Unmarked car instigating race?

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Just a GT with stickers..
Established Member
Nov 19, 2003
I understand what all of teh LEOs are saying. Its still a little hard to swallow that the people we entrust to uphold our laws are allow to goad us into breaking them..


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Wow at what cops are pulling these days.

Cops are not "pulling" anything. If you have a problem with the situation, you need to address your legislators and the U.S. Supreme Court.

I understand what all of teh LEOs are saying. Its still a little hard to swallow that the people we entrust to uphold our laws are allow to goad us into breaking them..

See above. Additionally, if you are not so inclined to race, you wont. If you are so inclined, you just picked the wrong person to run. There is no goading.

Droptop Snake

Resident Fuel Slut
Established Member
Jun 11, 2002
Orlando, Fl.
The only time you can't fight the law is when you have actually broken it.

The only thing that I don't get is why when it's your word against an officer with no evidence or witnesses that the officer's word is assumed to be fact when the system is presumed to assume innocent until proven guilty. Word of mouth from a human being, uniformed or not, is not sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Innocent until proven guilty implies that your word is fact, unless there is tangible proof to back up the accuser's word.

To the first line, I used to believe that until this month. EDIT: Still working on this, so better to keep quiet.
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Active Member
Established Member
Sep 17, 2005
So, no prostitution stings? No participation in a drug buy/sell? No using decoys on the internet to catch pedophiles? No posing as a hitman to catch someone who wants to hire another to kill someone? Etc.?

weak arguement IMO.

first off dont you think prositution/drugs/kiddie rape/murder is a little more severe then street racing?

on the prostituion stings, yes, undercover officers technically solicite prostitution, but they dont actually do anything. and stopping prostitution cuts down on STD's being spread, and drug usage... if crack whores cant fund their habit, they wont be able to do it.

on the drug busts. most of the time your taking armed criminals off the street that would kill somebody if they wanted to, and not think twice about it. not to mention that those drugs lead to other crimes aswell, whether its crimes people commit while high, alot of times gangs are involved, other serious crimes happen during the distribution of it, then crimes happen while trying to launder the money from it. a little more severe that street racing, right?

stings to catch sexual predators. once agian 100% justified, once again, yes the undercover "decoys" are solicities sex with a minor technically, but nothing is actually happening, and it takes dangerous child molesters off the street.

posing as hitman, well thats murder, i think no explanation is needed for this one.

but comparing these "stings" to street racing, just retarded. if police actually caught them in the act, its one thing. but for an officer to pull up next to a car and take off. which could EASILY be considered reckless driving, which im not sure about indiana, but in my state its a misdemeanor. that is just assanine.

i would be willing to bet that you put just about ANYBODY behind the wheel of the car the officer is trying to get to race, i bet theres a good chance the officer himself would even run.

it may not be intrapment, but it should be. lame excuse for a "sting". you want to catch the REAL street racers, get some helo's in the air, and setup roadblocks in the direction there headed. if its really that big of a problem then it would be well worth the effort put forth for the 2 nights out of the week street racing is the hottest (fri/sat).


Established Member
Oct 21, 2005
so now Law enforcement is supposed to pick and choose which laws are enforced? or are enforced with more emphasis than others? sounds like cherry picking to me.

do you honestly beleive that street racing is the only crime being commited in these infractions? I bet a month's salary, there's a myriad of other infractions that come up from a simple street racing citation. Weapons possesion, narcotics, PI, prior warrants..not to mention the fact that any possible misdemeanor or felony could be uncovered by license check being run through NCIC.

organized street racing is an even more defined example. It's a hot bed of underage drinking, gambling, weapons possession,...you can't control an environment like that.. so there's really an infinte number of possibilities that could occur.

our local streetraces, turned to spit. Nothing but gangbangers, ricers, and highschool kiddies getting loaded and taking moms cherokee to run against a Honda accord..
We had a double homicide happen at a Street Race in Birmingham, car lost it, ate a lightpole, driver was injured. highstakes race, players didn't wanna play after the fact, driver got shot. Suspect is still out there.

If you don't like the possible penalties, don't play the game. But don't bitch about LEO's doing there sworn duties to preserve life, and protect property.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
weak arguement IMO.

It is a good thing the Legislature and the U.S. Supreme Court dont share your opinion.

KingChronic said:
first off dont you think prositution/drugs/kiddie rape/murder is a little more severe then street racing?

