wars. This rings false.

Nugent was a teenager when he came up for the draft. To hold somebody at age 64 to what they believed at age 18 or 19 is itself hypocrisy because no one would ever hold themselves to that standard.

Ted Nugent draft-dodging claim revisited | Fact Checker

The claim

Ted Nugent was a draft dodger. Really.

The background

Regarding last week’s Fact Checker sidebar, Mark Nelson of Sparks wrote, “(Fact Checker) said that since Ted registered for the draft and did not go to Canada, he is not a draft dodger. A quick Google check shows the definition of a draft dodger is someone who ‘evades compulsory military service.’ It says nothing about Canada or failure to register. By his own admission, Nugent faked symptoms and used drugs to keep from being drafted. Nugent is a draft dodger.”

The original column was more interested in whether it’s hypocrisy for someone to hold different views at age 64 than at age 18. The question of draft-dodging during the Vietnam War, when some young men were forced to serve by the government, probably wasn’t given its due.

Nelson is right. Nugent said in a 1977 High Times magazine article that he faked symptoms (being unhygienic to appear mentally unfit) and used meth before his military physical to get out of serving.

But, in a 2006 interview with the UK Independent newspaper, he said he made up that story to the High Times reporter.

To take a step back, Fact Checker contacted Dick Flahavan at the Selective Service System, which handles registration for military service, to verify what qualifies as draft-dodging.

He wrote in an email, “Every Selective Service registrant was entitled to file for any type claim — postponement, deferment or exemption — to which he believed he was entitled at the time he was called for induction, even though the claim might have been frivolous or even a stretch. If granted by the Local Board, then he received the appropriate classification, e.g., 4-F, II-S, 1-A, etc. This was the procedure that Selective Service followed, it was provided by law, and filing for a claim was not considered draft-dodging.

“On the other hand, if a man faked or deceptively manufactured a claim which did not represent his real situation — e.g., substituted another man’s physical exam results, or represented himself as gay to avoid his duty to serve — then it was fraudulent and constituted draft-dodging. The term draft-dodging also was applied to those men who received their notice to report for induction and immediately left the U.S. for Canada or Sweden or remained in the U.S. but dropped out and went underground. …

“In sum, avoiding the draft through any licit method is legal; avoiding service if qualified and called is not.

“So in your example of a man registering for the draft and showing up for his medical exam would not be avoiding the draft or avoiding serving. But if that man faked his medical results, then he would be attempting to avoid … being drafted to serve in the military.”

(In an effort to keep politics out of the discussion, Fact Checker did not use Nugent’s name, just the case’s details, in correspondence.)

According to military records, Nugent got a student deferment. As mentioned above, this was a legal means of avoiding service in the military and is not considered draft dodging.

(Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly — as well as Bill Clinton — all got student deferments during the Vietnam War and are not draft dodgers. Clinton also got help from friends in high places and didn’t follow through on some promises to avoid service but is legally considered not to have violated the Military Selective Service Act.)

Nugent’s student deferment went away for reasons that are not clear. Jennifer Burke, also with the Selective Service System, told Fact Checker that common reasons could be “he a) finished school or finished the semester, b) was not a full-time student, maintaining good grades, or c) did not return to school for whatever reason.”

Given Nugent was a touring musician, b or c are likely candidates.

Regardless, it’s clear the initial student deferment was legal. Nugent has said it was given so he could attend Oakland Community College.

Nugent then got a second deferment. Because he failed his military medical exam, he was reclassified as 4-F, or unfit for service.

So everything hinges on that medical exam. If he faked a bad result, he’s a draft dodger. If he didn’t, he’s not.

“By way of clarification,” Burke said about 4-F qualifications, “the ‘physical’ category included psychiatric disorders; ‘mental’ related to solely intelligence test scores; ‘moral’ was determined by the registrant’s court record.”

There are no government records on Nugent that could shed light.

Burke said, “The only remaining records for registrations prior to 1980 are the registration card and classification record. Any other documents, medical records, results of physical examinations, etc., would have been placed in the registrant’s file folder. These file folders were routinely destroyed when the registrant reached age 26 years, or age 35 if the individual received a deferment. Any remaining file folders in existence in 1978 were destroyed as approved by the archivist of the United States.”

That means the only evidence is from an unreliable witness: Nugent himself.

Of course, Fact Checker reached out to the Nugent camp. Publicist Linda Peterson was asked: “Did Ted Nugent try to make himself seem unfit for duty during his military physical for the Vietnam draft?”

She responded, “Nope, urban legend.”

