2018 has to be better. what was your 2017 horror stories....

98 svt

Well-Known Member
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May 16, 2005
I hate this for you and your family. I learned a lot from Hospice care when my dad and FIL departed some years ago. Found out it's not like on TV.

He's been in Hospice care for about 6 months. They are great, really. They talk to him everyday, play music for him etc. He doesn't talk or respond, and hasn't in a couple years.
I would never wish this on anyone. Dementia is a horrible disease.
Thank you for your thoughts. I just don't even know what to do right now.
Sorry to hear about your father and father-in-law.


bad attitude
Established Member
Aug 2, 2017
Wake County, NC
He's been in Hospice care for about 6 months. They are great, really. They talk to him everyday, play music for him etc. He doesn't talk or respond, and hasn't in a couple years.
I would never wish this on anyone. Dementia is a horrible disease.
Thank you for your thoughts. I just don't even know what to do right now.
Sorry to hear about your father and father-in-law.
My MIL is in hospice care right now. She knows who we are but I expect she's a couple of months from not knowing who we are. Watching a loved one die is damn ugly business. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for being with my dad and my wife's dad when they passed, but I can also say they are some frightening memories.


I like members members.
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Jan 29, 2016
I will simply say that I'm glad 2017 has turned the page to a new year. Reading this thread let's me know I am not struggling alone. Some of you guys are enduring more than most could ever handle.
Yeah, I will agree with that.
2013 was a bad year for me as was the very beginning of 2015. The rest of 2015 till now has been pretty good. (knock on wood. lol)

98 svt

Well-Known Member
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Premium Member
May 16, 2005
My MIL is in hospice care right now. She knows who we are but I expect she's a couple of months from not knowing who we are. Watching a loved one die is damn ugly business. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for being with my dad and my wife's dad when they passed, but I can also say they are some frightening memories.

I wish my best for your Mother in Law, I really do. It's terrible watching family members grow weaker and suffer. I wish they could find a cure for some of these diseases.


Deplorable and Proud
Established Member
Apr 10, 2008
2017 wasn’t a bad year compared to the crash back in 08 for me. But the two worst things for me for 2017 were as follows.

Lost my Grandpa to Alzheimer’s. I don’t wish that shit on anybody. He was like a best friend to me. We were always close I have lots of good memories. Seeing him decline was heartbreaking. Near the end of summer 2017 till the end of October he went down hill real fast. Not eating, drinking, etc. It was so depressing. I’m at peace knowing he isn’t suffering anymore and my wife and I were able to keep him in his house with my grandma till around August before he had to go to a home. I also can’t say enough about Hospice care as well. RIP Grandpa.

The other thing my oldest daughter Shelby who is severely Autistic non verbal. Started going crazy right before Christmas. Constantly screaming, pinching herself on her arms, and legs brushing herself. Pulling her hair out. School would send her home. Hitting her younger sister and my wife. Heck Xmas eve she went to bed at 7pm woke up at 11pm and wouldn’t go back to sleep going nuts. I drove her around for 134 miles because it was all that would soothe her. Xmas eve wife and I decided we needed help. We took her to the local children’s hospital and they admitted her. Trying all kinds of medicine and if they didn’t have her pretty much out of it she would go nuts. They transferred her to another children’s hospital that deals with Autism and are working with her trying different work tasks and meds. She has gotten a little better as in the screaming pretty much not happening knock on wood. But still is harming herself. We’re not sure when they will let her come home. Hopefully they can figure something out. I still have her xmas present though.

@98 svt sorry to here man spend as much time as you can with him and try to stay strong I don’t wish dementia or Alzheimer’s on anybody.

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Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
2017 wasn’t a bad year compared to the crash back in 08 for me. But the two worst things for me for 2017 were as follows.

Lost my Grandpa to Alzheimer’s. I don’t wish that shit on anybody. He was like a best friend to me. We were always close I have lots of good memories. Seeing him decline was heartbreaking. Near the end of summer 2017 till the end of October he went down hill real fast. Not eating, drinking, etc. It was so depressing. I’m at peace knowing he isn’t suffering anymore and my wife and I were able to keep him in his house with my grandma till around August before he had to go to a home. I also can’t say enough about Hospice care as well. RIP Grandpa.