And the prostitutes say the same thing when compared to drugs, kiddie rape and murder. The drug dealers say they arent murderers or kiddie rapists. BTW, street racing kills more people than prostitution. But that isnt the point. Since you didnt follow along, I was replying to his statement that police should never use a sting type operation, no matter the context.

KingChronic said:
on the prostituion stings, yes, undercover officers technically solicite prostitution, but they dont actually do anything. and stopping prostitution cuts down on STD's being spread, and drug usage... if crack whores cant fund their habit, they wont be able to do it.

Technically = actual.

KingChronic said:
on the drug busts. most of the time your taking armed criminals off the street that would kill somebody if they wanted to, and not think twice about it. not to mention that those drugs lead to other crimes aswell, whether its crimes people commit while high, alot of times gangs are involved, other serious crimes happen during the distribution of it, then crimes happen while trying to launder the money from it. a little more severe that street racing, right?

Actually on buy/busts you are not taking armed dealers off the street. Rarely do street level dealers have firearms. No doubt it is more severe than street racing. But the legislature didnt give it an exception or exemption. In fact they specifically rewrote the law in Florida and other jurisdictions.

KingChronic said:
stings to catch sexual predators. once agian 100% justified, once again, yes the undercover "decoys" are solicities sex with a minor technically, but nothing is actually happening, and it takes dangerous child molesters off the street.

Again technically = actual.

KingChronic said:
posing as hitman, well thats murder, i think no explanation is needed for this one.

None needed. Talk to your legislators.

KingChronic said:
but comparing these "stings" to street racing, just retarded.

Sorry, I dont live up to your high standards. But, the analogy holds.

KingChronic said:
if police actually caught them in the act, its one thing. but for an officer to pull up next to a car and take off. which could EASILY be considered reckless driving, which im not sure about indiana, but in my state its a misdemeanor. that is just assanine.

Again, your elected officials put these laws in place.

KingChronic said:
i would be willing to bet that you put just about ANYBODY behind the wheel of the car the officer is trying to get to race, i bet theres a good chance the officer himself would even run.

Are you kidding me? Using your term, that is a "retarded" statement. The vast majority of people DONT street race.

KingChronic said:
it may not be intrapment, but it should be. lame excuse for a "sting". you want to catch the REAL street racers, get some helo's in the air, and setup roadblocks in the direction there headed. if its really that big of a problem then it would be well worth the effort put forth for the 2 nights out of the week street racing is the hottest (fri/sat).

So instead of using low level inexpensive assets, L.E. should spend huge amounts of money to make you feel better? You are simply trying to justify your own illegal activity and support your hobby.


Established Member
Oct 1, 2002
Chattanooga, Tennessee
*removed by the "Hulk avatar" moderator* If you cant post constructively then dont. This isnt the forum for you to bitch about police in a passive aggressive manner.


Established Member
Aug 5, 2007
Lake City TN, 37769

this is the car that hit me and my wife while I was off duty........ the girl that was in the passenger seat didn't make it, yeah he was 19 and drunk but a known street racer too. He wasn't racing anyone when he hit us. Just out being stupid. flame me defend him if you want. He killed his passenger..... damn near got us too. almost took the most important thing I have......... my wife............. see it for what you want
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New Member
Established Member
Dec 8, 2007
Memphis, TN
its called entrapment and it is unlawful.
if proven it will not stand up in court, the hard part is to prove it. if its your word against the officer's there is no question who they will believe. but if proven, then no ticket for you!

Hell yes it will stand up in court. My dad & I are deer hunters. We had just left the woods one morning only cause the wind was blowing so hard. Deer will bed down when it blows to hard.

So we decide to go into town & get something to eat. Well, on our way i noticed what looked like a full size buck. Looked to be a 10 point. Looked VERY good. SO i decide to pull out my rifle & just use my scope to zero in & see what it looked like. Now mind you it's very illegal to shoot a deer off the side of the road.

Well the more i looked at it i noticed it was fake. It looked absolutly real from that distance only thing is it stood absolutely still & just moved his head from side to side. I said that to my dad & he said pull your gun in we are out of here. There is a Game Warden around watching somewhere.

Well sure enough when we were on our way back to the woods a Game Warden had this guy in cuffs with his rifle on the hood. Being that it's illegal he sat in jail for a while.

Yes it's called entrapment but they can get away with it. Hell there superiors tell them to do it. They see it as it's your own judgement on not to shoot at the deer even though you know it's illegal. Same goes for that guy that got busted for racing
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New Member
Established Member
Feb 4, 2008
You can't even begin to compare the "harm" caused by prostitution and drugs to street racing.