Fact Checker asked what was the reason for Nugent’s 4-F deferment and didn’t get a reply.

The verdict

Fact Checker gave too narrow of a definition of “draft dodger” last week, as Mark Nelson of Sparks correctly pointed out.

But even with a more expansive definition, there’s still no proof Nugent dodged the draft. If he’s a liar who can’t be trusted now, that doesn’t make his word more trustworthy in 1977.

Plausible arguments can be made for why Nugent would’ve made up the 1977 story that’s the source of draft-dodging claims — the Vietnam War was unpopular and it would be very rock ’n’ roll to claim you pulled one over on The Man.

It’s also worth noting Nugent has long been anti-drug, railing regularly against the “hippies” of the 1960s who zoned out — often fatally — on drugs. So if he were going to make up a story to a magazine, a pro-drug one would make sense.

And plausible arguments can be made for why he would’ve made up the 2006 story about the first one being a hoax — he wanted to protect his credibility as a patriotic conservative spokesman.

The only objective conclusion that can be made is there’s not enough evidence one way or the other.

That said, if you’re going to accuse someone of a crime, you must have better evidence than a single story in High Times magazine that has since been retracted by the source.

No where did I mention he was a draft dodger, I stated he got out of the draft. I remember this quite well because I was an adult serving my country, and this pissed off alot of vets when it happened.

Now some 40 years later Ted claims it was a BS story. See that's the thing about the internet, you can always revise history too put yourself in a different light. There's one thing about telling the truth, you don't have too remember what you said.

Either way he's a liar.

So how do you know he never did this or bragged about it? Oh, that's right, his revised version is on the internet, so it must be true.

He did it, he bragged about it, and now like the coward he is he claims it never happened. There are still some of us left that remember this.

I couldn't care less about his politics, but what really bothers me is ANY political party having this human **** stain as their spokesman.

Not too mention his fetish for underage girls. I'm sure he'll deny this also because enough years have gone by that he thinks nobody will remember.


Established Member
Jan 4, 2006
Stuart, FL
Same too you my brother, and I assume your dad also. I was a IC electrician in the submarine service.

The Silent ones :beer:. Three Generations Navy. Grandfather Served during WWII on the USS Estes and was in Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. My Father served in the mid 70's. My brother is a F-18 Growler pilot out of Whidbey Island, and I am a Second Class Avionics Tech going five years strong :rockon:.

I assume you were on a LA class or maybe a Sturgeon?
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Active Member
Established Member
Jan 24, 2006
Lindsey Lohan
Justin Bieber
Brittany Spears

Anyone who has ever starred or has been associated with reality TV

Most politicians, especially those that have an extreme agenda in either the right or left wing.
Any politician that wants to:
Allow illegal aliens to have citizenship
Allow more immigrants into this country
Take away our guns
Not legalize marijuana ( the war on drugs is lost - get over it stop wasting our tax dollars fighting it)
Fight stupid wars overseas that have nothing to do with us
Send money to starving children in Haiti and Africa when we have starving children right here in the US
Collect information and spy on Americans
Try to overturn Roe vs. Wade

Any politician that worked as an executive for any company that is now in a position of power in government to influence the laws and policies that effect the companies and industries they worked in - major conflict of interest.

I hate extreme republicans, I hate extreme democrats... They all have their heads up their butt.

The party system needs to go away.. sorry got a little off track.

The politics section is the next section down. :burnout:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jun 27, 2003
West Los Angeles
First just let me say that hate is too strong a word. For instance I wouldn't actually want to kill them. But various forms of physical punishment or public embarrassment would be OK.

Tying him to the stocks and let people pelt him with rotten fruit for a week would be just about right.

Hate is a strong word, with that said, Kanye and the Kardashians (They count as one, right?)
They are just fools. Rich fools, but fools none the less.

Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O'Donnell and all those worthless, left wing ****s like them.
Everyone just stop ever watching anything they have anything to do with. EVER.

Lindsey Lohan
Brittany Spears
Both of these are just a shame. If they had tighter control over their behaviour. Both of these girls were well worth banging when they were younger. maybe they will both get their acts together and be worth it again.

Nancy Pelosi
Sure don't need to anything but agree. She and her commie compatriots have ruined California and done their best to turn the USA into WW2 Italy.

Hanoi jane :xpl:
I really didn't appreciate what she did against America during Vietnam but she sure had nice tits when she was in Barbarella.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
No where did I mention he was a draft dodger, I stated he got out of the draft. I remember this quite well because I was an adult serving my country, and this pissed off alot of vets when it happened.