The other thing my oldest daughter Shelby who is severely Autistic non verbal. Started going crazy right before Christmas. Constantly screaming, pinching herself on her arms, and legs brushing herself. Pulling her hair out. School would send her home. Hitting her younger sister and my wife. Heck Xmas eve she went to bed at 7pm woke up at 11pm and wouldn’t go back to sleep going nuts. I drove her around for 134 miles because it was all that would soothe her. Xmas eve wife and I decided we needed help. We took her to the local children’s hospital and they admitted her. Trying all kinds of medicine and if they didn’t have her pretty much out of it she would go nuts. They transferred her to another children’s hospital that deals with Autism and are working with her trying different work tasks and meds. She has gotten a little better as in the screaming pretty much not happening knock on wood. But still is harming herself. We’re not sure when they will let her come home. Hopefully they can figure something out. I still have her xmas present though.

@98 svt sorry to here man spend as much time as you can with him and try to stay strong I don’t wish dementia or Alzheimer’s on anybody.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Holy shit, death is hard to deal with. But I don't know how you can deal with your daughter's situation. I would like to have kids but stories like yours make me think otherwise. My wife will be 35 by the time we start trying to have kids (if). So the dangers go up from what I hear...


Deplorable and Proud
Established Member
Apr 10, 2008
Holy shit, death is hard to deal with. But I don't know how you can deal with your daughter's situation. I would like to have kids but stories like yours make me think otherwise. My wife will be 35 by the time we start trying to have kids (if). So the dangers go up from what I hear...

Yeah it sucks. Just trying to keep my head up. I know my wife is depressed about it. Especially when she was probably going to be coming home Monday. But not now. Honestly I know people and Dr’s say other wise but she was fine up until she had three shots at once at age 1. Everything changed since that moment. Fever seizures and diagnosed with autism at age 2. Luckily seizures haven’t happened in a long time. I think shots need spread out not so many at once.

Don’t let it discourage you guys if you want kids.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
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Nov 22, 2004
Chi Burbs
It seems like everyone's 2017 was my 2014... Listen guys, shit happens but just remember when you wake up the next day it's sign that your supposed to be here on the green and blue ball ball and things will move up!

in 2014 I was forced to resign from my job because I didn't want to relocate, got divorced, I lost my uncle, I lost my dog, My mom lost her job, we went through a polar vortex here in the midwest and literally I got pounded with 90" of snow and my aunt basically ended up losing her mind.

I feel all of you and again just remember once you hit rock bottom there's only one way up.


I like members members.
Established Member
Premium Member
Jan 29, 2016
in 2014 I was forced to resign from my job because I didn't want to relocate, got divorced, I lost my uncle, I lost my dog, My mom lost her job, we went through a polar vortex here in the midwest and literally I got pounded with 90" of snow and my aunt basically ended up losing her mind.
Damn, that is a brutal year. The snow is just insult to injury at that point.
I can't wait to relocate after I retire. I hate the cold and everything associated with it.


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
Oh come on
That’s like saying ‘yeah your cars quick but I’ve got a faster one at home’
What happened?