If anything drunk driving is the real driving "harm" in this country. It outnumbers fatal accidents 105 to 1 compared to street racing.

You misinterpreted what I said. I was implicating that the process of this street racing sting operation has the potential to put innocent civilians in harm's way, while other sting operations do not so much in comparison.


Aug 12, 2007
Cody, Wyoming
Setting legalities aside for the moment, how dumb do you have to be to "engage" an undercover cop?

If you guys spent a few minutes thinking about where you are racing and who you choose to race with, you wouldn't have to worry about the police.

Cody, Wyoming is a perfect example. High school kids cruise up and down main street occasionally blipping throttles and rarely racing. These idiots know full well that the entire police force can be found within two blocks of where they choose to do this foolishness, yet they keep doing it. This in a town of 9,000 where everybody recognizes everybody else. The police know virtually every kid's car by sight.

They don't have the brains to drive a few miles out of town into the county and pick a road with no intersections or homes for miles. If they Googled the FFC license database, they could find the Sheriff's and Highway Patrol radio frequencies. If they bought a $50 scanner on E-bay, they could listen for a few evenings and learn to follow the radio calls. They would know where the handful of deputies and troopers (fewer than you could imagine) are within a 7,000 square mile county and race to their hearts content.

Instead, the roll around in packs down the main street in town (all 9 blocks of it), within earshot and eyesight of the entire police shift. And they get busted. Every time.

Does any of this stupidity sound familiar?. Smart enough to create websites and program all manner of electronic devices, yet incapable of figuring out where and when to speed without going to jail. They deserve to get busted for just for lack of planning. :dancenana:
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New Member
Established Member
May 21, 2006
Wow, lots of whining going on in here.

Without getting into weather or not they SHOULD instigate a race, LEO's work for us. They will do what we (the community) tell them to. So rather then cry that we don't like what they're doing, change it. This is a local gov too, so it's easier.

Usefull things you could do include:

Go to city council meeting, inform the council that instigating race's on the street is dangerous to the other civilians. Video's of LEO Mustangs speeding will help. Repeat.

Call Local Police, Get written policy on instigating street races vs. pursuing speeders. Point out discrepincies if any. Take to next council meeting. Repeat. (Most large jursdiction have pretty strict pursuit rules)

Get with your local car clubs, and contact local LEO's as a groupl with your concern that this is unsafe. Ask what you as a community can do to help LEO's curtail street racing.

As a community, police yourselves regarding street racing. :idea:

When cars rev at you on the street, call LEO on cellphone and report them. Every time. If an officer in an unmarked Mustang has 5 911 cals reporting him for every 1 ticket he gives out, maybe they'll switch tactics.

This is just of the top of my head.

Of course you could also just whine on the 'net that the police are being mean and tricking you. :whine: That's probably easier, hmmm, what's on TV?


Sebring SVTOA
Established Member
SVTP OG 4 Life
Dec 27, 2002
FlahDah man.
SCCA and your local tracks or something near should be suffice. But if you play, get a lawyer and expect to pay.

05 Roush

Established Member
Aug 7, 2003
Front Range
You misinterpreted what I said. I was implicating that the process of this street racing sting operation has the potential to put innocent civilians in harm's way, while other sting operations do not so much in comparison.

I guess I did. :beer:


Rx7 Soul Destructor
Established Member
Aug 31, 2004
Not that it will ever happen but the street racing statute should be split into two if not multiple different fines.

Get caught at a huge race where they shut down the street; license gone no questions asked. A highway pull, while obviously illegal is almost like reckless driving. It shouldnt be treated like a DUI in my opinion.


Oh, the humanity of it all.
Established Member
Sep 25, 2001
West Florida
Yes it's called entrapment but they can get away with it. Hell there superiors tell them to do it. They see it as it's your own judgement on not to shoot at the deer even though you know it's illegal. Same goes for that guy that got busted for racing

Once again it isnt Entrapment. So, if it were a real deer and the game warden witnessed it, that would be okay. Your intent was still the same, except a real dear is still alive.


New Member
Established Member
Apr 11, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I'm disappointed that a lot of you think the police are "getting away" with something when they "entrap" you into doing something you would have done anyway. I use entrap in quotes loosely because this is not entrapment. While I feel they could be doing other things with their time, I do not fault them for doing their job.
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