Now some 40 years later Ted claims it was a BS story. See that's the thing about the internet, you can always revise history too put yourself in a different light. There's one thing about telling the truth, you don't have too remember what you said.

Either way he's a liar.

So how do you know he never did this or bragged about it? Oh, that's right, his revised version is on the internet, so it must be true.

He did it, he bragged about it, and now like the coward he is he claims it never happened. There are still some of us left that remember this.

I couldn't care less about his politics, but what really bothers me is ANY political party having this human **** stain as their spokesman.

Not too mention his fetish for underage girls. I'm sure he'll deny this also because enough years have gone by that he thinks nobody will remember.

so can you blame the guy for NOT wanting to go to war?

big dad

Well-Known Member
Established Member
Feb 5, 2010
beloit wi.
so can you blame the guy for NOT wanting to go to war?

How many of those 58000+ names on the Vietnam wall in DC wanted too go too war? How many of those who are still alive and are dying everyday because of Vietnam wanted too go too war? I'd venture too guess most of them didn't. But for many of them, their country called, and they answered that call.
Ted Nugent had his chance, and mocked all those who did serve. Now he portrays himself as this uber patriot at the expense of those who served. He's the worst kind of patriot, one who wants everyone else too make the sacrifices while he enjoys his freedom and puffs his chest.

I'd also like too point out that I knew when I made my initial comments about hating Ted Nugent, I'd be singled out by the know it alls on this site because they were'nt even around back in the day. And why do you think that is? Because good old Ted has tried too reinvent himself too the younger generation. Ted decided he'd take a Mulligan because nobody was old enough too remember his pathetic ass back in the day.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Mar 6, 2008
Lindsey Lohan
Justin Bieber
Brittany Spears

Anyone who has ever starred or has been associated with reality TV

Most politicians, especially those that have an extreme agenda in either the right or left wing.
Any politician that wants to:
Allow illegal aliens to have citizenship
Allow more immigrants into this country
Take away our guns
Not legalize marijuana ( the war on drugs is lost - get over it stop wasting our tax dollars fighting it)
Fight stupid wars overseas that have nothing to do with us
Send money to starving children in Haiti and Africa when we have starving children right here in the US
Collect information and spy on Americans
Try to overturn Roe vs. Wade

Any politician that worked as an executive for any company that is now in a position of power in government to influence the laws and policies that effect the companies and industries they worked in - major conflict of interest.

I hate extreme republicans, I hate extreme democrats... They all have their heads up their butt.

The party system needs to go away.. sorry got a little off track.

I agree with most of that


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Dec 16, 2006
How many of those 58000+ names on the Vietnam wall in DC wanted too go too war? How many of those who are still alive and are dying everyday because of Vietnam wanted too go too war? I'd venture too guess most of them didn't. But for many of them, their country called, and they answered that call.
Ted Nugent had his chance, and mocked all those who did serve. Now he portrays himself as this uber patriot at the expense of those who served. He's the worst kind of patriot, one who wants everyone else too make the sacrifices while he enjoys his freedom and puffs his chest.

I'd also like too point out that I knew when I made my initial comments about hating Ted Nugent, I'd be singled out by the know it alls on this site because they were'nt even around back in the day. And why do you think that is? Because good old Ted has tried too reinvent himself too the younger generation. Ted decided he'd take a Mulligan because nobody was old enough too remember his pathetic ass back in the day.

too many toos, bro :lol:


Mar 22, 2010
Long Island, NY
Can't stand the kardashians. I don't get why women idolize these idiots that have zero talent and are only "successful" because of kim's sex tape. If it weren't for that tape, they would be ****ing broke, yet people watch them go about their daily lives like it's some kind of movie.

Actually they are famous because Kim's father was a lawyer for OJ...Also when Kim's mom remarried, she married a US Olympic Hero, I feel bad for bruce Jenner lol

She was popular way before her sex tape.

Her mom figured out how to market her daughters persona into something people will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for her to merely show up at a venue.

Her mother is most talented, I respect her. Nobody can name any talents that Kim has but her mother turned a whole lot of NOTHING into MILLIONS of dollars.

I doubt anyone was paying hundreds of thousands of dollars just to have OJ's lawyer's daughter show up to an event. She was nobody then. And in my opinion, she is nobody now!

She is a Nobody who is worth millions, I may not like her but I RESPECT her for becoming rich while not really doing a lot. She is the female Donald Trump, someone who woke u on third base thinking they hit a triple!

Ellen Degeneres

Whoopi Goldberg

I met Ellen and she might just be one of the funniest down to earth people I have ever met!


I hate Republicans who caused the lockout!

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