*deep inhale*

-Continuation of 2-year workathon, 3000+ hr years, not a single day off since mid 2015- mind you, the previous 10 years weren't a walk in the park either as I've been a workaholic for a long time
-Work was a mess, bad GM making piss-poor decisions to line his own pockets
-Did everything I possibly could to get upper management to see this short of using a megaphone
-Constantly getting in near-violent yelling matches with him, nobody ever had my back but would always come over later and claim they did
-Get stuck working on a $6M project, alone, while still managing the entire ME department as best I can
-Work the next 6 months straight without a single day off, 14-16hr days
-Wound up in the ER twice due to unbearable chest pains, EKG showed nothing, was told it was a bad panic attack each time (and I refuse to take benzos)
-Develop insomnia, routinely went 5-6 days at a time with virtually no sleep
-In April, coming back from lunch I roll up on the scene of an accident- turns out it was my wife who got struck by some idiot 17 year old kid who was going 100+mph on a rural road
-Kid had state minimum for insurance, wife's Jeep alone was $39k, and it was a 4-car accident
-Wife was out of work for a while, couldn't walk for two weeks, bruised head to toe
-Other manager at work (the one I liked and got along with) allowed me to work from home to take care of my wife and avoid the asshole manager from hell
-Battled two insurance companies, two law firms, and eventually broke even several months later, all while still working 16 hour days - absolute madness
-Not enough insurance to cover my wife's medical bills, uh oh, looks like we're losing $24k there too!
-Had to put our Jeep through on our own insurance, and they played games for two months, claiming they could get it fixed (head on collision, rolled 4 times, struck a pole). Won that battle when we put the Jeep on a lift and found that the engine was literally cracked open. By won, I mean we got a payout $12,000 less than what we owed on the Jeep.
-Two law firms dropped us, one because there was no profit to be had, the other because I lost my temper, became unhinged, and said that it would be a better outcome for everyone if I just ran a truck through the kid's house (got a letter the next day on that one)
-Wife reminds me that she was on work duty when she was struck, thankfully was able to get WC to handle the medical bills (broke completely even there)
-Go to pay off Jeep, find out the dealership we bought it from put a 2nd lien on it. Dig into that, find out they goofed up on the paperwork when we bought it, tried to get me to pay the difference, I said "screw that, I'm bringing the Jeep back" and was told "we don't want that, don't worry about it." Those dishonest dickheads put a 2nd lien on without telling us. More **** to deal with
-Remember work? Yeah, still dealing with that whole mess. Had to go in since we were moving offices to a bigger building. Run into the POS manager, he laughs about my wife's situation and then gives me shit about the project I'm working on. I tell him off in front of everyone and continue about my business. We run into each other again later that day, same thing happens.
-[Incident occurs two days later, can't get into it for legal reasons, but I can say it was the most heated incident in my life]
-Asshole manager gets fired (and he can rot in hell, wish I could drag him there myself)
-Now we're stuck with all of his f-ups that I warned upper mgmt about and nobody listened (6 months later I'm getting a lot of vindication)
-House got struck by lightning, fried the AC system, my insurance wont pay out for that either (why do I pay those assholes again??)
-Wound up finding that some shithead got ahold of my wife's bank account info and was draining that account- didn't flag any fraud prevention
-My motorcycle blew a wheel bearing while I was going down the highway at 70mph (no idea how it happened, but it was like riding on a square wheel)
-Tried paying off loan on motorcycle, find out that bank had put a $1200 charge for lienholder insurance despite me providing them with the insurance information 6 days prior to signing for the motorcycle- this didn't get resolved until two months ago
-Got instructed by HR not to make certain dark-humor jokes anymore to which I said "what jokes?"
-Wound up at the dr's office 6 more times throughout the year, was surprised they didn't institutionalize me - got prescriptions that made the insomnia worse and acid reflux from hell.
-Just when things start feeling like they're calming down, I get a call from my wife- she got into another car accident (not her fault this time either) in her brand new F150. No major injuries this time, but we're STILL dealing with that one.

Few people understand why I did what I did at the beginning of the year- the asshole manager signed a penalty clause on a project we weren't ready for. It could have sank everyone out of a job. The rest of the team was fatigued from the previous year, and I felt like my only superpower was the ability to waste my life as a workaholic, so that's what I did. I felt like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, except not cool, no sword, no facepaint, and well, yeah figured the ending would be similar.

Screw 2017. All it taught me is that the world will pound you into the ground if you try to do the right thing, which is why so many people shove their heads in the sand and ignore problems. That's probably why Hillary isn't behind bars. So, I voluntarily stepped out of my position at work for a less stressful position at the same company (career suicide I guess?), I'm laying low, still working hard, but I only work 45-50hrs a week now.

Really sucks. Faith got me through much of it, but I'm really sad to say that it faded a lot throughout the whole process. I'm still hanging on by a weak thread.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Premium Member
Nov 19, 2001
San Antonio, TX
*deep inhale*

-Continuation of 2-year workathon, 3000+ hr years, not a single day off since mid 2015- mind you, the previous 10 years weren't a walk in the park either as I've been a workaholic for a long time
-Work was a mess, bad GM making piss-poor decisions to line his own pockets
-Did everything I possibly could to get upper management to see this short of using a megaphone
-Constantly getting in near-violent yelling matches with him, nobody ever had my back but would always come over later and claim they did
-Get stuck working on a $6M project, alone, while still managing the entire ME department as best I can
-Work the next 6 months straight without a single day off, 14-16hr days
-Wound up in the ER twice due to unbearable chest pains, EKG showed nothing, was told it was a bad panic attack each time (and I refuse to take benzos)
-Develop insomnia, routinely went 5-6 days at a time with virtually no sleep
-In April, coming back from lunch I roll up on the scene of an accident- turns out it was my wife who got struck by some idiot 17 year old kid who was going 100+mph on a rural road
-Kid had state minimum for insurance, wife's Jeep alone was $39k, and it was a 4-car accident
-Wife was out of work for a while, couldn't walk for two weeks, bruised head to toe
-Other manager at work (the one I liked and got along with) allowed me to work from home to take care of my wife and avoid the asshole manager from hell
-Battled two insurance companies, two law firms, and eventually broke even several months later, all while still working 16 hour days - absolute madness
-Not enough insurance to cover my wife's medical bills, uh oh, looks like we're losing $24k there too!
-Had to put our Jeep through on our own insurance, and they played games for two months, claiming they could get it fixed (head on collision, rolled 4 times, struck a pole). Won that battle when we put the Jeep on a lift and found that the engine was literally cracked open. By won, I mean we got a payout $12,000 less than what we owed on the Jeep.
-Two law firms dropped us, one because there was no profit to be had, the other because I lost my temper, became unhinged, and said that it would be a better outcome for everyone if I just ran a truck through the kid's house (got a letter the next day on that one)
-Wife reminds me that she was on work duty when she was struck, thankfully was able to get WC to handle the medical bills (broke completely even there)
-Go to pay off Jeep, find out the dealership we bought it from put a 2nd lien on it. Dig into that, find out they goofed up on the paperwork when we bought it, tried to get me to pay the difference, I said "screw that, I'm bringing the Jeep back" and was told "we don't want that, don't worry about it." Those dishonest dickheads put a 2nd lien on without telling us. More **** to deal with
-Remember work? Yeah, still dealing with that whole mess. Had to go in since we were moving offices to a bigger building. Run into the POS manager, he laughs about my wife's situation and then gives me shit about the project I'm working on. I tell him off in front of everyone and continue about my business. We run into each other again later that day, same thing happens.
-[Incident occurs two days later, can't get into it for legal reasons, but I can say it was the most heated incident in my life]
-Asshole manager gets fired (and he can rot in hell, wish I could drag him there myself)
-Now we're stuck with all of his f-ups that I warned upper mgmt about and nobody listened (6 months later I'm getting a lot of vindication)
-House got struck by lightning, fried the AC system, my insurance wont pay out for that either (why do I pay those assholes again??)
-Big storm tore through, ripped gutters off our house and rain ruined a wall in our bedroom (same thing)
-Wound up finding that some shithead got ahold of my wife's bank account info and was draining that account- didn't flag any fraud prevention
-My motorcycle blew a wheel bearing while I was going down the highway at 70mph (no idea how it happened, but it was like riding on a square wheel)
-Tried paying off loan on motorcycle, find out that bank had put a $1200 charge for lienholder insurance despite me providing them with the insurance information 6 days prior to signing for the motorcycle- this didn't get resolved until two months ago
-Wound up at the dr's office 6 more times throughout the year, was surprised they didn't institutionalize me - got prescriptions that made the insomnia worse and acid reflux from hell.
-Got instructed by HR not to make certain dark-humor jokes anymore to which I said "what jokes?"

Screw 2017. All it taught me is that the world will pound you into the ground if you try to do the right thing, which is why so many people shove their heads in the sand and ignore problems. That's probably why Hillary isn't behind bars. So, I voluntarily stepped out of my position at work for a less stressful position, I'm laying low, still working hard, but I leave right at 8 hours.

Really sucks. Faith got me through much of it, but I'm really sad to say that it faded a lot throughout the whole process. I'm still hanging on by a weak thread.

A lot of people assume that
And Pandora’s Box has been officially renamed CV355’s Box.


Established Member
Aug 24, 2016
And Pandora’s Box has been officially renamed CV355’s Box.

No kidding, right? The past few years haven't been easy either. We're talking bizarre things. Co-workers tell me I need to find Madam Zirone and carry her up a mountain or reconcile with the kin of some gypsy an ancestor pissed off... The curse is hereditary and contagious too.

Anyone that moves near my cubicle at work instantly gets bad luck. Confirmation bias need not apply here.

My wife even looked at me earlier this year and said "you know, I always had amazing luck until you came along." Wasn't sure how to take that, so I just laughed and said "yeah..." :(


Hey, you're a funny guy.
Established Member
Nov 20, 2009
2017, what a year.

January - Doc says I need Lipitor due to a 15% blockage in left ventricular artery. I used to eat a YUUGE ribeye at least once a week. I don't (can't) eat red meat anymore, if I want to live. Only 54, btw.

February - Knee pain (torn meniscus over 10 years ago but manageable up to now) is so intense that I fail to notice other major issues until they bite me in the ass. I don't take pain meds. Right foot (and left not far behind) has major issue with arthritis. Hallux rigidus is an affliction of the ball joint of the big toe. I am told that the only remedy is to fuse the joint. FML.

Also February - The reason I visited the doctor for my foot is that I also have had issues with numbness and tingling in my other extremities. The neuro guys suggested I look into the foot more extensively, but I've now had 4 consults with surgeons who want to fuse my cervical spine from C2 through T1. That's a 7 level fusion, which will take around 8 months to recover, has an 80% effective success rate, and will leave me like a limited function bobble-head. I've already had experience with this sort of procedure, as I had a single level C4-C5 fusion performed in 1989. I will put this off as long as I can. I already can't do many of the things I used to though, so I guess I just need to prepare. Not terribly optimistic.

Also February - As a side note, the docs advised me that my left mastoid bone (part of the skull) is filled with fluid. It's ordinarily air pockets. Haven't even followed this further and am not planning to.

All year - Because I now have limited range of motion and ability, my business has suffered, so I'm not exactly making big coin like I once did. House may be in jeopardy. Yay. Thank God for my wife's insurance. I would not be insurable, individually.

Also all year - We live near my parents, which makes us the local kids. Therefore responsible for checking up on Mom & Dad. The change in cognitive and memory function over the last 12 months is alarming. I majored in psych, so I guess this shouldn't be a big surprise. It's still different when it happens so close to you.

Lastly, and perhaps, the absolute worst - The garbage fellows broke a bag whilst carrying it up my snow covered driveway. They cleaned up, but left a piece of cellophane from a lettuce wrapper in their wake. I had to clean that up all by myself. That is all.

Goodbye 2017. You really won't be missed that much.


Well-Known Member
Established Member
Jan 7, 2013
Atlanta, GA
*deep inhale*

-Continuation of 2-year workathon, 3000+ hr years, not a single day off since mid 2015- mind you, the previous 10 years weren't a walk in the park either as I've been a workaholic for a long time
-Work was a mess, bad GM making piss-poor decisions to line his own pockets
-Did everything I possibly could to get upper management to see this short of using a megaphone
-Constantly getting in near-violent yelling matches with him, nobody ever had my back but would always come over later and claim they did
-Get stuck working on a $6M project, alone, while still managing the entire ME department as best I can
-Work the next 6 months straight without a single day off, 14-16hr days
-Wound up in the ER twice due to unbearable chest pains, EKG showed nothing, was told it was a bad panic attack each time (and I refuse to take benzos)
-Develop insomnia, routinely went 5-6 days at a time with virtually no sleep
-In April, coming back from lunch I roll up on the scene of an accident- turns out it was my wife who got struck by some idiot 17 year old kid who was going 100+mph on a rural road
-Kid had state minimum for insurance, wife's Jeep alone was $39k, and it was a 4-car accident
-Wife was out of work for a while, couldn't walk for two weeks, bruised head to toe
-Other manager at work (the one I liked and got along with) allowed me to work from home to take care of my wife and avoid the asshole manager from hell
-Battled two insurance companies, two law firms, and eventually broke even several months later, all while still working 16 hour days - absolute madness
-Not enough insurance to cover my wife's medical bills, uh oh, looks like we're losing $24k there too!
-Had to put our Jeep through on our own insurance, and they played games for two months, claiming they could get it fixed (head on collision, rolled 4 times, struck a pole). Won that battle when we put the Jeep on a lift and found that the engine was literally cracked open. By won, I mean we got a payout $12,000 less than what we owed on the Jeep.
-Two law firms dropped us, one because there was no profit to be had, the other because I lost my temper, became unhinged, and said that it would be a better outcome for everyone if I just ran a truck through the kid's house (got a letter the next day on that one)
-Wife reminds me that she was on work duty when she was struck, thankfully was able to get WC to handle the medical bills (broke completely even there)
-Go to pay off Jeep, find out the dealership we bought it from put a 2nd lien on it. Dig into that, find out they goofed up on the paperwork when we bought it, tried to get me to pay the difference, I said "screw that, I'm bringing the Jeep back" and was told "we don't want that, don't worry about it." Those dishonest dickheads put a 2nd lien on without telling us. More **** to deal with
-Remember work? Yeah, still dealing with that whole mess. Had to go in since we were moving offices to a bigger building. Run into the POS manager, he laughs about my wife's situation and then gives me shit about the project I'm working on. I tell him off in front of everyone and continue about my business. We run into each other again later that day, same thing happens.
-[Incident occurs two days later, can't get into it for legal reasons, but I can say it was the most heated incident in my life]
-Asshole manager gets fired (and he can rot in hell, wish I could drag him there myself)
-Now we're stuck with all of his f-ups that I warned upper mgmt about and nobody listened (6 months later I'm getting a lot of vindication)
-House got struck by lightning, fried the AC system, my insurance wont pay out for that either (why do I pay those assholes again??)
-Big storm tore through, ripped gutters off our house and rain ruined a wall in our bedroom (same thing)
-Wound up finding that some shithead got ahold of my wife's bank account info and was draining that account- didn't flag any fraud prevention
-My motorcycle blew a wheel bearing while I was going down the highway at 70mph (no idea how it happened, but it was like riding on a square wheel)
-Tried paying off loan on motorcycle, find out that bank had put a $1200 charge for lienholder insurance despite me providing them with the insurance information 6 days prior to signing for the motorcycle- this didn't get resolved until two months ago
-Got instructed by HR not to make certain dark-humor jokes anymore to which I said "what jokes?"
-Wound up at the dr's office 6 more times throughout the year, was surprised they didn't institutionalize me - got prescriptions that made the insomnia worse and acid reflux from hell.
-Just when things start feeling like they're calming down, I get a call from my wife- she got into another car accident (not her fault this time either) in her brand new F150. No major injuries this time, but we're STILL dealing with that one.

Few people understand why I did what I did at the beginning of the year- the asshole manager signed a penalty clause on a project we weren't ready for. It could have sank everyone out of a job. The rest of the team was fatigued from the previous year, and I felt like my only superpower was the ability to waste my life as a workaholic, so that's what I did. I felt like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, except not cool, no sword, no facepaint, and well, yeah figured the ending would be similar.

Screw 2017. All it taught me is that the world will pound you into the ground if you try to do the right thing, which is why so many people shove their heads in the sand and ignore problems. That's probably why Hillary isn't behind bars. So, I voluntarily stepped out of my position at work for a less stressful position at the same company (career suicide I guess?), I'm laying low, still working hard, but I only work 45-50hrs a week now.

Really sucks. Faith got me through much of it, but I'm really sad to say that it faded a lot throughout the whole process. I'm still hanging on by a weak thread.

A lot of people assume that

Wow you are a true testament to perseverance sir. I commend you. That was no easy year.


Join us.
Premium Member
Oct 10, 2002
North Carolina
Lets see.

My dad had cardiac arrest. My sister stole his wallet, emptied his bank of 350k savings. Opened 30 credit accounts. Dad passes away, she forges a power of atty and makes and forges back dated deed to his home and car trying to put things in her name.

Thats the extreme short version.

Sent from my schlong dong using the svtperformance.com mobile app


Established Member
Premium Member
Aug 31, 2005
Lets see.

My dad had cardiac arrest. My sister stole his wallet, emptied his bank of 350k savings. Opened 30 credit accounts. Dad passes away, she forges a power of atty and makes and forges back dated deed to his home and car trying to put things in her name.

Thats the extreme short version.

Sent from my schlong dong using the svtperformance.com mobile app

Wow. I have shady ****s on both side of my family who tired/pulled off stuff sorta like that on my grandparents when they have either passed or one step from 6 feet under but that story takes the cake man.

I don’t know if I could handle your situation though.

Sent from my iPhone using the svtperformance.com mobile app


Well-Known Member
Established Member
May 31, 2010
Empire State
-Budget shortfalls resulted in my getting a pay freeze.
-Got sexually assaulted and groped by TSA in NY--forcing me to cancel all airline travel for the foreseeable future. F that crap.
-Arguments with my parents over their will and power of attorney documents(and no, it has nothing to do with greed).

All in all it wasn't a bad year, though.

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